[Fast forward back to Terradon Prime]
Katutra, the village leader of Jungmura, pulled Sinnawar aside while we prepared to leave.
“Please reconsider my request. The spectacle at the lake is all we can talk about. Will you allow Bob to stay with us a while?”
Sinnawar said, “He will not hunt or eat again for days. Not to mention, we will need him along the way. Upon Khatool’s return here, you may borrow him. As you see, the pterosaurs have fled. Even their thirst will not bring them back anytime soon. Thanks for your hospitality. Come here boy.”
Like a pup, he bounced to Sinnawar’s side near the lake’s shore, ready to play.
Waving to the grateful villagers, they headed east to Chetamura.
Offense flashed across Khatool’s face in a silent mental shout. “Don’t treat him like a pet.”
“Khatool, will you please amuse Bob while we pick up the next newneyow.”
“My pleasure, Sinnawar.”
Halfway to our destination, the path split. “Where does the trail to the left end, Gatta?”
“Someday, Mandagral, an awe-inspiring adventure will unfold along the Northern Passageway. To complete an expedition to the vast range of ice-capped heights where the Boreal Mandragora live takes three months. The Hokkyoku, as we call them, prowl the canopy under the majestic panorama of the multicolored light-waves filling the heavens.”
With a distant stare, Gatta reminisced.
“The Hokkyoku’s favorite prey hangs by their claws two-hundred meters above the ground. These giant slotherum graze on the gumble leaves, nocturi nuts and trulu fruits at the base of the mountains. In the face of death, they cling to their attackers and drop. The complex strategy for hunting them defies logic. My training with the denizens saved my life more often than I can recount. Trust me. No reason exists to let self-consciousness settle in your bones again.”
“If everyone did not preoccupy themselves with my naming, my life would simplify.”
Gatta’s amused expression spoke volumes.
A sleek pair of Mandragora sprinted out of Chetamura. “Catch us if you can, Mandagral.”
“Cut them off, my love, at the tallest Brandlebark tree near the village.”
I took chase long enough to convince them I would not give up. With our haven in sight and assured they would not look back; I shifted my course toward the perimeter. Just after I ducked, the sultry felines bounded out of the undergrowth. Without warning, I pinned them down and began licking their tingly places.
Now captives, Pusuku and Maosuku proposed a vigorous cross- examination of my mākutu.
“Fearless Mandagral, we want to understand what you ache for in life. Dare you meet your heart’s longing? Will you risk looking careless for the sake of being alive?”
During our interaction, they read my voiceless affirmations. Uninhibited, Pusuku spoke first, clinging to the belief the future will always shimmer with hope.
“When the heart of grief touches you, will you still thrive? Can you live with pain, ours and your own, without trying to avoid, diminish or drug the agony out of existence?”
With raw fervor, Maosuku turned my head in her direction. “Are you endowed to heighten our bliss? Can you rave with our feral nature? Able, are you, to let our ecstasy cascade to the tip of our tails without expecting us to remember the boundaries of being Mandragora?”
Unimpressed, Pusuku groomed my mane.
“The accuracy of your stories does not interest us. Can you dwell in the truth? Would you rather endure false allegations than betray your own soul? Indulge us. Can you be unpredictable and all-the-while trustworthy?”
Curious, Maosuku feigned an outrageous frown followed by a delightful smile.
“Will you discover exquisiteness on a dreadful day? Can you hurdle your life into our wonderful presence?”
Probing, Pusuku scanned the twin moons and roared.
“Are you able to live with anyone’s catastrophe, and still stand firm at the river’s edge to roar at the glittering moon?”
Like a mommeo, Maosuku cradled her arms.
“Would you lift yourself up out of despair, beaten and bruised to the bone, and still guard our cubs?”
Dauntless, Pusuku raised her arm behind herself without looking back.
“Concerned, are we not, where you came from. Would you stand in the uproar of chaos with us and not retreat?”
Tenacious enough to expect a reaction, Maosuku crossed her paws on my shoulder.
“What sustains you, Mandagral, from the inside when all else fails?”
Unashamed, I appeased their sensations, ending their inquisition. “You are not the first two of your kind. Both awaken every morning resolved to renovate Terradon Prime, delighting in your glorious quest for pure truth.”
Maosuku etched out an approval between her purrs of ecstasy. “Whether the planet needs renewal or not, my little piece,”
catching her breath, “of Terradon, burns for renovation at this moment.”
Her own rapid breaths would not give way to Pusuku’s voice. “Mandagral, the denizens here are allegedly the fastest Mandragora of any village.”
“Fast Leopards indeed, Pushiri! Five others surprised me on my way to you.”
Rubbing her chin, Pushiri scrunched her eyebrows.
“Are you sure? The entire settlement greeted us during your absence. Anyway, we will gather the newneyow at Teermura after our encounter with the Earth Goddess.”
Biladi gazed into the distance with longing.
“I always wanted to worship at Daichi no Megami’s temple.”
“In your heart, I sense a priestess.”
“A different rhythm than the life I am living throbs throughout me.”
“Meditate, for Tararusu will want to introduce you to the Creator.”
Naow, Maow’s tender-hearted sibling, joined them at the campfire.
“My sister told me about Bob. Please take me to him.”
“This way.”
At the approach of the daunting chimeragor, the intrepid cat leaped up on a nearby rock and gave him a wet lick across his bristly cheek. In turn, the chimeragor licked her from her face all the way down between her legs with his long, probing tongue.
The tingle below her belt, caused her foot to pound the ground nonstop.
“Now that’s what I call a kiss.”
Sensing her pure appreciation, he explored like before, cleansing her front-side again with more emphasis at the finish.
She turned away.
“Now, I must go while I can still maintain my composure.” All at once, we smiled.
“If she forgets everything else when she grows old, the thought of his affection with befriend her.”
Into the womb with tranquil mirth,
I anticipate a dramatic rebirth.
Upon reaching the outskirts the Earth Goddess’ Temple, Pushiri hugged our stately host.
“Such a beautiful night, don’t you agree, Innocent One.”
“Yes! Welcome, everyone, to my gratitude to Khatool to for her vigilance with the chimeragor.” The toppled granite stones along the curved bulwarks outlined the shape of an exaggerated female body.
“The damage to the walls, Mandagral, befell us during the War.”
“These brilliant planetary portal shoots span fifteen meters and root themselves like a nervous system.”
With a gasp of wonder, Biladi leaned closer. “Where do they exit?”
Pushiri interrupted her.
“Rebellious, our ears begged for relief while they entertained Biladi’s incessant expectations of meeting the Terradon Goddess.”
“To answer your question, young one, they are neither simple transportation nor convenience. Instead, they take you to where you need to be.”
Like a tour guide, Tararusu directed our attention as she walked. “The Birth Bloom buds on the left side of the entryway. Rebirth, her sister, flowers on the right.”
Breathless with amazement, we entered the next chamber. “These are Nurture and Nourishment. Each supreme flower supplies the environment anyone requires and the ability to receive her gifts of revival. Ask not where, but how the blossoms will enliven the Mandragora, according to her cravings.”
“By the Goddess’ power, for sure. However, where is Daichi?”
“These aspects of her emanate from Terradon Prime and flow throughout the world. Only with my ministry and prayer, may anyone traverse.”
Tilting her head with a quizzical facial contortion, she walked closer to the portal beside her.
“Which one to enter, nevertheless?”
The authority to bestow this wisdom to a novice, like you, Biladi, rests in me. For, the essence of an Innocent One dwells within us.”
Like a night flicker, Biladi’s face lit up.
“An Innocent One trains each prospect for duty at one of the sanctuaries. Back in Leopardmura, Wakita, receives her schooling to take Kiisu’s place one day. The healers, like Shawmow of Teermura, where I reside, seek the strongest medicines from the deities.”
“Please give ear to my humble supplication. Allow my rebirth, the Goddess willing, into her spiritual servant?”
“Your unselfish appeal compliments your aptitude to select the correct one. Now, I will grant your petition, and teach you the prayers.”
Placing her paw on Biladi’s head, the High One blessed her. “Leave your pouch, skirt, and horns behind. You will not need them. Follow me and reflect my words to Daichi No Megami.”
The young seeker striped and traversed the threshold of the Inner Sanctum with Tararusu. Animated clay covered the interior. The Goddess’s veins alternated with sapphire and cream pulsations. Each vein decided its own way like the movements of individual fingers.
An eager student, Biladi mirrored the priestess’ words:
“I drive away my fears with peace.”
“My past attachments I release.”
“Your service, Daichi, defines my caprice.”
“Let my love of life increase.”
“Goddess, through me, your word, unleash.”
Breathing soil entwined Biladi’s slender frame. Like a blanket, warmth and comfort enveloped her spirit. The sensation of her former life drained out through her fur.
The Innocent One escorted her to the blossom.
“Hold on to nothing inside of you. Walk into the portal. Cherish the Terradon Goddess.”
Without fear, Biladi relaxed with a step of faith and descended into the Planet’s womb.
The transformation altered every cell in her body, instilling the deity’s divinity. All the vegetation across Terradon Prime now sensed her oneness and communicated their acceptance through the terra firma.
My cub, your precious life belongs to this sanctuary. One day, you will take Tararusu’s place. She will relate as your spiritual mommeo, your mentress. The Mandragora will address you as ‘Innocence One, ‘Anjennou’ in our archaic language. Sojourn to the other temples, greet their Priestesses and pay respect to the Divine Ones. Let your novitiate now begin.”
Understand this, Innocent Ones exist on a higher plain of life. Attend the Truth. He will lead you to the Paradoxes. The ultimate competence to minister emanates from their forgotten words. Learn of the sacrifice made by the Leopard Goddess for the Mandragora’s salvation. Never try to summon any deity, we will call upon you. Only an invocation to worship may cross your lips. Now, I send you to my jungle. Now, I restore you to me.”
Renewed and tingling, she entrusted herself to the dutiful vines as they lifted her up to the moons’ light.
“Daichi raises her pupil, Tararusu. Behold, her aura.”
Before the committed feline stepped out of the blossom’s ambient petals, the entire crew spoke in unison. “Hail, Innocent One.”
Bursting with excitement, Biladi rushed her words. “She spoke to me!”
With a fleeting sense of her former self, she confirmed her revival. “Now, my holy life begins.”
Tararusu recalled a painful memory but chose not to share the pain.
“You discover comfort in your skin soon enough. Heed Diachi’s guidance, however, or you will regret your actions.”
Gather round little ones, a tale I weave.
Of a giant spider, who could believe?
And a powerful serum, who could brew?
Quandaries, spores, and a bugaboo.
Unseen by Kattur, a tiger-striped spider as large as a cub’s paw crept into her pouch from a cobweb. Deep inside, the arachnid found a pocket to fortify and hide her sturdy egg sacks.
Further down the trail, the pleased yet unaware Mandragora pulled out the four small bottles from the top of her bag. The spider sunk deeper, ready to defend her nest.
As she read the labels, Shawmaow’s face lit up.
“Convergence Essence, Koisan Eggs, and Distilled Hydrating Bloom. Wonderful!”
“What is this glowing amber cruet with the Terradon Goddess Symbol dangling from a chain?”
Like a card on a birthday present, she recited the label in anticipation.
“Kiiro Geoscalus Serum resists poisoning. If taken with dragon bell powder from the volcano, the mixture blends into an antidote.”
“My cubs nicknamed the drug ‘never-ending juice.’ On occasion, I dose them because they play near the stinging thistles and chase barbed multipedes.”
“Please forgive my lack of manners Kattur, but what other wonders does your satchel bear for me?”
“Let me check.”
Digging down, she felt inside each pocket. “No. no. Ah, I found something.”
She jerked her paw in front of her face, shouting in pain. Still biting her, the spider slung a filament high in the breeze and drifted toward Tararusu, who jumped out of the way.
“Clamp down on your arm so the poison does not spread.”
The veteran curationist mixed the antidote and pored the cure in Kattur’s mouth.
Sickened by the awful taste, Kattur stuck out her tongue and cringed.
“Relief will overtake you soon, relax on this log for a minute.”
“The bite hurt like hell.”
Tararusu stared at the airborne arachnid in disbelief.
“For a moment, I believed I would suffer the same incursion. As afraid as I am to check my pouch now, inside I bear two gifts for you, Shawmaow.”
With bag extended arm’s length, she peered inside, exhaling in relief.
She stalled with a too-quick smile.
“I’m so disorganized. Give me a second.”
In slow motion, Tararusu surrendered a crystal container with a luminescent lime-colored liquid.
“Asamidori elixir renders temporary massive strength and speed. The label reads, ‘USE WITH CAUTION’ for a reason. Too much can cripple bones and results in addiction after four doses.”
Nestling another bottle from her bag with the Fire God emblem chained around its neck, Tararusu emphasized her words.
“In my hand, I hold the rarest medicine in existence! The ghost petal blooms surrounding Hi Gami’s temple spread their spores during the full moons. Whenever any creature draws near, they vanish. The complex, delicate art of gathering the tiny organisms takes years to perfect. Moreover, the ghost petal spore purification requires medicinal proficiency.”
With skepticism, Shawmow studied the light-gray glow.
“Our long-gone Fire Priest, and none other, mastered this craft. How did you learn the recipe?”
“Quite by accident. In a cave near Draconis Lake, I discovered a timeworn manuscript inside an ornate vase. My eyes wander the world, insulted, because I disbelieved them. Several of Hi Gami’s symbols lay hidden under the parchment.”
“Do not underestimate your legendary discovery. My ancestors passed down tales of how this vaccine generates hormones that nullify any type of infection. On a supernatural level, the cure will repel any alien presence! Ages ago, my grand mommeo, Felomeow, called the tonic ‘exorcism potion.’ My mommeo, Kitmeow, claims the spore’s concentrate regenerates bone, muscle and organs.”
“Judicious use will prevent a disaster, Shawmow. The twin heavenly orbs will not favor me with enough bacterium for many months.”
“Please teach me how to accumulate them, Tararusu.”
“Pay attention. For I cannot overstate the complexity of this process. Besides, time defies us. First, master the art of seducing night flickers toward you by waving three fresh, fluorescent ferns. Then, in chorus, rub two dried thistle barbs together, mimicking the night flicker’s mating call.”
“Point taken!”
“During the brightest light of the night, the spores eject. Without getting near the blossoms, position yourself downwind and release the wee beasties. Then, wait for the ghost petals to attract the cute little bugs. The potent microbes will drift toward the insects, using tiny wing-like hairs to cling to their legs. The fireflies will, in turn, transport them toward your trap. You cannot figure out which ones did not amass spores. Take care to gather them before they attach to the foliage. Regret will seize you if any spore touches the plants.”
“Because their reproduction cycle will mutate them, making their composition useless to you.”
“How do you hoard them in time?”
“Use the web of a young seven-eyed nyctalus noctula spider.”
“Where did you find such a sticky weave?”
“The young spiders spin them around the entrances of caves around Draconis Lake. Do not let them wound you. Likewise, beware of Spindra, who outgrew the passageway, trapping herself within. Your death will take a pain-filled hour as your blood clots and your nerve-ending inflame.”
“So, bad timing with the equinox; partial collection of night flickers; or delays in gathering the spores means I must wait another month. Otherwise, if the arachnid bites me, I must survive somehow.”
Tararusu took a deep breath.
“That sums up the first three phases. Next, take precautions while distilling the extract for the antigen. Remove the brew from the flame in a five-minute window. The tincture will not activate if you cool the simmering pot too soon or wait too long.”
Handing her a handwritten scroll with drawings, she exhaled. “Study these instructions.”
Forged in the Fire God’s fortress, she entrusted the doc with two emblems.
“Do not forget to put these on the flasks and use his poetry.”
“My fur raises to greet them, begging for their closeness. As you guessed, I took the time to memorize every deity’s poems enchanted me.”
“No less would I expect of you, Shawmaow. Now, take our guests to Teermura along the shortcut. Time grows short.
Crackling explosions from the overcast sky lit up the trail in the distance. Shrinking into the undergrowth, the Chimeragor fixated on them. For the first time, I beheld an aversion, indeed, a tinge of fear in the place where his courage once dwelt.
Then the realization hit me. Though I despised his effortless naming, we were both outsiders and we both feared something, but not the same threat. Some dread, however, interjects itself into every life from time to time and that realization drew me closer to him.
One fact remained clear in my mind. Chimeragors do not possess irrational fears. The undefinable portent hovering above must, therefore, pose a lethal threat.
For all my intuition, I did not expect what happened next. Like two warriors preparing for battle, we connected at the level of determination, bonding with raw physical intensity. One single minded purpose drove us. Protect our family.
Unaware, inside the settlement, the felines rubbed sides. “My dear sister, Rekku of Teermura, how wonderful.”
“Well, despite the fact you intend to take my prodigy from me, my precious womb mate, I too overflow with joy. By the grace of the Benevolent One, one more student of curation blesses us, dear Pushiri.”
Shawmaow interrupted them.
“For certain, I revel in my work, but I detest everyone’s eyes tracking me.”
With one claw across her lips, she redirected the unwanted attention.
“We should welcome your desert dweller. Comfort yourself, for he consumes his fill. Did you consider what will happen if he remains an outsider? What do you think, Rekku?”
Sinnawar took charge.
“The Goddess adorned you with insight, Shawmaow. May the Fire God forbid your enterprise fails. Worst case, you will improvise a solution. Do you understand?”
With a gulp, “All too well.”
Pushiri thought to herself, “Who does she think she is, interrupting me.”
“Your sister, Bekku, without a doubt, told you all about us and our risky undertaking with our Mahava immigrant.”
“Yes, thoroughness defines my her.”
A little later, separated from the group, our perceptive trail blazer stood next to the disturbed curationist.
“I will help you Shawmaow.”
“Thanks, Gatta, I owe you one. Extemporization defines you. By comparison, the unforeseen startles me into indecision. She put me in charge of a willful creature twice my size!”
“No arguments here, Doc. However, I prefer to let the Mandragora do what they want and stay out of their spotted fur.”
The Curationist tilted her head a little to the left.
“My disposition obligates me to defend others in need, regardless of their situation.”
Uncomfortable with the spotlight, the healer pointed to her friend.
“Another newneyow here reminds me of you.”
The moon-framed silhouette of a well-endowed feline accentuated the sway in her hips.
“Though she would favor prowling alone, her discerning humor keeps me laughing, the same way you do.”
A whimsical glitter flashed across Mewwood’s face.
“Hey, I resemble your remark. Why are you protecting a predator, Gatta? Shall we dare-the-demon?”
“Your unshakable calmness in the face of difficulties inspires us. Do you imagine your quiet observations escape my awareness? The way you amass a field of knowledge about every threatening animal in existence astounds our civilization. Against lethal forces, you bring your almighty perception to bear. So, admit desiring to solve this challenge.”
“My ways are obvious to you, sister.”
Gatta tapped her claws in rapid succession. “Enough cat-chat. Let’s move out.”
A little while later, when Gatta, Shawmow and Mewwood approached Bob and Khatool, the pair acted evasive.
“Bring Bob to the Teermura Khatool. We want to adopt him.” With a fake smile, her racing heart calmed.
“I am surprised, Shawmaow. How considerate.”
Bob bounded with an unsettling, yet euphoric gait to the side of his new benefactors.
“What a friendly one he is.”
Uncertain, nonetheless, Mewwood positioned herself behind Gatta.
“Praise the Redeemer, who spared me from his sting and delivered him into the cub’s mitts. Ever since, peacefulness rules his heart, Mewwood.”
Unwilling to lower her guard, the skeptical cat kept one eye on Bob, and he kept one her and the other on the skyline.
Five minutes later, the denizens of Teermura played with our orphaned companion in the cool night air by the cooking fire. Sinnawar hurled a leonip ball at him, which she bundled with vines seconds before his arrival. In turn, the veteran player batted the stimulating toy toward a young cub, who caught the intoxicant bundle of weeds with a rolling tackle. Tumbling on her back, she kicked the sphere into the air. Kattur jumped and lobed the orb over a tree branch, back to the guest of honor.
Each villager took her opportunity to bull’s eye their new opponent. With ease, he deflected the tiny projectile toward the next inviting competitor. The win-win game finished with Bob curling up by the fire for a rest, with one eye on the brewing storm