My room was freezing leading to a shiver to be sent down my spine causing me to wake up, I blinked several times then I was suddenly hit by a ray of sunlight sending my mind into a haze causing me to rub my eyes. I sighed to myself thinking about what's to come, I tried getting out of bed however I'm instantly hit by the pain where I cut myself last night making me walk with an awkward limp.
I slowly limp to the bathroom and look in the mirror examining my pale face and dark eye bags that look as if they could carry luggage "You look like shit." I said to myself as I began brushing my teeth.
As I'm finishing up my morning routine I hear a yell "CLEMENTINE GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!" "I'M UP!" I shouted back, I stayed in the bathroom until I heard my mother's footsteps fade away. I grabbed my backpack and left out the front door causing the screen door to slam.
I began walking to school with each step closer I felt my stomach doing cart wheels and not in the good way, I started to see the school meaning it was only a 3 minute walk left and I felt like I was going to throw up.