“Winter...” Cameron sang. “Wiiiiinter....”
She groaned as his voice bled into her dreams, shifting further into the mattress.
“Come on,” he said from behind her. “Time to wake up now.”
She shook her head, exhaustion clouding her thoughts when she started drifting into the real world.
Distantly, she felt his fingers lightly brush her navel in gentle circles...
Had he been doing that all night?
“Wakey, wakey,” he said, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Come on, it’s almost noon.”
She made some kind of annoyed groan, attempting to send him an, “I’m tired” message.
He pulled away from her for a moment, making the cold deepen into her skin when his body heat vanished, throwing her out of her dreams and she opened her eyes slightly, curious as to what he was doing.
But he was still behind her. She could tell by how the mattress was still dipped under her.
Seconds later, he pulled her shoulder, making her roll over, and she let him.
He drew her to his chest then, draping the covers over her again while she snuggled into his hold.
“I’ll let you cuddle for a little,” he said softly, rubbing her back. “But you can’t fall back asleep, alright?”
A small nod.
He smiled into her hair, pulling some strands out of her lashes to see her expression.
Her eyes were slightly parted, lips, as well, clearly staring at his chest lazily while he rubbed her back.
He then pressed his lips behind her ear, making a small gasp escape her throat.
Though, he didn’t stop, he continued down her neck, causing small little whimpers to come from her mouth.
He pulled away then, smiling down at her. “You sound so cute when I kiss you while you’re tired.”
She gave him a lazy glare. “Don’t sound so creepy.”
“I can’t help it,” he said, wrapping his fingers around her wrist. “Especially when your heart’s racing.”
It only took a moment for her to realize he was pressing his thumb to her artery, and she pulled out of his grasp, cheeks burning slightly.
“So...” he said then, watching her curiously, “I know that we’ve officially said the whole, ‘I love you’ thing, but one thing I'm not necessarily clear of.”
“What?” she said.
“Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?”
She was silent.
“Can...” she said a little harshly, “can we take things a little slower? It’s been like a week since we met.”
“You kissed me a day after we met.”
“Correction,” she added, “you kissed me.”
“But you didn’t pull away.”
She was silent.
“Ha,” he said, smirking, “I caught you.”
She shook her head in defeat.
“You can try to deny it,” he said, “but you know deep inside that our love’s beyond anything societal standards have.”
“You do know that the average high school relationship lasts two weeks?” she stated.
“Oh,” he said, “no this won’t. I’m never letting you go, Winter. You’re mine now.”
She smiled then, but attempted to hide it by turning her face into his neck.
He saw it, though.
So he leaned down and pressed his lips to her neck, continuing down her throat and hearing her giggle this time instead of whimper.
“Does that tickle?” he wondered curiously.
“A little...” she admitted.
“Good.” And he continued kissing her, holding her head to his chest with a hand while the giggles turned into small moans.
But then something sharp touched her skin, and he jumped back, scooting toward the headboard.
She looked up at the sudden movement, pushing her hands against the mattress and sitting up.
She couldn’t comprehend what happened until she saw his canines piercing through his bottom lip.
“Are you hungry?” she said then, looking to him.
“A little,” he admitted, eyes dulling slightly.
“Alright,” she said, crawling to the edge of the bed and letting the top half of her body fall and dangle off the mattress.
“What the hell are you doing?” he questioned as she shuffled through something at her side.
“One moment, please,” she said, voice partly strained. Only a couple seconds passed before she said, “Got it.”
He watched in amusement when she kicked out her legs, clearly attempting to sit back on the bed, but her body was too heavy.
“Need help?” he wondered in amusement.
“No...” she said, pausing for a moment before shoving her hands to the bed frame and throwing herself back onto the bed, laying there for a moment.
Her face was slightly reddened from the blood rushing to her head and he raised his brows as she gasped for breath.
Before he could speak, she held out a bag of blood to him, panting still. “Here.”
He chuckled, taking the bag from her hand while she managed to sit up, face still red. “Where did you get this?”
“My purse.”
He chuckled. “Why is there blood in your purse?”
She gave him a look as if he just asked a dumb question. “Emergencies.”
He only shook his head in defeat, but still said, “So, you’re all stocked, huh?”
But he downed the bag before she could answer, throwing it to the trashcan in the back of the room, and it landed inside without hitting the rim.
“Goal,” he said, chuckling.
But when he looked to Winter, she had already crawled over to him, and was now resting her head onto his lap, rubbing her face onto his jeans.
“What’s with this sudden need to cuddle?” he wondered then. “Didn’t you say to take things slower?”
She didn’t respond, just curled up into a ball.
She always did that when she was scared...
“You okay?” he said then, pulling the covers over her.
“I am now....”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he questioned.
“Don’t make me say it...” she whispered not for the first time.
Was she afraid to say “I love you” again?
He thought they were through with this…
He stared for a moment before responding, “I’m going to make you say it. Tell me.”
But she was silent, breathing softly against his leg.
By this, he knew she fell asleep.
“Can you ever say these things... not before falling asleep?” He pushed her off his lap, lying down next to her and drawing her to his chest while gently running a hand down her head. “I’ll let you sleep a little longer, alright? But don’t get used to it....”
He smiled into her hair then. “Only for thirty minutes... I have something planned for tonight, and I know you’ll love it.”
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After a day of Winter sitting at the desk, writing, and Cameron watching the news from the bed, the sun set behind the mountains, covering the clouds with a pink and purple glow.
Darkness spread along the sky as Cameron looked over to Winter, watching her working at the room’s desk on a pad of notebook paper with a blue mechanical pencil.
He smiled, sliding off the bed and stepping over to her, then knocked on the wooden desk like it was a door frame.
She looked up then, pencil paused mid-sentence as she raised her brows, the expression saying, What?
He pulled out a chair, settling on it backwards and resting his arms on the back rest.
There was some hair covering her right eye, but she managed to brush it out of her face and tuck it behind her ear, forming a loop that he knew she didn’t notice.
He could see her face now... the baby pink skin, the soft shadows on her cheeks from the lamps in the room...
“What’s up?” she said. “Why are you staring at me?”
He smiled then. “You’re beautiful.”
“What made up that sudden comment?” she said, a little pink dusting her cheeks.
He could tell he embarassed her, but she clearly liked it.
Mainly because her eyes brightened after his sentence.
“Anyway,” he said, ignoring her while streching out his arms in a cat-like arch. “Do you have anything you like to wear?”
She narrowed her eyes. “Why?”
He only shrugged. “Just wondering.”
He looked to her, grinning. “Wear anything you want, but make sure you can dance in it, okay?”
“Hold on,” she said before he could get up and leave the desk. “Where are you taking me?”
He smirked with a touch of menace. “You’ll see.”
And she watched him leave her, disappearing into the bathroom.
When he was gone, Winter looked to her wardrobe...
A short dress...? Or leggings and a T-shirt...?
That was all she had anyway…
Cameron didn’t really take her clothing shopping…
About twenty minutes later, Winter found herself being half-dragged by Cameron through the streets.
She could hear the ocean’s waves crashing softly from the shore a couple blocks away, and how the lights from the city colored the dark ocean pink and yellow...
Winter would’ve watched the beauty of this moment, taking in the quiet, misty air... but Cameron kept on dragging her a certian place he failed to mention.
So Winter decided to question him. “Hey, Cameron?”
He cast a look at her, lips quirking up at the corners. “Hmm?”
“Where are we going?”
He looked back ahead, chuckling. “You’ll see.”
“It better not be a strip club,” she stated, annoyance catching in her tone.
He looked to her. “It’s not.”
“Then where are we going?”
A smile. “Patience, Winter.”
She wanted to scream at him, but she kept her mouth shut, just watching the cafe they always went to pass by, and Cameron started draggng her to the right into an alleyway, where a sea-shell painted wall rested.
“Cameron,” Winter said as he started toward it. “That’s a wall.”
He gave her an amused look. “It’s not.”
“Cameron...” she warned as he got closer, “that’s a wall.”
When he didn’t respond, she dug in her heels, almost throwing him backwards but he caught himself and turned to give her a look.
It was a crusty one.
“Follow me,” he said, smiling, “or there will be concequences. Three seconds.”
“I can’t follow you into a wall!” Winter shouted.
“Three,” he said, and Winter attempted to pull her arm away but he tightened his hold.
It wasn’t harsh enough to burn her skin, but she couldn’t get out of it if she tried.
She shot a look at him. “Let go.”
“Two,” he continued.
She pulled her arm again, breaking free for a moment…
But only because Cameron let go and vanished...
Panic coursed through her veins, and she spun around, searching for him...
Did someone take him...? Did he run off with his super speed?
While her breaths became shallower, something caught her waist, and she yelped as Cameron pulled her against him, breath tickling her ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“You know,” he said, “I’m really glad you didn’t wear a dress.”
She looked down to her pink blouse with sequins that glistened with the dim lights, and the black skirt that blew gently in the wind.
She couldn’t help it... the sudden comment made her curiosity spark, and she answered, “Why?”
He only chuckled low in her ear, gently kissing her temple and making her cheeks flush.
Was this going too fast…? Should she have been shoving him away and keeping a distance…?
“Because girls wear dresses to look pretty,” he explained, “or to show off more skin to get a guy for a night... but you,” he brushed some hair that fell out of her bun away, “you’re style is unique... And it shows your true self.”
She turned to him then, titling her head to the side curiously at his icy blue eyes that somehow looked... warm...
But he reached up, making her look up to his arm as he pulled the pins out of her bun, her hair falling to her waist in waves, and he tossed the hair clips away, clearly not fazed that he was littering.
“There,” he said, smiling down at her as her cheeks heated, “that’s better.”
She lost her words, staring at his chest while she processed why he just put her hair down.
“You should have it down more often,” he said, sliding a strand between his fingers. “It looks pretty.”
“I usually have it up because it’s a mess,” she admitted, not knowing why she was arguing.
She just wanted to understand.
“Don’t have it up anymore,” he stated.
“But I don’t have a flat-iron…” she said softly. “I can’t straiten it.”
“Don’t do that either.”
She looked to him then. “What?”
Did he just say what she thought he said?
He smiled. “I love your natural hair… it’s so unique.”
She stared, unable to recognize the playful, mean Cameron she had known for the past week…
But she also liked this, too…
And she gently kissed his jaw as a, thank you, feeling his hands lock around the small of her back as she rested her head on his chest.
“Cameron...?” she said then, whispering the words. “Are you high?”
He was silent for a moment. “What the hell brought up that assumption?”
“That’s a wall,” she whispered, sounding partially condecending.
“No, it’s not,” he said, “and don’t have that tone with me.”
She looked to him then, brows raising. “It’s a wall, Cameron.”
He looked annoyed. “No, it is not a wall, Winter.”
“Yes, it is.”
He smiled then, a slight tint of mischief lighting his eyes. “Wanna bet?”
“Ten bucks,” she said.
“No,” he shook his head as if disapointed, “not intersested.”
“What do you want?” Winter crossed her arms despite him having his hands still locked behind her back.
“Your shirt.”
Her brows raised. “No.”
“Fine...” he muttered, annoyed, “jacket then?”
She looked down to her jean jacket, then back at him, faking a pout. “But... I’m cold....”
He only chuckled. “You won’t be once we go in there.”
“You’re saying that there’s a door there, when there’s not.”
He smiled. “Jacket.”
She rolled her eyes, knowing she would win. “Fine, but seriously,” she narrowed her eyes, “are you high?”
A smile. “Not yet.”
“Hold on... wha— Ahh!”
He threw her legs out from under her and lifted her up, smirking down at her glare. “Let’s go, Winter.”
And she clutched onto his shirt as he stepped toward the wall.
“If you run into it, I’m going to laugh my ass off,” she muttered.
But he didn’t stop his pace as they got closer... and closer...
“Cameron...” she warned.
They were at the wall now... but he kept his pace...
Okay... something was off in that head of his...
“Cameron!” she squeaked as he broke through the wall.
But, no...
He didn’t break through it... it distorted on its own... like a portal or some kind of magical liquid...
As they got fully through, music pummeled Winter’s ears, almost making her go deaf...
It sounded like a mixture between rock and electronic music... and there were people below them dancing with their hair waving and tangled... some covered in some weird blue goo... others clearly drunk or high as they fell to the ground, their friend helping them up seconds later.
Winter and Cameron stood in a dark room... neon beams lighting the walls a dark purple...
Like UV lights...
Cameron gently set Winter down, feet first, onto the ground... and she stared off into the room... grey eyes glistening with yellow specks from the stage lights...
She looked back to Cameron, about to question him as to where the hell they were, but she saw his smile...
The smug smirk.
“What?” she questioned, yelling over the music.
“A wall, huh?” He laughed.
“I didn’t know that walls could turn into liquid, okay?” she argued back. “So I’m sorry!”
“You don’t sound sorry,” he stated, brows raised.
“I was being sarcastic, Cameron.”
He smiled, eyes glowing with malisious intent. “Our deal?”
Winter sighed, rolling her eyes as she shuffled off her jacket, throwing it to his chest harshly.
But he still caught it, doing the same and tossing it to a waiter.
He also caught it, but sent Cameron a look seconds later.
He didn’t seem to care, though.
His eyes were focused on Winter, and he held out his hand with a tilted smile.
She shook her head, attempting to show she wasn’t fond of this, but still took it, letting him guide her to the dance floor.
She caught a couple glimpses of people making-out...
To put it lightly...
And decided not to look more... she didn’t feel like throwing up yet.
But Cameron stopped suddenly, making her bump into his chest as he turned around.
He wrapped his arms around her while she was trying to steady herself, making a quiet little sqeak escape her throat from the movement, but he still heard it despite the music.
Kisses? someone whispered.
Winter looked around for a moment, feeling anxiety prickle her skin when she noticed the voice sounded so clear and loud comapred to the others who were screaming the lyrics...
But she looked up to Cameron, seeing his tilted smile and his questioning eyes.
“Did you...” she whispered, “just speak to my mind...?”
The smirk didn’t waver.
Yes or no? it said again.
Her eyes widened. “How are you doing that?”
No response.
But he only leaned down to press a kiss to her jaw, whispering in her ear, “Yes or no?”
She was silent for a moment, questioning what the hell was going on but she still nodded, snuggling her face into his neck. “Yes....”
And he gently brushed his lips along her jawline, hearing a quiet moan come from her mouth as he moved down her neck, lightly nibbling the skin.
A loud snap crackled across the crowd like a gunshot, and Winter would’ve screamed if Cameron hadn’t covered her mouth with a hand. “Shhh... it’s nothing bad, promise.”
She stared as everyone in the room started cheering—not screamingat the gunshot-like sound—and jumped into the air, chanting, “Felix, Felix, Felix, Felix!”
“What’s going on?” she questioned to no one in particular, and looked around in a panic, only to feel Cameron’s gentle touch under her chin, moving her eyes to focus on his.
And he leaned down to lightly press his lips to hers, then his voice whispered in her mind, Look up.
So she did, staring up into the room’s ceiling, watching some kind of sphere drift out from a balcony, and explode, making her flinch as the same crack echoed across the room...
And where the sphere was... was now a glistening explostion... like a rainbow, powedered firework... and dropplets of paint came raining down on them.
Winter let one touch her finger, noting its bluish marble color... like white with swirls of turquoise.
“What is it?” she whispered, studying it curiously.
Cameron chuckled. “Felix. Demon drugs, and it’s very harmless,” he said at her concerned look.
She flicked the paint off her finger, wiping it off on her skirt.
But when she looked back up to Cameron, he rose his hand to his mouth, smiling down at her as he licked the drug off the side of his hand, watching her eyes spark like a lit match.
When he brought his hand down, he gave her a curious once-over, the smile still there. “You don’t have to try it if you don’t want to, but I can assure you it doesn’t make you do things you don’t want to do, and you’ll remember everything that happens while you’re on it.”
“Felix,” she watched a drop of paint land on the corner of his mouth, “what does that mean?”
He smirked. “Happy.”
So that meant... that this drug wasn’t the same as being drunk or high... it just made you happy...
“Exactly,” he said, reading her mind.
Winter knew him long enough to know he wasn’t lying...
Even if it was a week...
She knew most of his tells…
And she looked down to the dropplet on the corner of his mouth...
And she did something she never thought she would do...
She licked it off and pressed his mouth to hers...
It tasted sweet... like berries and fruit... there was no acidity...
And that’s when she felt the drug kick in, and she held his hand as he danced with her, the crowd fading and it was just them and the music...
They were both jumping and laughing... Winter attempting to trip him but ended up tripping herself and she almost fell if he hadn’t caught her, his face inches from hers...
Her heels were the only thing on the floor, and her body was tilted, though her back was straight. The only thing keeping her from falling was Cameron’s hold.
She giggled as he rubbed their noses together, giving her eskimo kisses...
And Cameron lifted her back onto her feet, grasping her arm and turning it so she spun in a circle like in those ball rooms...
But she just ended up tripping over someone’s foot again and he had to catch her... again.
She didn’t seem to mind it, though... She felt so light inside… like the darkness of the world and she lay far apart... like the sun and the moon... lightyears away...
And Cameron grabbed her by her hips throwing her up in the air like a child and catching her, something inside him warming as she yelled, “Again! Again!”
So he did it again, throwing her up high and letting her land in his arms, hearing her giggling and she hugged him back.
Another crack echoed across the room, and they both looked up to see the same powdered firework burst, and another batch rained down on them.
Winter stuck out her tongue, catching one like a snowflake and stuck out her tongue again as Cameron put her back down and kissed her gently.
“Alright, silly,” he said, chuckling. “That’s enough for you.”
She only hugged him, feeling him wrap his arms around her as the rest of the crowd jumped in the air, screaming the lyrics as they lay still, just holding onto each other.
She rested her head gently on Cameron’s shoulder, hearing his heart beat softly against her ear... like the quiet ocean’s waves washing up the shore... so calm and gentle...
He didn’t have a heart... but she could hear it beating...
And she looked up to Cameron, seeing him stare at her with a spark in his eyes...
One that she hadn’t seen ever...
And he leaned down, lightly touching his lips to hers.
A gentle kiss that sent a shockwave of heat through her... and she stared back up at him, eyes burning with something she couldn’t name, and he smiled. “More?”
A nod.
And he brushed some kisses behind her ear, little whimpers escaping her mouth as his hands went down her back, resting on her hips...
After a moment of him suckling on her skin, he let go, resting is forehead on hers as she panted slightly, staring up at him.
“No more, alright?” He brushed some hair away from her eyes. “I don’t want to do this while your on drugs, I know it doesn’t impact your thinking, but I just want to be safe, alright?”
A nod.
And he smiled, pressing his lips to her temple.
But she giggled again at the gesture, letting him spin her around again by the arm before pulling her back into his embrace.
She rested her head on Cameron’s shoulder, smiling as he left another little peck on her shoulder...
And she melted into him, watching the world drift... further... and further... slowly fading into darkness...
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Winter woke slowly, feeling soft little bumps go through her body as someone carried her somewhere.
When she managed to open her eyes, she noticed a tall boy with dark hair standing above her, holding her close to their body as she rested back into his arms, feeling him stare back down at her with the movement as she faded back into her dreams.
It was just Cameron...
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