** I updated this chapter bc it needed it it also throws some other things in 😏**
338Please respect copyright.PENANAzZgwNO9rsr
I happily walk towards my parents house. Its a two story cottage with gray paint which is peeling and half the yard is covered in an extravagant garden but its home. My backpack is swinging on one shoulder, my jet black hair plastered against my forehead with sweat but a smile is shining across my face because today is Friday. That meant me and my twin sister Emily were going to go visit our mom in her world. In Anormia. A place no one thought existed, well except for everything that lived there. The Elves, trolls, Dwarfs, and pixies along with many other mythical creatures all thrived in the land of Anormia. My parents marriage was technically illegal but now that it had happened the Slavicans which are the Elvin leaders saw no point in killing us thankfully. Although they did make my mom stay in Anormia and me and my sister have to stay with my dad in the human world except for every weekend. Every weekend my mom comes to the human world she has dinner with us and then she leaves only she brings us with her. We are only aloud to go over on the weekends and under no circumstances is she aloud to bring Dad. I wish she could. Once I asked her if she could bend the rules and bring Dad for a bit, but she looked me in the eyes and said “Alex, that is not bending the rules that is braking them. And if I broke the rules then they wont let me see you ever again. I don’t like the rules either but rules are in place to protect us so you need to follow them.” I never asked her again. I didn’t want them to take her away from me. I open the door and get wrapped up in a hug by my mom. “How have you been? Are you ready to go? Where is your sister?” She pelts me with questions “I’m fine. My suitcase is almost ready I just have to add a couple more things and Emily is helping the librarian… again.” I laugh after answering her many questions. “I’m going to go finish packing, call me when dinner is ready.” I say heading up the carpet stairs. I reach the top and head to the end of the hallway opening the door to my room. I drop my backpack on the ground and fall onto my bed. I sigh. Life was alright. I was the top player on my wrestling team. I have a slightly annoying yet understanding sister I have a roof over my head good food… well my Dads not the best cook but if he burns something, which is what normally happens, there is always taco bell. I also have a Mom one who lives where impossible things happen and one who is waiting for me to pack my suitcase I say to myself. I stand up and stuff a bunch of clothes into my suitcase I also throw in my toothbrush toothpaste and deodorant. I hear someone scream downstairs and I hear something fall. I continue packing not concerned believing that it was another one of my dads cooking failures. Then when I finish I stroll out of my room. I hear another scream but this one is filled with terror. I run to the stairs and go down them. Halfway down I freeze. Golden flames streak through the living room. I dash the rest of the way till my feet hit the floor. I go to where my dad is slumped on the floor. I look around and see my mom holding onto the table, she is bloody and bruised. I rush to her and try to help her as she slumps down to the ground her eyes cloudy and unfocused. “Alex,” she says “You need to run you need to get out of here, its not safe.! They’re here! They found me.” She says coughing as flames dance around us. “Wha-” I start but she puts a finger to my lips. “No questions i don’t have enough time.” She coughs again “Protect your sister, protect her please,” she says her eyes looking clear for but a moment. " I will,” I say trying to be strong for her. She looks at me with her eyes clouded once more and smiles once more. She coughs as she exhales one last time before going limp in my arms. How could this happen i barely get to see her as it is and now shes gone! I turn around and see my dads limp body and our scorched living room. I shakily stand up. “No.” I whisper. This had to be a mistake. This had to be a joke. There had to be some sort of explanation. How could they die so quickly? That’s when I notice something weird. The flames aren’t coming from the kitchen like my Dad had burnt something. No, they were coming from the open window. That meant that this was no accident. The realization hit me in the chest and took away my breath. Someone murdered my parents! Was that the “they” mom was talking about. I stormed towards to the window barely aware of my singed pants. I am almost to the broken window when I trip on something. I fall towards the ground my ankle twisting at an unnatural angle and sharp pieces of broken glass digging into my skin. I cry out in pain and clutch my ankle. My cry turns into a cough as I breath in the smoke. This fire isn’t normal. The smoke doesn’t rise it sinks down blocking my sight. I try to bring in another mouthful of air but the instant my mouth is open smoke pours in swirling inside my lungs and head. Now whenever I cough a puff of smoke slithers out. I choke on the thick smoke. I know I have to get fresh air soon. So I grab something next to me and try to pull myself up but I forget about my ankle and the moment I put pressure in it I fall face down on the ground. I try to push myself up but I’m exhausted and my arms are red with scratches. I feel warm blood running out of my nose and hope its not broken. I fight to keep my eyes open as I see 3 figures in black cloaks heading towards me and am relieved until I see two of them have gun shaped gadgets that have flames pouring out of them. I try to yell out but all that escapes is a feeble whisper. I know fighting is useless in my state but I try anyways. I force myself to look one of the figures in the eyes but I regret it when I see his smile. Then I’m drowning in a sea of darkness. darkness.