Author's Note: Any words like this, are inner thoughts.
H/C: Hair color
E/C: Eye color
S/C: Skin color
L/N: Last name383Please respect copyright.PENANA3LWjL8OWTb
Y/N: Your name, you better know that one383Please respect copyright.PENANAk7dfrfHIj1
383Please respect copyright.PENANAuKN04Vgj1u
Wilbur's POV
I had just finished a stream and was completely exhausted, ready for a break and some caffeine.
I head home and immediately go to the cabinet to look for coffee, which I seem to be out of. "Fuck." I groan, I don't want to go to the store just to get coffee, so I'm gonna have to go to a coffee shop.
I search my phone for a place and find a small local shop called Callie's Corner (A/N: Idk if that's a real place or not) and grab my keys, desperate for coffee.
Once I get there, I stand in line, knowing exactly what I want, eager and thirsty.
I get to the front of the line and am about to start my order when I notice the barista.
H/C hair, E/C eyes, and S/C skin, they're gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous.
I stare for a good 30 seconds before they wave their hand in front of my face lightly.
"Hello? Can I take your order?" They ask with a monotoned voice, clearly bored and annoyed with me now.
I realize I've been staring and my face turns red.
"Y-yes sorry, I'll have a hot caramel macchiato with whipped cream and milk." I stutter out, embarrassed for staring.
"What size?"
The barista nods, eyes on their order screen, "Can I get a name?"
They look up for a moment, not smiling, not showing any emotion besides indifference, "Nice name."
The comment startles me, I wasn't expecting a compliment, especially from someone who looks like they're emotionally dead.
"Oh! T-thanks," I decide to take a risk, "what's yours?"
Their eyes narrow, "Why?" They ask flatly.
I take a breath, "I want to see if yours is good too."
They look me up and down, wait a moment, and look back at the screen, "Y/N." Even their name sounded gorgeous.
I internally swooned and gave them a smile, "I like yours too, it suits you."
They're still looking at the screen when they reply, "Thanks. Your order will be ready soon."
I hadn't even realized I had paid for my drink but apparently I had.
I take one more glance at the barista before walking away to wait. Wow.
I get my drink and head back into the car, grinning like an idiot.
The whole way home, the only thing I can think about was that conversation with them, how sweet they sounded even though they looked bored, how beautiful they were.
I know it probably wasn't as romantic as I felt it was, but I didn't care, I needed to see them again.
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All throughout the rest of the day, the only thing I could think about was the guy, Wilbur.
His fluffy brown hair, his dark brownish-black eyes, his cute metal rimmed glasses.
My coworkers teased me about the conversation I had with him, having overheard all of it, but I brushed it off, it was a one time thing, I'd probably never see him again.
Besides, who would want to see an ugly, terrible person like me, with my stupid complexion and my monotoned voice. Who'd ever want to take care of a broken, depressed person like me?
No one, that's who.
I finished work and headed home, picking up an eviction notice on the way in, I was about to be kicked out. Shit.
I went immediately to bed, not caring about dinner or changing or anything, it didn't matter anyways, my life was already in shambles.
383Please respect copyright.PENANAxSqdyxSwBV
I got up the next day, changing into clean clothes for once and looking around my horrific room, it was trashed and disgusting.
In my tiny little flat, there was a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen with some bar stool chairs. No living room, nothing besides those three rooms. I was living basically at a bare minimum, soon to be nothing.
I headed to work at the cafe. I'd start at 9 am and work until 4 pm. I got there at around 8:50 like normal and got straight to work, cranking out orders and getting stuff done.
I was working like crazy and was about ready to leave when I saw the guy, Wilbur, walk in.
It felt like time froze for a second, then unfroze.
A coworker/friend was working the cash register but they quickly let me take over, also seeing my never-meant-to-be crush walk in.
I went through the line as fast as I could, and he was finally there in front of me, smiling and looking cute.
I tried to sound happy and stuff, but it was hard, I'd had depression for so long I had forgotten what being happy felt like.
"Hey." He said calmly, giving me sweet smile.
I tried giving him a small smile back, which seemed to work, "Hi," I replied, "what can I get you today?" I asked.
"Same thing as yesterday, a medium, hot caramel macchiato with whipped cream and milk. Same name also." He responded, laughing at his own humor. The drink must be his favorite.
I tapped his order in on the screen and waited for him to pay. Instead of him paying with card like yesterday, he paid with cash, told me to keep the change and quickly walked away, not saying another word.
I frowned, confused. I wonder what that was about- I looked down at the cash, and then realized.
Wilbur had slipped a piece of paper with his number on it with the cash he handed me.
I watched him sit down at a table, glance at me and wink, and start scrolling through his phone.
That cocky bastard.
383Please respect copyright.PENANAgYbdD6qL8y
Wilbur's POV
My heart raced, I had actually done that, I had actually slipped them my number.
I got my coffee and booked it, waiting for a text from them. I had gotten there around 3:45, and they texted me at 4:07.
383Please respect copyright.PENANAmgkaErs9mm
Unknown Number
That's me, is this Y/N?
Unknown Number
Cool, let me update your contact rq, whats ur last name?
Unknown Number
I'm guessing you get off at 4 then? Last name is Soot btw
Yeah, I work from 9-4 at the cafe
Damn that's a long time
Yea ig, what do u do for work anyways
Oh- uh, I work in business
Thats cool ig
Hey I gtg, talk later k?
Yeah ofc, byeee
383Please respect copyright.PENANAZ3HUgtgUQy
I grin as I turn my phone off, I actually got their number, and they were ok with it! I happily drpve home, this day was the fucking best. 383Please respect copyright.PENANAr9h7mltnH2
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383Please respect copyright.PENANAsTwcvx7Cwl