As morning obtained,
The night flickers strained,
With their ineffective light,
To breach the sun’s arrival flight.
Nonetheless, we must change,
What tomorrow preordained.
So that what-will-be is unconstrained.
In their grim control of my subconscious, my dreams turned dreadful. Vague phantoms of treachery spirited in and out of my foggy mind. Stalked, trapped, and tortured, I snarled.
To my delight, the haunting vanished without a trace when Pushiri licked me behind my right ear lobe like a child salvaging melting ice cream. “If your unconsciousness bears the Grim, you will relive the torment to the end of your nauseated days. Her foulness spawns itself in the absence of the convergence of the heart, mind, and soul.”
“The strength of your awareness at any given moment molds all your tomorrows. Which shapes, which patterns will you chose? Tap into the energy of your potential. Tear down the barriers that isolate you. Tread with care along the divine imprints etched in the recesses of your mind. Carry out your eternal imperative, though born in a mortal frame.”
Outside, I paused on the gallery to clear my head. In the heavens, the awakening stars dwindled into insignificance before the twin crescent moons. Below, Sinnawar, Kattur, Khatool, Gatta and Bob stared at the roasting goredor like starving scavengers. The gathering of such a motley crew only meant one thing, and I savored the thought.
In a dark corner, a drug deal went down. Shuranu slipped Sinnawar’s sister a purple beaker with dense fog drifting down the sides.
“Please deliver this container of convergence essence to Shawmow of Teermura. To produce the remedy, I gathered the five rare blooms from the pond by the Obelisk: cyandileryum, feusha bloom stems, lavender lily, azul water blossom, and fanning artichoke gill petals. For three nights I wiped away my bloody sweat in the heat of their distillation. One drip in each eye can remove the most horrifying specters from the victim’s mind.”
“I’ll safeguard the curation with my life.”
Moments before Pushiri and I joined them at the cooking fire, the village’s explorer inhaled. “Bekku and Kusing approach from upwind.”
The town’s chieftain addresses the escort meeting.
“Because alien events never happened before, does not mean they will never happen. A new settlement in the wildest part of the jungle demands ingenuity. The newneyows’ ability to safari straight to their villages is obvious. Nevertheless, I arranged this expedition, so they will bond as they overcome life-changing obstacles. Their chief will ascend.”
Maow rushed forward.
“Take this copy of the map for the new village, Sinnawar.”
The dutiful teen rolled parchment up with a sturdy leave in her bag.
“Magnificent, I will entrust your renderings to our new archivist.” Kattur tapped her claws on a rock.
“Please don’t torture me with send offs. Let’s bolt. I got this.”
Without hesitation, her wise sibling leapt in front of her. “Hunt beside me. Together we will overcome the unknown.” Kiisu pulled Shunra to the side.
“Like a snake hiding beneath my pillow, nightmares prepared to strike me. My trips to Agua Verde and communion with my deity help me less and less. Please, I need the cure.”
“Come to peace with the risks. Meditate at the shrine, then find me.”
“Let all creation do you will.”
Moments before reaching the lake, Khatool fell behind, hiding behind Bob.
Like a cub discovering the joy of bubbles for the first time, Sinnawar grinned.
“Behold, Effervescha arises.”
While the surge drained off the benevolent titan, contentment settled on Kattur’s face.
“Wow, Bob is so happy in his full-on cuddle with you, my sister.” Enchanted, my companion hugged me.
“Under any other circumstances, I would spend the rest of my life with her.”
Down the shore, the Khatool tiptoed closer to the cloud of water surrounding the graceful seahorse. The mare’s persona flared as she ascended into a cloudy vortex.
A small hexagon-shaped bottle, sealed by a faceless demon worm with clawed hands at each end of its body, occupied Khatool’s attention. With bony, clawed hands the creature grasped a skull cap. Inside, the turquoise liquid bubbled. Deep in her pouch, she buried the vile and spoke to herself.
“This extraction turned Effervescha’s back to me.”
In mākutu mode, Khatool caught up and took a lungful of breath before Kusing stepped out from the temple to greeted us.
“Take these.”
The Innocent One handed Kattur two Persian-colored bottles with cork seals.
“Guard these koisan eggs for Shawmow. The sacred fish only produce three or four charmed ones each week. The other flask contains Hydrating Bloom Essence, formulated to restore bodily fluids and regenerate burned skin.”
Humorless, Sinnawar sighed.
“On such a risky journey, its best to prepare in advance. Pray Bob does not sting anyone by accident. Chimeragor neurotoxin inflicts an excruciating death, without immediate intercession. The influence of a Fire Priest with Conflagration would brighten our outlook in this matter.
Eager to move on, Gatta bounced around like a cub at play. “Join me due north of the Golden Willows.”
An hour later, galloping striders drew our attention. My mind broadcasted the memory of my thrilling ride with Minoos.
The felines giggled, taking turns mocking our unbridled style of breeding.
Across the vast plain, a thirty-ton bachra thundering in our direction brought the escapade to a halt.
To relieve me, Gatta interrupted their humiliating laughter.
“Check out Rackterhorn. With twelve-inch-thick leathery skin, he defies the sharpest teeth, claws, and quills this planet conceived. Those three-ton horns plowed through a granite cliff to arrive here on time. More amiable creatures do not exist on this world. All his penetrating eyes take cover under nine-hundred-pound ramming plates as he senses your emotions. Beware of his bone crushing jaws when you climb on board. Molars like those pulverize his favorite food, the massive roconuts.”
“What’s that fur ball trailing in his shadow, Gatta?”
Kattur sneered.
“Damned, a dogral with a name. Thank the Creator Poonai isn’t here.”
“Nevertheless, the pups are so cute, sister.”
“Until they grow up, Sinnawar.”
Our daring naturalist burst into the conversation.
“Removing the black from charcoal would be easier than separating them. Male bachra keep a lifelong pet dogral. Regardless, we must jump on the Rachterhorn’s back from a high location if we’re going to reach Jungmura without risking a pterosaur attack.” With all my might, I stroked the bachra’s scaled leg so he would sense the pressure. “Kneel!”
The bull bowed low for me to mount him but did not wait for the others.
The unmistakable sign confirmed Pushiri’s suspicion. In a soft voice, she struggled not to blurt out the entire prophecy.
“And a bachra shall bow before him...”
“What did you say?”
“Allow me to shorten a Chap of prophetic wordiness into practical terms. The rest of us must perform a feat of acrobatics. Bachras do not stoop for Mandragora.”
The troop scampered up a nearby sequoia and pounced on the behemoth, clinging like un-scratchable burs. Grabbing Burt, Gatta mounted last and whispering to Rackterhorn.
“For real, we’re riding with a dogral, Ms. Tourism!”
“Quiet, Kattur. Don’t upset our passport to safety.”
The rhino-like bull of the herd reared and thundered northbound, quaking the ground for a quarter mile. Behind us, in mass, the Bachras formed a stampede the likes of which Terradon Prime never witnessed. Before us, every animal on the Savannah cleared a path.
Rejuvenated, Gatta roared in the thrill of the moment. “I’m invincible.”
“Deep meditation supports my theory, Shuranu. Treat me with the convergence essence please?”
“Yes, Kusing. After you awake, stay in my cottage for observation. The worst case, I may need to protect you from inflicting bodily harm if you forget who or where you are.”
“Whatever you decide! Bind me if necessary. Please return this chain and locket to me, a gift from my watery lady, when I awaken. A drop of her life lives within. The talisman restores clarity.”
Placing the jewelry in her pocket, the healer tilted Kusing’s head back and held her eyelids open.
“You may begin, healer. Not a single blink will shield my eyes.” The Innocent One’s eyes seared at the splash of each droplet. “Oh, memories which burn, oh visions which choke.
Drift away, sail away, like fumes and smoke. Time, erase your troubles, Justice, free your heart. Float away, flit away, your healing will start.
Compassion, ease your spirit, trust, comfort your soul. Wash away, glide away, may your life become whole.” Unconscious, something unknown, something unrecognizable wrestled with her life-long pain. In the struggle, Kusing summoned unfathomable defenses against the alien antidote. Like a teasing partner, her agony forewarned her. The startling realization calmed the Innocent One. From this point, she would call her noisy revelation, girlfriend, and thank her for her care.
“Shh. Your efforts earned my gratitude.” Nearby, Shuranu called for Shimii.
“Young one, I need your assistance at Kusing’s convergence. Your gift, to step in and out of your familiar world like traversing a swinging door will guide her when she awakes. Terradon Prime will appear new to her. Remain your talkative, witty self. Your enchantment will help her to experience her makeover. Let her emerge at her own pace in her whole new world. Take this talisman she entrusted me with and adorn her neck when she awakes.”
“Why did you tie her to the corner post?”
“Our patient may try to run if anything unfamiliar disorients her. I will return in a few days after I check on my other patients.”
“A healthy dose of entertainment brightens anyone’s day.” An hour later, Kusing’s eyes opened to Shimii’s smile.
“What do you remember?”
Dazed and confused, Kusing bolted toward the exit. Like a giant rubber band, the bungy vine slowed her to a stop and jerked her back.
“Why am I tied up? Who are you? Let me go!”
“Stay calm, you’re safe. Per your request, we helped you.”
“Do you recall the convergence essence?”
Giving her the sterling choker, the young Doctor’s Aide stepped back.
“Remember this?”
Gentle rays of peacefulness from the patient’s face broke through the darkness as the dutiful helper placed Kusing’s pendant around her neck.
“My necklace! Thank the Goddess.”
“I will accompany you throughout your recovery. Remain cautious. The risk of side effects stalks you.”
Three days later, the Priestess’ mind cleared. “Thank you, Shimii.”
“How fantastic!”
The young entertainer reached out to Kiisu’s doctor, who arrived moments later.
“How’s my patient today?”
“My condition mystified me, but I’m content now. Something inside of me wanted to run into the night. Please tell me I did not evoke chaos. After you tied me to the post, I blanked out.”
“Nothing Shimii could not manage.”
Outside, the morning Sun did not unveil her daily coronation. All creation stood aghast as the ghostly dim shadows of Waphoon and Sephoon usurped her throne.
138Please respect copyright.PENANAkdwQiYuNxH
This trial does reeks of treachery.
Good intentions turned out wrong.
Behind, there lies a travesty.
Ahead the judgment of the throng.
The parched herd rambled up to the spring-fed reservoir southeast of Jungmura. From Rachterhorn’s back, the Mandragora leaped into the trees. Only then did the Rackterhorn lower his head for me to dismount.
“Pushiri, are you going to skin this prophecy’s proverbial carcass or keep us guessing?”
“Well, Sinnawar, the Mandagral already suspects he is different. Do not act all disappointed, however, if you do not understand: ‘When the moons shall eclipse the morning sun and a bachra shall bow before him, journey in the light of Truth to broke the curse’.”
Sinnawar posed like an expressionless chicken sitting on her eggs. “Ok, this is me not dramatizing my sullen ignorance.”
With a loud chuckle, her sister poked at her.
“If you sprouted feathers, you would start plucking them to insulate your make-believe nest while you brood.”
Sinnawar ignored the insult.
“Not to mention, I’m thirsty.”
Like a teacher, Gatta stood before the Mandragora, intent on changing the subject.
“In bachra pastures, the dominant male always drinks first.” Polite natured, the Mandragora waited their turn.
“Whew, Sinnawar, soon we will reach the trail between the lakes. Time is against us. Thirsty pterosaurs will arrive in about two hours. Let Bob rest on the far side and stalk them. On the way back this evening, we will pick him up.”
“Brilliant! We do not want him disturbing the entire valley.” The never-patient Kattur ran ahead.
“Let’s go.”
More concerned about her friend, Gatta scratched his otherwise unreachable places. The bachra snorted and lumbered away.
“All right, Kattur, we can go now.”
Later, at the pterosaur watering hole, Sinnawar directed Bob’s attention skyward.
Raw, untamed instinct attracted him to a pile of rocks, the same color as his fur. Motionless, he scanned the sky.
Gatta veiled her irritation at the delay.
“We’re burning moonlight. Let’s chase the stars.”
“Join us by the cooking fire. As head of this region, I want to introduce our newneyow. Let me apologize in advance for their appearance.”
“Are they ugly, Katutra?”
“No, Pushiri.”
Like a Terradon moonrise viewed from the mountain tops, the chieftain focused our attention on two young, blood drenched Mandragora.
“Feast your eyes on Biladi and Necko.”
With her wild perceptiveness, Necko unleashed my self-restraint. Intent on seduction, she purred.
“Would you like to clean us up at the lagoon? For hours, our mommeos lounged on the shore, awaiting you, so you might keep up your strength, they set aside the best part of the kodobar beast.”
Biladi nuzzled me with the top of her head.
“Please scrub our fur. Under all this blood, we are pure felines, immaculate as the day of our birth. Come, find out for yourself.”
“Go on, my love. At daybreak, I will join you,” pointing to a charming treetop abode.
“I will not tolerate dirty Mandragora running around. Which way to the bath?”
Sinnawar roared.
“Tell everyone to avoid Pterosaur Lake, our chimeragor hunts.” The sound of a tiny pebble dropping broke the expectant silence.
Eyes widened, jaws dropped, and heads tilted at the revelation.
The chieftain’s hair stood straight up above her prickling skin. “Our combative ears curled back at the stories of this creature.
A Mandragora’s subconscious cannot hide her insatiable desire for conflict.”
Like a staged cue, desperate screeches, locked in mortal combat, silenced the bustling settlement.
“Those dusk and dawn hazards keep us tense.”
The grieving mommeo’s mind drifted to a lost cub as he clung to one of the poles suspending protective nets.
“Perhaps, we might borrow him for a while.”
“Please realize, his bond to me deepens with each passing day.”
“On second thought, we don’t need a forlorn cactus puncturing us by accident.”
In the tall grass, Khatool searched her overtaxed mind for a solution, frustration settled in like a vagrant.
“Bless my legs after our long ride, Goddess. Oh, what I would give for a brisk stretch.”
A tinge of suspicion caused Pushiri’s senses to itch.
“Eat first, before the meat dries out.”
Like a defensive porcupine, Khatool’s eyebrows raised, but she realized she must not betray her plan. Thus, she relaxed and masked her fake smile with a veneer of truth.
“Yes, I’m famished.”
After the grill, Khatool prowled in misguiding directions. Still undetected, she stopped motionless in her tracks and sighed. Throughout the jungle canopy, the villagers claimed the best vantage points for their first sighting of a chimeragor.
From their perches, they gawked and reveled as the gruesome spectacle unfolded. The chimeragor’s thrashing, silhouetted, burr- like body exposed the ruthless side of his nature. The battle ended when the vicious predator slammed his paw down on the quivering, expectant mother’s head. Resting for a moment, he wolfed down her juicy legs as she clung to her last moments of life.
In the eerie silence, he licked himself spotless. Fresh as a cactus flower, he yawned, gulped down four liters of water, and crawled into a small cave. In three winks, deep-toned snoring emanated from his new makeshift den.
Khatool summoned her patience with a steeled posture.
After I completed my duties, I darted through the brush. Ominous shadows fled toward the mountains while I tracked down Pushiri.
“Did your encounter go well, my love?”
“Yes, they offered me a potency blend called terrestris spice, but virility never eluded me.”
A curious expression crossed my face.
“These newneyow intrigue me. Like Yamanecko, Necko keeps life real and she adapts. Despite her lone leopard ways, she searches for understanding with all Mandragora. And although remaining concealed in her surroundings suits her, she will flare up with aggression rather than flee a fight.”
“Now, Biladi reminds me of Kiisu. With genuine affection, she approached me, and inspiration poured from her soul. Like a legendary storyteller, she thrilled us as she envisioned the ‘grand, new village.’ Never, in my experience, existed such a caring spirit. The newneyow’s burden does not exhaust her.”
Like a time-lapsed scene, Pushiri’s face blossomed with discovery. “Along the way, a world-altering observation captured my gaze. Preoccupation with Bob flows in Khatool’s veins. Spectacular fairy tales would best depict her obsession with him. This relationship defies any modern definition on Terradon Prime.”
“In contrast, we all love you, Mandagral and bear your offspring. Khatool differs from us, embracing exclusiveness for him. An antiquated term for her perception fell out of use after the Chimeragor War.”
With a scrunched face, Pushiri weaved her head side to side in concentration to clear her blocked mind.
“Now I remember, a title caught my eye in a dusty manuscript. A golden pair of interlocking rings depicted in fine lettering surface in my memory. The historian scribbled, u-n-y-e-n-i, below one of them.”
“To the Mandragora, a ring symbolizes a life.”
“Unyeni must mean ‘the masculine part of two lives bound together.’ Like a natural spring, impassioned emotions welled up inside me when I mused over its significance. Do you remember the word for the other band?”
“Yes, and I like the intention of unyari.”
“If the implication is true, I believe Khatool abandoned her sanity.”
“The repercussions run deeper than you can imagine, Mandagral. Sweating rebellion from her pores, her vocal fervor emanates from her home in Vulcamura. Driven, she advocates any means necessary to restore the Fire Priest.”
“Get this disgusting image from my mind! How might two distinct species conceive?”
“There’s a forbidden tale about the rape of a Mandragora from Ridgemura during the Chimeragor War. My ancestor told me she bore a deformed cub with a wicked tail. The guardian exiled her for refusing to surrender her unnatural progeny for execution. As far as anyone knows, the mutant disappeared off the face of the planet.”
“Hatred of the chimeragor ran deep. Their leader issued a standing order for their genocide. The edict remains. Never take Bob anywhere near their territory.”
“Would a record exist of the banishment in the archives?”
“No, banishments forbid the use of the offender’s name, consigning her to obscurity. Only the cubs weave unmentionable yarns to entertain each other when they are restless in the daylight.”
“Because then the banished roam, or so they say. Now, do you understand why Kita always desires a wish for sweet dreams?”
“Sleep now. May hunting fantasies whisk you through the night, Pushiri...”
Without a second thought, I drew two leonip balls together from arm’s length.
“Our worlds converged for a reason. One day I shall call you Unyari.”
After considerable thought, she answered.
“Wed a title! No! First, you need a name, my love... for the ceremony. The day you are named, I will accept your proposal.”
Gulp, “A name! The opportunity will come, no doubt. Anyway, its dawn.”
[Fade to earth a decade ago.]
Hey Janus, Interpol piped a lead on their suspect in the serial murders. Head over to the Port Warehouse District and check out the old storage building at 566th 13th Street.
Take Malcomb. The detectives found this address scribbled on a torn piece of paper at a murder scene in London. And the mode of operation from their cold case matches ours.”
My senior agent enlivened his tone.
“By the way, tomorrow we will start indoctrinating our new member, Alexandra.”
“Yes Sir.”
“Bring the file, Malcomb.”
As we walked down the sterile hallway of headquarters building, I let slip my observation.
“Damn, will you stop dressing like and FBI poster child!” Loosening his tie, Malcomb smirked. “OK boss... Let’s take the less obvious black sedan with government plates.”
I slid into the passenger’s side and Malcomb pressed the starter button. The new-car scent lingered in the bullet-proof Crown Victoria.
“Safety works for me. Anyway, I need to study.”
“Understood, boss.”
On the second page, a grave detail held my attention.
“The unidentified subject of our investigation seeks control and revenge. In each case, the victims spoke Cajun and ranged from twenty-eight to thirty-three years old.”
“Like you, boss,” chuckled Malcomb.
“Laugh while you can. Never forget, however, the culprit tortured, poisoned them with arsenic, and left them alone to die.” An idea popped into my head. “Wait, pull into a grocery store for some supplies.”
“Sure boss. Rouses Grocery is right up ahead.”
With a flip of the turn signal, Malcomb steered into a parking spot.
“Keep this folder under surveillance.”
Wielding a Krispy Kreme box like a weapon, he spoke in a serious voice.
“I’ll guard the contents like a treasure map with my leftover stakeout doughnuts.”
Shopping basket in hand, I made a bee line through an empty checkout lane, across from isle three. From the well-stocked shelves, I grabbed mustard, olive oil and salt. At the refrigerated section, I picked up a carton of small eggs and headed to the cash register.
“$9.95, please”
Not wasting any time, I darted to the car and jumped in.”
“What the heck boss? Why dump good coffee cup out the window?”
“Well, if a memorial will make you happy, I’ll commend the cup-of-joe’s self-sacrifice in the report, after I mix this concoction.”
“Why are you imitating a lousy bartender, boss?”
“We, my novice friend, we are going to toast to our health.”
“You’re joking! Right?”
“No, this antidote might well save you. Now, pinch your nose and swallow.”
My partner’s nose wrinkled with repulsion. “That’s an order.”
Like a child taking medicine, Malcomb’s face cringed as he choked down the remedy.
“Thank me later, if this probe goes south.”
The resolute grimace on my face disguised the stomach sickening effect, I swallowed the slimy brew.
Around 11:45, we pulled up to the warehouse. “Radio in our location, Malcomb.
“Yes boss...”
A heavy padlock secured the huge bay door. Nearby, waves beating against the pier drowned the noise of our approach.
In the dim light, a shadowy presence moved across the second- story window, unnoticed.
“Shh, let me grab the bolt cutter from the trunk and nip the lock off.”
The turning metal wheels reverberated through the door, announcing our arrival.
To my revulsion, the receiving bay reeked of burnt flesh. With caution, we drew our nine millimeters and pointed our flashlights along our line of sight.
A woman screamed from the far end of the building. “Cover the left side, Malcomb. I’ll take the right.”
All my training smacked of inadequacy as I traversed every concealment, expecting an ambush around each corner. Without warning, a club from overhead floored me and my world blacked out.
Much later, I regained consciousness to a throbbing headache. My wrists and ankles burned from the tight leather straps, binding me to the mattress springs, leaned against a wall.
When my eyes came into focus, I gazed around a windowless, small room, scattered with broken furnishings. Like a snake winding my way on the floor, the cables of the copper toothed clamps terrified me.
“This will not end well.”
From the gloom, a feminine voice spoke in a sadistic chuckle. “Splendid, you’re awake.”
“What did you do with my colleague?”
“He’s in the next room.”
Like a cheap prostitute, she swayed her sparse clothed body into view. Pale and anorexic, her heinous skin condition betrayed advanced AIDS.
With devilish delight in her voice, she spoke like an announcer. “I defiled him.”
In dread, I struggled to free myself. “Now, I need your undivided attention.”
On the panel, she rotated the knob one-third the way up with no more concern than a chef preparing to cook.
The electricity contorted my soaked body away from the stripped wires. The intense tingling wrenched and convulsed my muscles.
Satisfied with my scream, she turned the power off.
“Was my performance earlier convincing as yours is now?”
“How might my suffering appease your numb conscience?”
“True, affliction exists for its own sake, but I am its master.” Again, she turned up the juice as I reeled in the throes of the
voltage. With cruel intentions, she oscillated the power, checking my endurance with each turn of the nob.
About the time I expected to die, the once-beautiful evil genius brought me a drink.
“This will ease your pain. For now, your agony has paid his homage to me.”
“Will you loosen these straps?”
“Sure, but first, sip some water.”
The tinted glass of tasteless, odorless liquid went down smooth. True to her word, she loosened my bonds, enough for me to unbind myself with time-consuming effort, in her estimation. With a depraved smile she turned and began to walk away, accentuating her strut with her hips.
“Check on your friend when you are able.”
She took a tawdry coat from a hanger as a bland disguise before slipping out the door. The victorious jingle of car keys in her hand broadcasted her exit.
While I cringed, my double-jointed digits allowed me to squeeze out of the ropes and race to the next room. Aghast at the whipped tares across Malcomb’s bare abdomen, I stood stunned momentarily before racing to his side. Wet semen verified her account of what happened.
Exhausted, he moaned. “Quick, untie me!”
“Hell, this is the part where I thank you. That heartless fiend forced a watery drink down me. Apprehend her, I’ll live.”
As fast as Jesse Owens, I sprinted out the door and tackled her using my Demario Davis impression from the last New Orleans Saints game. With an old hose from the adjacent fishing boat at the boardwalk, I struck her, in a futile attempt to quell my sense of superiority.
“Arrest me!”
“A decorated detective will die because of you… What’s your name?”
She grinned like I spoke a half-truth concerning Malcomb. Yet, my glare predicted my actions, frightening her.
“La Borg, Gabrielle La Borg. Take me in, I give up,” she said without hesitation.
Determination braced my face.
“Hmm, where’s my badge? And woops, no witnesses... Talk about irony!”
Uncontrollable rage boiled in my veins.
“Elude justice with an expensive lawyer, would you?” Wrenching the keys from her hand, I opened the trunk,
unlatched the shotgun and aimed for her head. Like a deer blinded by headlights, her eyes bulged as she halted for five seconds, turned, and ran.
The repercussion from the blast startled a dozen sea gulls to flight. At short-range, the slug almost decapitated her.
After running a cleaning rod down the Remington’s barrel, I replaced the twelve-gauge shell. Next, I drug the boat’s anchor to the killer’s limp body and tied the weight to her with a chain.
Afterwards, like the rude bouncer at my favorite nightclub, I drug her to the end of the pier and dumped the weighted garbage into the depths. In hindsight, I regretted polluting the gulf with her filth.
Still in a rush, I suspended a submersible pump on a hook and lowered the suction tube into the briny water. With a strong tug on the starter rope, I revived the motor to life, choking and whirring. The pressurized saltwater dispersed the bloody pool and brain matter down a nearby drain.
Like a thorough perpetrator, I returned all the equipment back the way I found each piece.
From the entrance, I radioed, “Agent-down!”
One last time, I studied the area and then assessed whether the blood on my tatter clothes would go unsuspected.
“Come on buddy, an ambulance is on the way.”
“Did you detain her?”
Without a noise, I placed the keys where Malcomb would discover them and lied with conviction.
“No, she got away. Let’s transport you to the hospital. Later, I’ll identify her.