Comet was planning to spend the rest of the day in the cave, he wanted to train and stay away from chaos in the warren until Janu appeared.166Please respect copyright.PENANA9V2qq9LPIg
“Orion!” He called.
“I’m here.” Said Orion.
“I’ve contacted the Diamond Magia and after a day of discussion, he’s agreed that your plan to re-create the Master-Medallion is a good one. I’ve come to take Comet to discuss it more with him.” He said.
“Already… I don’t know if I’m ready.” He said.
“Remember, you can contact me and Nightwing will be following you along the way. You’ll be fine. I want to give you something to help you with your journey.” He said. He then disappeared and then pulled out a woven satchel.
“If you put this on, you’ll be able to take a lot of stones with you.” He explained.
“And food and herbs.” Added Janu.
“Where exactly do I have to go to make this Master-Medallion.”
“Iron Colony. We’ve given you a week to get there and back.” He said.166Please respect copyright.PENANAFSI9A3gAdm
That was beyond Porcelain Colony, it seemed so far away but he didn’t complain. This was the only way to bring peace back to the valley.
“Thank you for everything.” Said Comet, bowing to Orion.
“I only wish we had more time together, but I know you will do what is right.” He said.
He nodded nervously.166Please respect copyright.PENANAObvmiim5n5
Comet left the cave and was led into the warren. He didn’t ask Janu where they were going. He seemed to have a lot on his mind.166Please respect copyright.PENANAv16PT5bWeH
As they travelled through the warren, he sensed a powerful energy and he realised he was heading to the treasury. He would have been proud of his growing abilities if he wasn’t so anxious. The brilliant light still stunned him as he entered it. 166Please respect copyright.PENANAPGAvJJVTlr
Inside were the Magia Council, and three rabbits, one of them being Blue.
“We’re here to finalise the plans to create the Master-Medallion. It may be the only way we can defend the valley against the rebels and wild rabbits and defeat the Golden Alliance. You will travel through Porcelain Colony and then once you arrive at Iron Colony, you will give the Fire Master this diagram and he will forge the medallion for you.” He said, putting a piece of engraved wood into Comet’s satchel.
“What do we need to take to create the Master-Medallion?” Asked Blue.
“We? Aren’t you still recovering?”
“A little bit but Ruby said I was good enough to go. I have to do this, for my brother.” He said.
“That’s great.” Said Comet, happy to have someone he knew come with him. 166Please respect copyright.PENANAyK24SLrDtk
“I only wish he wasn’t coming.” He said, in a low whisper, looking back at the Dutch rabbit glaring at him.
“Arrow?” Said Comet, suddenly recognising him.
“Yes, and I'm in charge of this mission, aren’t I?” He said, looking at Janu.
“You are, but there is to be no arguing between you two. You don’t have time for that.” He said then turned to Comet again. “Arrow will guide you through Porcelain Colony, Rusty over there will guide you into Iron Colony and Blue is here as the diplomat.” 166Please respect copyright.PENANATHXhpTxi9A
“I’m excited to finally meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Said Rusty shyly.
“Thanks,” Said Comet awkwardly. He hoped he heard good things.166Please respect copyright.PENANATsykMP9o2q
“Here are small satchels for each of you. They include herbs, food and other supplies.” Said Janu as the Magia brought them forwards.
“Now, the Master-Medallion needs to be made up of the most pure and sacred pendant level resource we have from each colony. We have found them and hidden them through here.” He continued, and pushed aside a silver plate, revealing a brightly lit tunnel. “Magia Lu will take you through, I need to speak to Comet alone for a moment. 166Please respect copyright.PENANA5nMTwFPKUq
As they went through, Comet was left to wonder what Janu was going to say to him.166Please respect copyright.PENANA4ZdeZrOOLQ
“I know you don’t particularly like us, and I’m sure that Orion has filled your head with all sorts of ideas about what the Master-Medallion should be used for. I’m letting you know that if you don’t bring it back to us, Orion and Silver Colony will be punished.”
“Alright, there’s no need for threats.” Said Comet, silently furious.
“And don’t give the medallion to any other rabbit, not even the rabbits travelling with you. They cannot be fully trusted.” He said.166Please respect copyright.PENANAw72m6uX7bL
Comet snorted. The Magia’s paranoia was ridiculous and infuriating.
“Don’t be so upset, I’m about to show you something very few other creatures have ever seen.” He said and then led him into the tunnel.166Please respect copyright.PENANAD9jDxT69Tt
It was plain, narrow and smelt like the Magia. It wasn’t very impressive until the passageway widened out and revealed a tunnel covered entirely with precious jewels and metals. 166Please respect copyright.PENANAa4FIPYhyBh
“Amazing, I always thought Gold Colony was the richest.” Said Rusty, wide eyed.
“Silver Colony and Gold Colony were the original colonies, so Silver Colony still has some of its wealth even if most of it is in Diamond Colony now.”
“Why haven’t I seen this before?” Asked Comet.
“Because it’s out of bounds. Once the rabbits stopped their old spiritual practices, we took it for ourselves. It’s not like they were using it after all. But in a way, you have seen it before from above.”
“Really? How?”
“You’ve travelled across the log before, haven’t you?”
“We’re inside the log that connects the island to the mainland? So we could get to the island from here if we wanted to?”
“Yes, you can travel the whole way through.”
“Well that would have been nice to know before I nearly drowned.” Said Comet.166Please respect copyright.PENANAqTgM7w4z6f
“We can’t just have rabbits constantly travelling through it, it would be ruined and more than likely, everything would be stolen.” Said Janu. “Now, I’ll find the best resources for you.” He found relatively small but beautiful precious resources and placed them into Comet’s bag.166Please respect copyright.PENANAAde8zIRBX8
“I entrust this to you. You will back the Master-Medallion so that the Magia and the hare’s can give its powerful energy. You must all swear not to tell another rabbit and fight to protect it with your lives.” He said sternly.
“We swear.” They said. Comet wished he didn’t have to but he didn’t have much of a choice.166Please respect copyright.PENANAuibMBtRSIZ
So they left the tunnel and entered back into the treasury.
”You know the plan. Get to Iron Colony and back before the time for the trial. The Golden Alliance has at least kept to their promise not to attack until then.”
“I don’t think we even need a week, we should be back in a couple of days if we can travel through Porcelain Colony in one day.” Said Arrow.
“I want you to go now, in case you do have to stop at Porcelain Colony and in case it takes a couple of days for Iron Colony to forge the Master-Medallion. Not to mention, traitors and rebels might try to slow you down which is why you are to keep this mission completely secret.” He said.
“We understand.” Said Arrow.
“Wild rabbits might also be a problem.” Added Rusty quietly.166Please respect copyright.PENANAWDukvKjdQ1
“I don’t mean to be rude, but I know Diamond Colony has a boat, why can’t we use it to get to Iron Colony?” Asked Blue.
“The current is too slow and shallow to get the boat here and upstream again. It would also put you dangerously close to the southern colonies.” He said. “Anymore questions?”
They shook their heads.
“Good, now go quickly. The fate of the valley depends on you.” He said. 166Please respect copyright.PENANAcKu84FYsz0
They headed out of the warren, with Arrow taking the lead. Comet didn’t mind, at least it was one less thing for him to worry about.166Please respect copyright.PENANAQHbatdg0AZ
Dan was approaching, the sky quickly brightening as the colony started emerging from the warren. They moved quickly northeastward, not wanting to attract unwanted attention.166Please respect copyright.PENANAyz1vKZvQdJ
It was a surprisingly peaceful journey for a while, with the gently flowing river and early morning birds. Then a loud yell broke the tranquillity.166Please respect copyright.PENANAyfKMxOhnq3
They looked back to see Rusty had slipped into a muddy patch and heaved himself out. It stained his dark red fur but he managed to keep the strange ruff around his neck clean. It made him look like a lion.
“Watch where you’re going.” Said Arrow.
Rusty just grunted an acknowledgment, more focused on trying to clean himself.166Please respect copyright.PENANA3x4NRuOmNA
”I’m sure you’ll be glad to be out of this colony, Comet.” Said Blue.
”It’s not that bad once you get used to it.” He said honestly. He didn’t feel like talking, he couldn’t tell them that helping the Magia was a mistake.
”I’ll be glad to have my feet on the dry, solid ground of Porcelain Colony.” Said Arrow harshly.166Please respect copyright.PENANA5klbXSkzf9
Nearing the border, Comet noticed the landscape changing, the ground became less damp and more gravely, with more trees and vines. It was easier to travel across.166Please respect copyright.PENANAP2w6Lb860K
“That is the Porcelain Colony border.” Said Arrow, nodding further ahead. Comet looked about, with no visual makers, it was difficult to identify. He barely even realised there were any Watchers there until they got closer. 166Please respect copyright.PENANAxHdbcWTjD4
They were spread so far apart but he guessed since both colonies were both under Magia rule, there wasn’t much need for defence. But as they got closer, he could certainly smell the border. It seemed distinctly foreign, of bark and cool stones.166Please respect copyright.PENANAMfBbwLjkXl
Finally, they came to stop in front of a strangely familiar white rabbit who Comet couldn’t quite remember the name of.
“Hey Minty, we’re just passing through. Magia business.” Said Arrow.
”Of course.” He replied, then looked at Comet. “You’re the crazy hare who fell down the valley. The whole colony will be excited to meet you,” He said with a laugh.
“Great.” Said Comet sarcastically.
“We don’t have time to stop and socialise, we need to move through as quickly as possible.” Said Arrow sternly.
“Alright.” Said Minty, disappointed. “Come through.”