Chapter VI: Wait... What?909Please respect copyright.PENANA0Vh1JXqJFo
Shortly after the group had rendevued with Squawk they went to the Mystery Shack. Once there they shared what they had learned from the Geek Squad to Squawk. For a time the group, all though together, was divided; they all were busy thinking of what their next actions should be in the case. After a time, Squawk left the Shack on a food run back to Burger King. Jennifer yawned and stretched languidly and walked over to see what Peter was working on. She sighed only to find him working on some artwork portraying a trap well illustrated as to how to catch a T-Rex. Peter asked "What? It'll be really cool catching a dinosaur". "You should be focusing on the case. Not daydreaming about being some kind of Jurassic Park want-a-be".
Peter now frustrated, stated that he didn't see Jennifer coming up with any ideas. Jennifer in a panic to take the spot light off herself redirected her attention toward Leo "Well, what about Leo... All he's been doing is looking at that stupid book since we got here". Peter was taken back "Wait, what book?". Sure enough they turned to find a blissfully unaware Leo reading a book titled "Introductory to Hacking Issue I". They both exclaimed to Leo "Where'd you get that"? Leo looked up for a moment only to revert his attention back to the book without answering. Peter and Jennifer realized the implications if Leo learned how to hack so through an non-verbal agreement they both tackled Leo and took the book from him.
Leo pleaded to Peter and Jennifer to give it back, it wasn't his it was Ezio's. "Oh no, we know what will happen if you have this book, we aren't gonna let you go through our devices... I'll return it to Ezio myself". Leo knew how to get his way though "Pity, and here I was going to tell you all the next step we should take for the case, but since you don't want to give me the book back...". Peter begrudgingly gave the book back and Leo put it away in his backpack. Leo then stated "We need to make a trip to the museum. We will be sure to find clues there". Jennifer's eyes narrowed "Not this again, Peter... take the book again". Leo was quick to elaborate in a frantic tone of voice "No, no, think about it... Everyone who went missing visited the museum at one point or another. On top of that, if the Geek Squad's information is reliable that means whoever is behind the re-animation of the dinosaurs would need blue prints of some sort. So they'd need to go somewhere to find the dinosaur's DNA sequence, deconstruct it, and reconstruct it to duplicated the orignal organism."
Peter and Jennifer were taken back a bit by this. They really couldn't argue with Leo's logic when he put it that way. There wasn't exactly a lot of avenues for someone in the town to find dinosaur DNA except for the museum. Moments later Squawk returned back to the Mystery Shack with both of his hands full of food. This was a typical sight to see for the group. However, they were shocked to see a young straggly black Labrador mixed mut standing almost two feet off the ground accompanying Squawk behind him. The sides of his muzzle were smeared with mustard and ketchup, making a clear depiction that Squawk must of fed him some of his food. It was evident that the case had to wait for a moment as the group had to figure out what to do with the stray.