I pushed open the double doors then I began trying to make way through the crowded hallway to find my locker, everyone is pushing and shoving causing me to trip over my own feet nearly falling face first onto laminate flooring. I brushed myself off and began walking towards my locker.
I feel staring and hear murmuring it's obvious that they're talking about me which made me think of the all they things they could be saying, I should be used to it by now but every now and then it causes my stomach to drop. I took a deep breath and opened my locker.
"EEEKK!" I screeched while staring at the dead rat that was placed into my locker, people began saying "EEEEW!" and laughing. "I just know it was diesel and Clint I fucking know it" I said to myself as I slammed the locker shut and began rushing to homeroom.