All Rose did was write the day away, writing about superheroes winning and losing battles with the powers they had gotten or were born with powers, to people's lives that never existed and what their story was. Sure she would live life but she always just felt like some background character to everything else that was going on in her life. Just someone there to watch, maybe make a comment or 2 but nothing else. Rose had friends and they were great, when she was with them it was the only time that she felt alive.
But once they were gone by the end of the school day she was alone with a pen and paper and sometimes a book. That is how she would live by writing characters that don’t have the same restrictions as her. To live in fantasy worlds where nothing is like this plain place she lives in.
The stories she wrote were about people who were gifted or forced into having powers or trained abilities the average person would not have. She made a character based on some that she saw but, with her own twist. What Rose saw she took and made her own, writing the letters that turned into words that turned into sentences that turned into paragraphs that turned into pages that turned into chapters that turned into a story. A story that holds another world or at least a life for someone else to read and therefore live through.
Though her favorite to write were stories about the heroes she had crafted into existence. About a man that was given the abilities of a spider when he was young and was trained to kill but turned into a hero thanks to his friend, Rose named him Peter based on the Marvel superhero Spider-Man since that was one of her favorite characters. Rose loved Spider-Man's abilities but thought why not add more? Why can’t he camouflage like some spiders can? Why can’t he actually shoot webs and not have to physically make something for them and have to make the web? So she took the writing into her own hands making a world with how she saw it.
Every day Rose would go into her house and go straight to her room and put her back and shoes away untie her long hair from the braid that it is usually in and let it fall around her not caring if it was messy since she was home. She would either grab her laptop or notebook depending on what she was working on or what she felt like doing. And she would write tragic tales about the heroes winning at the cost of millions of lives. Of some dying in the course of action. This is how she lived through these characters and hoped her readers would think so too.
She would post her stories on a website where it was made for that purpose. From life stories to another universe that wasn’t our own, you could find it. Every time she would post her tales she would wait for the comments of people who read them to see what they were going to say. Sure the people who read it were her 2 friends but at least it was someone. And there was someone else that wasn’t her friend.
It depends on her mood of what happened in the chapter, of course depending on when she left off but she can put a stop to whatever was going on pretty quickly. Or it could be a long chapter to write the scene that she wanted. It can range from a cute found family scene to having one of her characters having to see something traumatic happen or something to remind them of something that happened to them in the past.
Rose was not shy about having horrible things happen to her characters or the people around them or the general population cause it is all fiction so why should she care? Today was one of those days after she wrote something partially bad, and she was sitting in ELA before classes started to get some work done when one of her friends found her.
“How dare you do that Peter. Hasn’t he been through enough? First, you made him be trained to be an assassin traumatized him, and then have his best friend be killed in front of him and THEN you DARE make him have to watch his portage have to watch his brother die and have a PTSDesc moment and his spouse or one of his friends weren’t there before during OR AFTER!” Rose’s friend Nick went off in a rage while Rose just smiled at him.
“Nick, I got your feelings on the chapter quite clear from the comment you left on it. Or I should say comments since you maxed out the word count twice and had to make a thread of them to get your point across. Also how in the world did you do that? The max word count on the comments is 2,000 words, I don’t think I have ever seen you write something so long. It was at least 5,000 words-“
“Yeah, yeah, I know what you are going to say. That if I can do that I should be able to put that effort somewhere more important like the essay that is going to be due tomorrow that is supposed to be 10,000 words long and I have 15 words and that is just my name, the date the assignment and the class period. But I don’t feel like that is important-”
“Which it is much more important because if you fail this English class like you have the past 3 years you will-“
“Cause I will never go into anything in the writing world and I am going to art-“
“NOT be able to graduate high school and if you need a side job doing math or something because you are decent at that you won’t be able to get a job as easily.”
Nick was giving Rose the look he always gives when she makes him do his schoolwork and make sure he passes his classes. It was an expression of being mad that he knew that she was right but he doesn't want to admit that he has been wrong all these years. He is getting better at doing work for health and math but ELA is his and always be his stickler unless some miracle happens Rose has lost hope of that happening. But then again he is taking more responsibility for his homework and Freshman Rose would die at the thought of Nick doing his work without her wearing him down which would take days sometimes weeks.
They glared at each other for a couple of minutes and then Rose broke the silence.
“You haven’t done your essay yet?”
“Ugh! Fine Rose I will do it. I don’t want to hear your long lecture about how it is important.” Nick sat down in the seat next to Rose, placing his bag down near Rose’s legs which were covered in a green skirt. He took off his hoodie and threw it on Rose’s lap because he does not like having a hoodie on him or near him if he is too hot to wear them. He grabbed the school-provided laptop and started getting to work and Rose went back to her work as well. Of course, when Nick is doing work he doesn’t want to do he will talk to Rose who will respond back sometimes but at the end of responding she will remind him to get back to work. It is funny for Rose to think that she became best friends with the boy that she sat next to in PE and then proceeded to say each other's name during the icebreaker game cause they are both horrid at names and then just kinda stayed with each other.
They continued to do this till they heard Ms. Lurk yell that they had 5 minutes to get to the first period. “Man I was just started getting into writing this stupid essay.” Nick says with no disdain in his voice.
“You are fine. How many words have you got?”
“Good, anyways see you in Physics.” Rose says getting up and immediately going to class before Nick could say anything. Though he had nothing to say because he knew Rose was a freak about getting to places on time and will freak out that she was a minute late or in school walking into the class during the bell ringing. Nick just laughs at it as he takes his time to go to his art class thinking that that is just Rose being Rose.
Rose was sitting in History class doing her best to stay awake and take notes since midterms are coming up and it is thankfully open notes so she needs to get down everything so she can get her grade up before progress reports come out. Let’s just say she didn’t do too well on the last big test/project. Rose is still pissed about it, it is not her fault that the teacher could not explain what he wanted. And then wouldn’t accept the bull crap that she gave and she just wanted to be done with it knowing that the class has an essay coming up that will get her grade up.
The teacher started talking about myths and how they reflect what was going on in Ancient Greece like the myth about the Greek gods going to Egypt as animals and then turning back into human form to kill Typhon and then the people of Egypt getting confused and that is why their gods have the heads of animals but the bodies as humans and are actually the Greek gods. That was the Greeks trying to understand Egypt's gods and goddesses. Rose already knows having loved mythology since 6th grade and knowing all this. She even puts Greek mythology figures in her big superhero story that Nick was talking about. So she just goes into her head until the teacher starts talking about things she doesn’t know about.
All the thoughts in her head were about how she could bring Hera’s story arc and Peter’s together so there isn’t another side story since she already has 2 going and having more is confusing both for her and the reader. Then there was a big crash sounding through the halls. Startling everyone in the class out of what they were doing. You could feel everyone holding their breath not moving. That could be the janitor dropping a metal box again or if it was a shooting. That was when the door was thrown open and the person or thing that opened the door was a robot that was painted completely white with blue glowing eyes.
Rose was stunned by this robot and now she knew it was a robot because she wrote something exactly like that. It raised its hand and it started glowing the stereotypical red.
“GET DOWN!” Rose screamed hoping everyone listened or figured it out themselves or got out of shock to do so. Thankfully everyone did so before the red fully turned on and started shooting and burning down anything the bright red light touched. Rose could smell the burning wall with the smoke filling the room, and thank anything out there the robot was just burning the wall and not aiming at anyone that was on the floor or under a desk. It seemed that the robot just couldn’t look down and see. That if it wasn’t in its sight then it just doesn't exist. Okay, this is getting weird, Rose thought to herself, the first robot that I wrote about was exactly like this. Why is it the same? Maybe some sicko got inspired by it or something else and it was just a consequence since I am far from creative with stuff like this.
That was when a masicaline-looking person with dark brown skin with hair in braids down to their shoulders just appeared in the room. With another masicaline-looking person in a suit that was completely black with white details like the Spider-Man suit. The one in the Spider-Man suit grabbed the robot by the back and ripped its head off of the neck. You can see the wires that were ripped off of the body and other parts, and just as quickly as they came the 2 masicaline people grabbed the robot and disappeared.
All Rose and everyone else in the room could think was what just happened.
The police and ambulance came quickly to the school and ran into the classroom. Asking everyone what happened and if anyone was hurt. Everyone was shell shocked though Rose had it the worst. Because the events that just happened played out to the dot of how Rose wrote it out at the beginning of her first story that she posted. And by first it was the first thing she ever showed anyone other than Nick and her other friend at school.
Rose was so surprised that she didn’t notice anything going on around her. As if her thoughts were the only thing happening in the world and there was nothing else to it. She wasn’t being rushed to her parents and having interviewers screaming about what happened and what was going on. Rose didn't have a clue that she was put in an ambulance because she started hyperventilating with anxiety and could not speak so they don’t know if she is hurt or what is going on. All that was happening was her thinking how her characters come to life.
Once she came again she was back home after being deduced that nothing was wrong other than her anxiety and her shock mixed. She was lying on her bed looking at the ceiling of her room. Is this real? Rose thought to herself. Did I really write something and it came to life? Rose could feel her throat getting tight and started focusing on her bedroom and not her thoughts so she doesn't have another bad panic attack. Rose looked at her walls that were covered in posters of the books that she loves and her favorite marvel characters. The biggest bookshelf in her room that holds the majority of her books.
I am okay. I am here and I am not stuck in my thoughts. Rose told herself and she focused on her breath. The way her shoulders naturally lifted along with her breaths. The feeling of the air coming in and out of her nose down into her throat and lungs to make sure her brain, arms, legs, and other parts of her body get oxygen. Rose felt her throat stop the grip that her anxiety had on her.
Rose got up out of her bed and went to her back she distancely remembers one of her parents putting her bag in her room and bustling to her bed. She opened the bag where she knew her phone would lay but then she hesitated. What was she gonna do? Call the police and tell them this insane idea that her fictional characters came to life. No, they would put her in a psych ward. That was when Rose’s phone started ringing. It was Nick and now that she looks at her phone it wasn’t his first time calling either her other friend CJ. She answered the phone.
“Thank God, you finally answered the phone.” Nick says with pure relief.
“Sorry I was just getting over, well everything that has happened today.” Rose says getting up and going to her laptop.
“Yeah, here let me get CJ on the call, she is really worried about you too and has been trying to call you for the past hour.” Nick says and Rose can hear the tapping on the phone and then the noise of CJ being added to the phone call.
“Rose?” CJ immediately asks, worried clear in her voice.
“Here and alive CJ.” Rose replies with a smile gracing her lips at the joke that neither of her friends got.
“Thank goodness I was so worried.” CJ says letting out a breath.
“You weren’t as worried about me CJ. What is this about? I thought you loved me.” Nick says with a tone of jokingly being hurt. Rose could hear the exaggerated pout through the phone.
“Nick you weren’t the one who was literally in the room when that robot thing came and was starting to burn the building and probably would have killed Rose!” CJ says with a louder tone than normal which is yelling for her.
“Yeah, I was just in the classroom next door over no biggie.” Nick says and Rose couldn’t help but laugh. She knew that Nick was doing this to make her feel better and CJ was going along with it for the same reason.
“So are we going to talk about the elephant in the room or. . .” Rose says, waiting for an answer from one of her friends. The silence was suffocating but Rose knew that she had to get this out of the way. They were both thinking the same thing as her. Rose just knew that they had to talk about this to make sure she wasn’t crazy.
“We are going to talk about the first villain and heroes that you ever wrote in your long-as-heck book series that came into our school and could have killed real people. I don’t think that is important at all.” CJ says in a rare sarcastic comment from her.
“My child is learning how to be sarcastic. I am so proud to have taught you the art of sarcasm.” Nick says with a fake tone of a parent saying they are proud you say got an A on a hard test for you.
“Yeah, yeah. But we do need to talk about it.” CJ says. “So, your characters are now real. How? Why? And how do we stop what is coming.”
“What do you mean CJ?” Nick asks, confused. But Rose knows what she is talking about.
“Since this followed the exact way that I wrote the first villain, everything else that I have written about them is going to happen. Every person I have written will come to life and then most of then-“
“Die. And then that means that all those unnamed people will most likely be filled with real people dying in mass casualties.” Nick fills in realizing all too soon what is coming next.
“Rose. How long will it be until there are big mass casualties.” CJ asks though she knows the answer but hopes it is not real.
“A couple of hours at best. Dr. Monopoly will be sending the rest of the robots to try to cause more havoc. The robot that went to the school was one that went rogue but that was a lie because he was trying to get Peter and Michal off his track. The track is killing multiple thousands of people.” Rose says and the silence during and after saying this was deafening. “I sealed the fate of thousands of people's lives. I am responsible for the murder of thousands of people.” Rose says tears are starting to roll down her face. “What have I done?”
“You did nothing intentionally. You were just writing because you wanted to. Rose, you had no idea that this would become reality.” CJ says getting her voice back saying it with such passion that Rose could almost believe her. Almost.
“Well, I would still get manslaughter in a court of law. I need to fix this. How do I fix this? How did this start?” Rose says desperately.
“This didn’t start with you writing it. It didn’t start with you showing it to us. But it also didn’t start when you started posting it online.” Nick says.
“I just finished his plot line so all this will start when I finish a plot line or at least think about it because I had closed it but always felt it wasn’t finished at all. It wasn’t until I thought it was done that it started. So how do I undo it?” Rose says thinking this through fully but not finding an answer. Or at least a better answer.
“If it has to follow what you have written then maybe how you change it you write a different ending maybe?” CJ suggested.
“That will probably not work because I felt like it was done and that was when this started so how would that change it?” Rose asks, getting more panicked because she can now hear the noise of the robots getting close to the center of the city where it would be the busiest since lunch is coming soon. And with everything going on news stations would have sent people out because that is where the city hall was. This was really happening.
“Just try it!” Nick says desperately. Rose thought he must be terrified since his mother works at city hall and would get hit. So Rose started typing up the current characters going back and changing the past to make sure this doesn't happen. She made sure it made sense so it wouldn’t be out there. Every letter she wrote the louder the sound got. Once it was done she quickly posted it and then. . .
It stopped. The sound stopped and there was no loud boom of thousands of robots going down and killing. She cried with relief and CJ and Nick who were on the phone with her the entire time also cried.
“I need to fix the rest so this doesn't happen ever again,” Rose says getting her senses back from the relief of what was going to happen if she didn’t interfere.
“You do realize that you have the power to change anything to your will now? Like you change the sway in wars and who is president if you write it and believe it is done and show people. You could change the literal meaning of life if you wanted.” CJ says.
And CJ was right but Rose never did anything with this power but for the greater good. Though sometimes she might just write she got a book for free, hey you give an 18-year-old this power what do you expect?
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