Whole lotta murder scary imagery and gore in this one. 248Please respect copyright.PENANAZ9pQsxi7lR
I'm talking real serious stuff like dismemberment. 248Please respect copyright.PENANARigkVqKWHK
248Please respect copyright.PENANAPJPdBsANhP
248Please respect copyright.PENANAqEINaN7lxf
I drive my car down the dirt path. Trees populate both sides of it. My car is not built for this sort of environment. Nor am I.
I hate the woods.
Its always creeped me out. But its the safest place to do what I do. No police. No cameras.
The treeline finally opens up into a clearing. I pull my car to the side and kill the engine. I step out into the cold crisp air and wish I had brought a jacket.
I wear a blue sweater, a white button down shirt, and some brown slacks. As well as some black leather shoes.
Yes I am not dressed for this. But my budget cant afford clothes fit for hiking. I don't know what I'll tell my wife if I get dirty though.
Something catches my attention on the ground. I walk up to it and crouch down to inspect it.
A crushed empty pack of cigarettes.
That's what I forgot to pack
I look up and sigh at the realisation.
I look ahead and see a path. I assume this is where the litterers went.
I get up and walk to the back of my car and pop the trunk open. In there lies my Mossberg 500 shotgun. 12 gauge.
My Colt M1911 loaded with .45 ACP
And a bottle of mineral water.
I grab the bottle of mineral water and put it in my pocket. Then I grab the pistol and tuck it in my back waistband. Whenever I see people tuck pistols into their waistband it always makes me feel uneasy. Thinking of if it went off. That's why there isn't a round in the chamber. And why I have it tucked in the back and not in the front. Because I'd rather shoot myself in the ass than blow off my wedding tackle.
Finally I grab the shotgun and rack it, transition it to just my left hand and close the trunk.
I begin walking down the path. Hearing and feeling the crunching of leaves and sticks. My wife says the outdoors is peaceful. I cant disagree more. Cold and a constant risk of bumping into some dangerous animal. I'd rather stay at home where its warm with a nice bottle of Scottish whiskey.
I step into some mud and cringe as I feel my foot sink into it as mud leaks into the shoe and comes into contact with my socks. I pull my foot out and flick the mud off and continue walking.
I stop by a tree and lean my shotgun against it. I pull out my water bottle and take a swig. I look ahead and see something. A small light of sorts. Then it disappears.
The faint glow of a lighter?
I think to myself as I twist the lid back on and stuff the bottle back in my pocket. I grab my shotgun and approach where I saw the light.
As I get closer I see a campground of sorts. The stench of marijuana hits my nostrils. I see one tent and a minivan.
I walk up to the tent as the zipper opens. A shirtless man steps out. He doesn't see me standing in front of him because he looks down to light his cigarette. He then looks up and locks eyes with me.
The young man stands a full head taller than me. He's in good shape. I have no doubt that he could easily beat me to death if our conflict were fought on an equal playing field.
But I have a shotgun.
I take aim at him and pull the trigger and feel the gun kick as my buckshot shreds his chest open and sends him falling backwards into his tent crushing it.
248Please respect copyright.PENANALXRhnjItnZ
I hear coming from my left. I turn around and take aim at another man who holds a box of beers before racking my shotgun.
He drops the box and raises his hands to his chest in a defensive gesture.
I fire into his chest and he falls backwards onto the dirt.
I transition my shotgun into my left hand and sigh. Turning to the first man I killed I notice the cigarette hanging out of his mouth. I walk over and take it out of his mouth. And put it into mine.
It is then when I notice a woman run out from behind the tent. She has an angry look on her face. Before I can react she stabs me in the shoulder with something and barrels into me. Knocking me onto my back before she continues running towards the van.
I let out a pained shout and begin to pull out my pistol. As I am unable to use my shotgun with my new injury.
I get up onto my knees and pull the slide back just as she opens the car door. I take aim and fire at her. Whether I hit or missed is unknown to me.
I get into a standing position as I hear the engine of her car roar to life. I am briefly blinded by its lights. I take aim and fire once more. Shattering her rear windshield.
The car begins to reverse towards me then quickly steers left. I run out in front of the car standing about 15 feet away from it. As I do this the car begins to drive forward. I fire the rest of my bullets at the car. Losing count of how many times I fired. The front windshield sustains damage but the car continues driving.
I dive out of the way before looking back at the car. It begins slowing down before it is stopped by a tree. I get up and shuffle to the car and open the door. The woman rests her head on the steering wheel lifeless. Her blood and brains paint the headrest of her seat.
Got her
I take a few steps back and look at just what exactly she stuck me with. I see the handle of a swiss army knife poking out of my shoulder.
Luckily I brought a change of clothes.248Please respect copyright.PENANAecKULfefj2
I think to myself as blood trickles down my arm.
20 minutes later
I drive their minivan down another dirt path. Leaning my head forward so I don't get the girls brains in my hair. My shoulder is bandaged but it will need stitches when I get home.
I finally make it to the old cabin in the woods and kill the engine. I get out and walk around to the trunk. I pop it open and bare witness to the 3 people I've just killed. I then walk back to the front seat of the van and begin to undress. Taking off my T-Shirt, sweatpants, socks, and shoes. Standing in the cold air wearing just my tighty whiteys. Then I fold the clothes and rest them on the seat. I then walk back around to the trunk and grab ahold of the first man I killed. I drag him out of the trunk then wrap my arms under his shoulders and begin to drag him towards the cabin. I struggle as I drag the larger man. His heels dig into the dirt.
I finally reach the cabin and go through the door backwards while still dragging the body.
I drop the body and light an oil lamp which hangs next to the door. Lighting the otherwise pitch black room.
The room is covered in dry blood. There's one door that leads to another room. In this one is a large table with a hacksaw on it. The hacksaw is covered in dry blood.
I rest the lamp on the table then I lift the man up onto the table and lay him out. Then I grab the saw.
I grab his arm and rest the teeth of the saw against his elbow joint. I close my eyes as I begin to saw through the mans flesh. After a few saws I feel blood spray against my neck and face. Meaning I have cut through the blood vessels. The sound of meat being cut soon transitions to the sound of bone being sawed. Then back to meat being cut. Finally I feel the arm detach from his body and I open my eyes.
Its just this and then two more times.
45 minutes later
I burst through the cabins door then projectile vomit onto the dirt. I am covered head to toe in dry and wet blood. My once white underwear now red. I cringe as I feel blood trickle down against my nipples. And feel as blood dries and goes crusty in my chest hair. After regaining my composure I walk back inside to a pile of dismembered limbs, torsos and heads. I walk over to the pile and grab an arm in one hand and the lamp in the other. Then I walk over to the other door and enter the room.
I shudder as I look at it. Even though I've seen it many times before.
The back wall is a mess of gray flesh. In the centre is an opening lined with jagged teeth. Just above that is a warped face.
I walk over to this monstrosity and throw the arm into the opening. The jagged teeth crush it down as it slides deeper inside until I cant see it.
It groans.
I rush out of the room and back to the pile. I grab a mans torso.
The thing shouts as I run back to it and chuck the torso into its maw
After a few trips back and forth I run out of body parts. I stand in front of this thing. And shiver from the cold dry blood all over me.
"This will do. Bring more next week"
And with that I exit the room and the cabin. I get in the minivan and drive back to my car. 248Please respect copyright.PENANAQNaLIpoyk5
When I make it there I get out and walk up to the passenger side door of my car. Open it, and pop the glove box open. Inside is my .38 snub nosed revolver. And a pack of wet wipes.
I grab the wipes and begin to wipe myself down. Slowly but surely the dry blood begins to come off of me. When I finally finish I had used all the wet wipes.
I change into my clean clothes then I get back into my car and drive back out the way I came.
After an hour or so of driving I leave the dirt path and turn right onto an actual road.
Is what I'm doing justified? To protect mankind from hell on earth I must feed the hell which is already here so it does not go out hunting. Will God understand? Will he forgive?
I pray for the emotional recovery of the families who've children I have slayed. May they res-
My inner monologue is interrupted by the sound of sirens behind me. Followed by flashing blue and red lights.
My heart sinks as I pop open my glove box and grab my revolver and tuck it under my thigh.
I pull over and wait for the officer to approach my vehicle.
I look into the rear view mirror and see the officer leave his car. I also notice my eyes which are wide open. A bead of sweat runs down my forehead. He finally makes it to my car and I roll the window down.
"One of your taillights is out" He says calmly.
"Oh. Is it?" I ask him. My heart beating a million times an hour.
"Yeah. Licence and registration please"
I lean over and retrieve my licence and registration. As I turn back and hand them to him he raises an eyebrow.
"Is that blood?"
"On the side of your neck?" He touches his neck to show me where it is.
I look in the rear view mirror and see a smudge of blood on the side of my neck.
"Oh yeah sorry I had a nosebleed. Must have missed that"
"Alright" He begins inspecting my licence. Before handing it back to me.
"Yeah everything looks. Fine. Just get that light fixed"
"Will do"
"You're bleeding"
I look at my shoulder which sure enough is bleeding.
Damn. Could have sworn the bandages did the trick.
"Oh uh- I- I" I stutter unable to think of anything to say.
"Sir you need medical assistance"
"No I don't! I'm fine!"
"No you really do that's a lot of blood. You stay here I'm gonna call in an ambula-
He looks at me taken aback.
"Listen to me. Just go home. Forget you saw me. Just turn around and leave"
"Sir I cant do tha-"
"Yes you can!"
"No, I can-"
"God damnit PLEASE!"
Don't make me do this
He looks at me with less confidence than he had before.
"You don't want this. Go home. Go home to your wife, mother, kids whatever but you forget you saw me. Continue living life like this never happened. Please. PLEASE just turn around"
"........ Just get home safe"
He says as he walks back to his police car.
I squeeze my steering wheel so tight I feel my hands may break.
I start my engine and drive down the road. Feeling sweat pour down my face as my hyperventilation slows to a stop.
248Please respect copyright.PENANAiabEUsZIQ5
One week. I don't have to do this again for one week
248Please respect copyright.PENANAMCPJGUEvWE