The festival revived as Qattus eased Poonai off to bed. “A priestess more gifted than I approaches,” said Kiisu.
The profound depth of presence the nearing Mandragora radiated demanded my attention. With certainty in her eyes and an inviting tilt of her head, her hair color changed to the hue of smooth apricot jam.
Shocked, I backed off and swallowed. “What happened to you... ah?”
“My name’s Kusing... Did no one teach you? Two percent of Mandragora possess active mood glands while other’s glands remain dormant. This involuntary reaction represents the purest form of integrity. My fur’s progression, which we call ‘the rendering,’ displays my essence.”
In self-amusement, she chuckled. “Why appear ordinary when you can display any color of spots you desire?”
With a slide of her paws down her bare midriff, she posed, profile.
“Leopardmura will accommodate you; of this, I’m sure. If not, acquaint me with their shortcomings.”
Once more, her coat transformed, this time to the shade of a starless night.
“All I ask is for you to bestow one favor on me, please. Should you find me alone or if my outcries reach you, drive away my dark thoughts. My insight turns herself against me in the still of the day while Leopardmura sleeps. In repayment, I will show you pleasures reserved for the gods, mesmerizing wonders: where the waters incarnate to revive your soul, where the trees dance, and where Effervescha dwells.”
Brought here against my will, a release valve for my newfound obsession with justice presented herself. Time to blow off steam!
“What a fascinating date, my Prophet.”
Hunger rumbled my stomach, so I grabbed the fresh grilled meat and ravenously devoured it.
“These sisters will enchant you, my Mandagral.”
Poës exuded youthful shyness from her pores. The muscle tone, balance, and poise of an acrobat rippled through her physique.
Kiisu’s factual voice signaled an unbelievable truth.
“This one chooses not to speak. Nevertheless, attentiveness adorns her life. As with everyone, she adjusts her destination to walk with anyone who needs companionship. Whenever she perceives anyone acting nefariously, she challenges the culprit without compromise. One time, she stared down Minoos until her wayward sibling stopped perpetrating some long-forgotten mischief.”
“Why does Poës behave with such determination?”
“Long ago, she would retreat into an isolated world of denial. The tiniest criticism drained her. The task of illuminating the shadows of her life started her on an arduous quest. Now, regardless of the consequences, we must reckon with her indomitable conviction.”
With only a purr, her caring body-rub spoke a fluent language I understood, silence.
“Pass some quiet time with me later.”
Fascination with my proposal perked her ears as she meandered away.
Face to face, Kiisu crossed her arms and stood between me and Poës’ sister.
“Be wary of Minoos, Mandagral.”
With her crazed eyes Minoos stepped aside to size me up. An untamed urge animated her stride in my direction. The gambles she imagined erupted like a volcano into my consciousness. More so, her militant posture left no doubt she would act outside the limits.
Despite my cherry blossom blush, I pandered to the thought of entering her otherwise undisclosed world.
“Please unearth the place, which I cannot, Minoos. My veiled history searches for revelation.”
“Your wish sets me on a new path, my dear Mandagral. Should my efforts take a lifetime, I will help you rediscover your hidden life. Think of me as your guardian. In the meantime, I premeditated a risky exploit for us, if you find time.”
“The possibility of twisting my mind around your invitation intrigues me.”
Unnoticed, two hunters snuck up on me. Only their distinct scent gave them away. “Your flawless hunt tonight impressed me, Gnari and Katinas.”
“Do you marvel at our prowess? Think again, for we dominate every aspect of our world,” said Gnari.
A wild look possessed me. “If it's a dare you offer, then I accept.” Her retort startled me. “Reckless Mandagral!”
A disturbance in the fabric of Terradon Prime caught my attention. The disdain in the denizen’s demeanor around the approaching leopard betrayed her failure to connect with them. Yet, as I witnessed her confused reactions to their scorn, she convinced me she meant no harm.
“Why do they not talk with me? Do skeletons inhabit the hollows of their dwellings? No matter, I will triumph over their nonsense.”
Gnari whispered in my ear.
“Check out Felis. She loves her theatrics.”
I responded on cue. “Don’t fluster yourself, Felis, let’s start this party.”
“Yes, Mandagral,” with a grin, “Give me cubs... now.” From my lap, I selected two youngsters.
“Here, take these, I am sure Yamanecko will not mind. Fourteen more expect her attention.”
Felis’ roar shook the ground.
“Come by my cottage, my admirable Mandagral.”
“Try to hold me back, Felis.”
Fifteen more enchanting natives engaged me as the aboriginal dancing burst into an erotic drum rhythm. Yet, none complimented my character.
“An oracle among us moves to a different beat. The enlightened ballet of words she performs both impresses and staggers us. Go to the Tailor Shop. Nearby, you will find your partner.”
A solitary ornament hung over Felis’s Foriegner Garment Shop in the branches of an ancient six-meter-high bonsai tree. The way she swayed her head to the distant music incited me to mimic her. Unrivaled, her splendid legs hung down from the hardwood branch. The artistry of her head couched in her arms conquered my heart.
At the sight of her captivating face, words escaped me. In futility, I resolved not to stare. Like mirrors, her eyes embodied my reflective nature, imagination, and endless creativity. Without question, we would create a whole new world together.
“Worship me with those fetching eyes, Mandagral.”
“Who gave you permission to rival perfection, mysterious one?” My question met with silence, yet the dawn of her magnetic smile pulled me in close.
“Why did you choose not to grace the gathering with your radiance?”
“The time of our crossing came to me in a vision, so I avoided the throng.”
“Yes, too many, too often exhaust me as well. Although my memory eludes me, the way you embody life reflects mine.... ah.”
“Call me Pushiri, Mandagral. I perceive your former world lingers, blinded in the deep corridors of your mind. Better you do not discover your past, for shades of pain haunt your subconscious, spitting malice at each other. A ransomed second chance enlivens you more every passing hour. Now, Terradon Prime blesses you.”
“At last, please, tell me everything.”
My clairvoyant new friend pursed her lips, and after a few moments of contemplation, she giggled to dispel the distress of her forthcoming revelation.
“No, If I told you, your head might explode... In time, the Goddess will reveal all.”
“The secret of your memories lies in the Obelisk. Now go about your task in the faith I shall remain your little piece-of-forever.”
The Oracle’s words preoccupied me as I stepped into Majara’s store front. A brief time later, Majara strapped the fine leather covering around my waist.
“Does the outfit suit you, handsome?”
“Those little darlings will no longer violate my skin.”
“Roll out a hide and relax with me, Mandagral.”
“Thanks, but I cannot chat. Terradon Prime will soon turn Leopardmura toward the dauntless sun. The time left to honor my word before I sleep grows short.”
Like a genie, Pushiri drifted in and nuzzled up to me.
“Roam with me for the rest of my days, if for no other reason than I sense everything about you.”
“Ahh, more than your intimacy with my origin motivates you.”
“No argument here, your touch will dispel my loneliness.”
“In that case, do not postpone your preparations. The time it will take to conduct my business with Felis, Gnari and Minoos will transpire in a flash.”
Elated, my newfound mate beamed and leapt in the direction of her den.
After I dislodged my eyes from her graceful movements, I hurtled a dozen obstacles on my way to Felis' lair. Inside her hunter decorated den, full bodied hides padded the floors like cushions. An unmistakable, wild scent snared my nostrils.
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