Author's Note:
F/O: Favorite outfit
Y/S: Your shampoo
Y/P: Your perfume
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Wilbur's POV
I was streaming when my phone lit up. I normally ignored any notifications because I was live, but it was Y/N.
"Hey chat, hold on this is important."
I opened my phone and read YN's latest text.
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Hey Wilbur are you busy Saturday?
What am I saying, ofc u prob are
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I froze, they had asked me if I was busy Saturday.. but then they retracted it. Were they going to ask me out?
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No no wait- I'm not busy Sat
Why what's up??
Oh ok
Well um there's this new movie coming out
The second Avatar
I was wondering if you wanted to go see it with me?
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I grinned and ran a hand through my hair, they had asked me to go see a movie with them.
Like a date?
Yeah, sure, like a date
Meet me at Cineworld at 4:15 on Sat
Movie starts at 4:30
Ends at 6:30 (A/N: Yes the movies about that long.)
Alright, see you then :)
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I was smiling so hard when I got off my phone and chat started going crazy, asking who it was and stuff.
I went on with the stream for about another hour, chat still grilling me on the so called 'mystery texter' every once in a while.
After the stream was over, I immediately went and reread Y/N and I's recent convo, I smiled every moment that was left of that day, waiting in anticipation for Saturday to come.
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I can't believe he actually said yes. Like, I know I had asked him out, but I expected him to say no.
I started thinking about it and decided to research him, seeing if he was the guy who pulled pranks.
I typed in Wilbur Soot in Google, not expecting anything, and came up with thousands of pages on him.
They all had his picture and everything.
He was a streamer.
He was a streamer who did Minecraft role-plays, and vlogs. He was huge, with around 6 million subs on youtube and over 1k on Twitch. Woah.
It also said that Wilbur played music and was in a band, so I'd listen to some of his music later.
I researched a while longer then logged off, when it hit me.
I had just asked a famous streamer out, who has fans all over the world, and he had said yes.
And now, I know why he said yes, I bet he was playing truth or dare with his chat, and they made him do it. Yeah, that's it.
That's the only logical explanation.
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Wilbur's POV
Wednesday passed, then Thursday, then Friday, and it was finally Saturday.
I slept till like 1:15, so I had about 3 hours to get ready and get to the movies.
I threw on random clothes and shoes and went downstairs to get breakfast.
The drive there was already gonna be half an hour, but I had plenty of time.
I decided on two Eggo waffles, and sat down on the couch, wasting time on twitter until I had to leave. I grabbed my keys, jumping in the car and leaving, right on time.
I got there around 4:15 and stood outside the theatre, waiting for Y/N.
I only waited 10 minutes or so when I looked up from my phone, seeing Y/N walking up to me.
They looked absolutely amazing today.
Their H/C was in a natural state, and they were wearing F/O, which they looked great in.
Immediately smiling when I saw them, I went in for a hug and they hugged back.
They smelled like Y/S and Y/P, which made a great combination.
"Hey, I have our tickets on my phone, wanna go inside?" They asked, pulling up the tickets on their phone.
"Yeah, sure, I'm so excited to go see the new Avatar." Which was the truth, I genuinely loved the Avatar movie and was excited for the second one.
"Oh same, the first one was so good." Y/N replied as we walked through the doors.
Y/N started walking towards our movie area but I went to the concessions stand, grabbing their hand and pulling them along with me.
"You can't go to the movies and not get snacks." I said laughing and getting in line.
We waited a bit until we were almost at the the front, so Y/N picked out some candy and I got us popcorn to share and water bottles.
I hadn't realized until Y/N pulled away to get their wallet, but we were still holding hands. I also hadn't realized they though they were paying.
"Nope- not happening."
"Huh? What's not happening?" They asked.
"You're not paying for the food, you get tickets and I get food."
Y/N's eyes widened, "No Wilbur you don't have to-"
"Yes I do, I'd feel bad if I didn't." I grabbed their hand again and looked them straight in the eyes, "I'm paying."
Y/N sighed and looked away, but didn't pull their hand away, "Fine."
I smiled and paid, but just before we left the concessions counter, the cashier looked at Y/N and I holding hands and smiled.
"You two are a cute couple, how long have you been dating?"
Y/N started blushing hard and I panicked to answer, "O-oh no! We're not dating.." I stuttered out. If I'd been drinking water, I would've spit it out.
The cashiers eyes widened and now they panicked, "Oh I'm so sorry, you just looked.. never mind, have a nice day.." They handed me the bucket of popcorn and we left.
I was still recovering from the embarrassment when I looked over at Y/N, who was still blushing and had slipped their hand out of mine.
I stopped them right in front of out theatre door, "Are you ok?"
They looked up at me and froze, "Oh, yeah that guy just took me by surprise I guess."
"Alright then, if you're sure."
We walked into the theatre, found our seats and waited for the movie to start.
We were about halfway through and there was a slightly scary scene which made Y/N gasp and grab my hand, then let go.
I smiled and leaned over to them, "You can hold my hand if you'd like, I don't mind."
Y/N looked over at me, then whispered back, "Ok, thanks.." They looked back at the screen and slowly slipped their hand in mine.
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The movie was really good so far and I was super happy that Wilbur let me hold his hand.
We were close to the end of the movie and it was starting to get serious, with many scary scenes.
I kept gasping and tightening my grip on Wilburs hand and then loosening it.
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The movie finally ended and we walked out of the theatre, letting our eyes adjust and talking about the movie.
"That was so good! I love the scene when- and also when- oh my gosh that one part with the explosions was crazy!" I was talking pretty fast, tripping over my words.
Wilbur laughed and grabbed my hand again, "Slow down, we have all the time in the world."
I laughed lightly and gave Wilbur a smile, it had been so long since I'd actually felt.. happy.
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I let Wilbur walk me to my car and he left after I got in, but something happened.
My car wouldn't start. I panicked and texted Wilbur, hoping he could come back and help.
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Wilbur!!! Did you leave yet?!
Wilburrr :)
No not yet, why??
My car won't start! Can u come back and help??
Wilburrr :)
Ofc!! Let me drive over
I'm on the other side of the lot
Thank youuuuu
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I got out of the car and waited, I couldn't believe this was happening.
A gray Mercedes Benz finally pulled up and the tinted window rolled down, revealing a gorgeous Wilbur Soot.
He parked in the spot next to me and got out, walking over.
"How can I help you your majesty?" He said all fancy like, bowing as he reached me.
I smiled and played along, "Fix this car peasant. 'Tis broken." I crossed my arms all snooty and waved him off.
Wilbur gave a fake hurt look and put a hand over his heart, "Peasant?! I thought at least I'd be prince-" He walked up close to me, a few inches away and lowered his voice, "here to court your majesty."
I blushed, noticing how close we were and Wilbur seemed to be leaning in. His lips were inches way from my own when my knowledge came in, he's faking it, probably for his viewers and a story to tell.
I lowered my eyes and backed away from him.
"I- um, can you help?"
Wilbur looked hurt but nodded, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, let me pop to hood and see if anything's wrong."
Wilbur did just that, and did find a problem with the engine, but something he couldn't fix. We'd need a tow truck.
We called one quick and 30 minutes later I watched it drive away with my car, my baby.
I sighed and opened my phone for an Uber.
"What are you doing?" Wilbur asked looking over my shoulder.
"Calling an Uber?" I responded, wasn't that obvious?
Wilbur quickly took my phone from my hands and canceled the car I had requested, then raised it above his head, out of my reach.
"Hey!" I jumped up and tried to grab it, but he was literally so tall. "What the fuck?!"
He put his arms down and handed me my phone, "I have a car stupid."
I scoffed and crossed my arms, "No shit Sherlock, but I don't wanna be an inconvenience."
Wilbur raised his eyebrows, "Inconvenience?! The hell are you talking about?!"
"I don't wanna make you get home late cause you had to drive me." I explained.
Wilbur laughed, "Get in nerd."
After I didn't get in the car, he gave me a surprised look, "You're not joking?"
"I don't want to be a burden."
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Wilbur's POV
"Y/N you could never be a burden to me, you're too amazing!"
"I'm not that great."
"Shut the fuck up, yes you are."
"You barely know me."
"That's how great you are. Get in."
I opened the passenger door for them and they reluctantly got in. I got in after them, starting the car up and putting it in drive.
I handed them my phone which was plugged into the car, "Put your address in so I can take you home."
"Ok." They said quietly, quickly putting it in and setting my phone in the cup holder.
"Do you mind music?" I asked, hoping they didn't, music was like life to me.
"Of course not, music is how I survive."
"Oh gosh same." I turned on a local R&B radio that I always listened to and started nodding along.
The song Dandelions by Ruth B. came on and I started singing. I stopped to take a breath after a little bit and noticed Y/N staring at me.
I raised an eyebrow as if to ask, "What?"
"You're- you can sing."
I laughed, "Yes I can, can you?"
Y/N shook their head, "Absolutely not."
I nodded in response and started singing again.
The rest of the car ride was just us listening and occasionally me singing until we pulled up to their house.
This was fucking amazing.
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