Chapter III: Taking a Bite out of Crime
Jennifer rolled her eyes and the look of judgement was stricken across her face. Squawk sat down at one of the dining room tables with a rediculous amount of food. She retorted "Do you know what they put in that junk?" Squawk shrugged and attempted to speak with his mouth full of burger, but what came out could hardly be described as audible. He took a big gulp of his extra large soda fountain drink and elaborated "I don't know, but whatever they do; it's delicious". Jennifer simply sighed at Squawk's poor eating choices and turned her attention to the others.
Peter was entertaining himself with a free straw he had gotten from the condiment station. He took the paper off from one side and was blowing that end to force the paper to propel outwards to the other side. Leo was totally absolved into his tablet that he pulled out from his book bag. Jennifer passive aggressively stated that she must be the only one who cares about the case. Peter however was quick to point out that he thought it futile to talk about it here when the Mystery Shack was a stone throw away. Jennifer was quick to retort that she didn't want the shack stinking of fast food. Sqawk was quick to shovel in the food in an effort to resolve the issue, but alas; he simply bought to much to finish that quickly.
Leo turned his tablet around for everyone else to see what he discovered. Apparently most victims who are captured by the dinosaurs always seem to be registered in the logs of the town's historical museum. Jennifer didn't see the importance of this though and asked what that had to do with anything. Peter however seen the connection, all victims visit the museum at one time or another. When he pointed that out though Jennifer was quick to keep perspective. "So what, a lot of people go to that museum. That similarity of the victims' could be mere coincidence, after all not everyone who goes to the museum gets abducted." Leo chimed in monotonously "Nothing is ever coincidence, we merely need more to the code to understand it's relevance."
Peter was now excited to get started, even though the lead was negligible; it was still a lead. Squawk just finished with his food and got up to throw his wrappers away. Everyone thought it was understood that once he returned they'd leave for the Mystery Shack to get things underway. However, Jennifer was quick to get up when she saw Squawk approach the counter to order more food. Squawk stated to the cashier "Yes, I would like a number~". Before he could say anything else Jennifer had him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him along "Oh no you don't, we got work to do." Squawk was flailing his arms helplessly at his situation as the group helped Jennifer as they went on their way to the Mystery Shack.