I open my eyes to see grayish blue ones staring at me.
“Ahhhhh! Who are you!”
“I’m Zane and Ill be your guide” The boy says leaping back and dipping into a low exaggerated bow. Now that my heart was calming down I could see that the boy in front of me is tall with light brown hair and slightly tan skin. “But seriously, get dressed, if you want breakfast you have to hurry, we’re going to be late if you keep sitting there with your mouth open” He says adjusting his cloak. Like Andrea he had a black cloak on with a strange symbol but he had his hood down so i can see his face. I close my mouth and get up, grabbing clothes from the closet and dashing to the bathroom to get dressed. When i come back out Zane is sitting on my bed tapping his feet. When he sees me he hops to his feet and opens the door and without waiting rushes down the hall. “Wait!” I yell as i grab a pair of shoes and start tugging them on while hopping down the hall. I slip on a loose rock and end up on the floor. “Well you’re clumsy, come on slowpoke we gotta go!” Zane says back pedaling to me and jogging in place while i sit up and tie my shoes. “would it kill you to slow down for one second” I say slightly annoyed as my stomach growls loudly. “No but it might kill you” Zane laughs pointing to my stomach before hurrying down the hall. I glare at him for a moment before standing and heading down the hall after him. We dart down hallway after hallway making various turns till we come to an open cave. There are tables and chairs with a buffet in the back of the room. Other than me and Zane the room is empty. “Where is everyone” I say starting to turn to Zane before realizing he is already halfway across the room. He reaches the buffet an starts piling various foods on his plate before sitting at one of the tables. He grabs a weird food and starts devouring it it looks like a blue acorn the size of an orange he opens it and takes out colorful marble sized balls and pops them in his mouth chewing slowly and swallowing. He wipes the juice off his chin with the back of his hand and started on some of the other foods. I walk over to the buffet and look at all the food. There’s so many different shapes sizes and colors i have no idea what to pick. Look a couple different options before choosing a pear shaped fruit the size of a grapefruit. its red at the top but the res fades to orange and the orange fades to yellow. I put it on a silver plate and sit next to Zane who is holding a fruit that looks exactly like mine. “This is a quan ill show you how to eat it” Zane offers. He takes the stem at the top between his fingers and twists it before pulling up sharply. I do the same and to my surprise the colorful skin falls away and curls around the bottom revealing a soft squishy blue flesh. I watch Zane as he bites it and chews it up once he eats all the blue there’s a big ball in the middle. He smashes the ball on the table and it splits in half revealing small purple seeds that look like they came off a strange strawberry. i bite into my own quan it tastes sour and has the flavor of both a grape and a banana. Juice drips down my chin and I wipe it off with the back of my hand before taking another bite. I continue eating the sour fruit until all that’s left is the seed pack. I crack it open and pinch some of the small purple seeds between my fingers and squint my eyes, trying to look closer. “Don’t worry the seeds are edible and delicious.” Zane says noticing my hesitation. I nod couple times but still hesitate. I finally work up the courage to pop a seed in my mouth. It was crunchy and unlike the fruit of the quan it was sweet and refreshing. I finish the seeds quickly savoring each purple delight before standing up. I wipe my face with part of my cloak and Zane motions for me to follow him. We traverse through the hallways going so many different directions that i couldn’t find my way back to my room if i wanted to. We finally reach a large wooden door. It has a medieval look and it makes me wonder if this I’m in a dungeon of a castle. Before i can think about it too much Zane opens the door. Inside is a girl.