As they neared Diamond Colony the ground became more even and grassy, it was a nice feeling after walking on rocky surfaces for the past few days..
Rusty kept looking regularly up the valley, like he was waiting for something or someone.
“What are you looking for?” Asked Comet. He couldn’t see anything up the valley.
“Oh nothing.” He said.
They saw no rabbits as they got further into the colony, putting them all into silent unease. Despite it being light, the further they got into the colony, it became darker and darker.
Huge trees blocked out the light and thick, leafy undergrowth covered the ground. Strange insects and plants were in abundance.
“No wonder no rabbit gets hungry here, there’s so much to eat.” Said Blue, eyeing a leafy plant.
“Don’t,” Said Arrow. “Remember our training? Diamond Colony has lots of plants, but some of them are poisonous.”
“I’ll stick to regular grass then.” he said, giving the plant a wary glance.
They kept going until a sound caught Comet’s sharp ears. “What’s that?”
“I don’t hear anything.” Said Arrow.
“It’s like running water or something.” He said, straining his ears. It has been so dry lately, it was strange hearing rushing water.
The Watchers took them further into the colony and soon the trees started thinning out. They saw this great waterfall pouring down, splitting the colony in two. It was moving fairly fast though it was clear it was nowhere near its full capacity. There seemed to be no way across other than a sort of boat that was tied to a tree further down the river.
“Don’t tell me we have to swim across that?” Said Comet wearily, looking to the Watchers.
“No, just follow us.” The Master said.
They followed him up through some rocks and stared in amazement as they saw a tunnel of shiny, slick stone on one side and the thin curtain of water pouring down on the other.
“Wow…” Said Comet.
“Don’t slip.” Said the Master Watcher, not sharing their amazement.
They entered the strange tunnel. It was very unsettling having a wall of water flowing on one side and the slippery stone wall on the other. Comet watched his step carefully. He did not want to fall into the rocky river below.
They were all quietly relieved when they left the tunnel and found themselves on the south side of Diamond Colony.
The Watchers lead them to this large tree, it was beautifully decorated even on the outside. Two guards stood in front of the entrance to a burrow.
“What is your business here?” Asked one of the guards.
“We need to discuss something with Magia Corney.” Said Comet..
“In private.” Added Arrow.
“Hmm, you must be the hare, Master Coney is expecting you. You may come in.” Said the guard.
“I’ll leave them with you, in case you haven’t been told, these rabbits have been causing a great deal of problems. Keep an eye on them.” Said the Master Watcher. The guards nodded and the Watchers left.
They were ushered underground into the dimly lit tunnel, it had an unnerving feeling to it.
“So, who’s going to do the talking?” Asked Rusty.
“Obviously me, I’m the diplomat.” Said Blue confidently.
“Yes, let Blue do it.” Said Rusty.
“No way, Comet came up with the plan so he can do the talking and he’s a hare, so he should be taken more seriously than you.”
“Why wouldn’t I be taken seriously?” Asked Blue.
“Shh, we’re nearly there.” Said the guard.
The tunnel opened into a small burrow where a Magia rabbit lounged, larger than any Comet had seen, adorned with a large Diamond emblem.
He looked at them, clearly waiting for them to speak first.
Comet coughed and began, “We have successfully created the Master-Medallion and we need to go Silver Colony to energise it. But because of an… um, incident, we aren’t able to pass through Porcelain Colony. I would like your reassurance and protection for us so that we are not attacked or imprisoned by rabbits.”
Master Coney looked at them blankly then roared with laughter.
“I’ve seen what you’ve done to Porcelain Colony, you almost destroyed it. When Toboc told me that you wanted to come here, I almost refused but I think he’s too cowardly to deal with you himself.” He growled.
Comet backed away, reaching for his satchel. If there was any time to try using the Copper stone, this was it.
“You will not use those resources against me and you will do exactly what I say, because if you don’t, you will be killed as well.”
“What? But you need me.” Said Comet. “Orion said..”
“Orion is a traitor, we now believe he brought you here with the intent to challenge us and keep the valley divided.”
They looked at Master Coney in disbelief, “Orion isn’t a traitor.” Said Comet defensively.
“He lied to you and you’re oblivious to it.”
“Ok, what did he lie to me about then?” He asked.
“Let’s just say, you’re not as special as you think you are and if you go against us again, we can and will replace you.
“You can’t, I thought Orion was going to die soon. If you get rid of me, there will be no hare to charge resources.”
“We’ll find a hare, a real hare and train him ourselves. You are nothing but a common bunny rabbit and if you want to be respected by the rest of the valley and have any place with them, you will accept a new team while these traitors stay here.”
Arrow, Rusty and Blue stared at Comet with shock, like he was a complete stranger.
“I don’t believe you. Orion taught me hare magic and I know you can’t teach a hare what I know.” Said Comet, his mind racing.
“When we find the right hare, we will teach him what he needs to know. Orion taught you to be rebellious.” He said.
Comet realised he was telling the truth — he never was a hare. He really ould be replaced. He wasn’t a hero of the valley after all. If anyone knew… they would lose all respect for him and he’d have no role in the valley.
But he wasn’t going to let the Magia hold that knowledge over him. He wasn’t going to stay here, living a lie, and doing the Magia’s bidding. He was going to use his powers for good.
“Alright, I’ll go with the new team.” He said. Blue and Arrow looked quite upset. Rusty seemed to have expected it.
“Good choice.” He said. Then the guards came, “Take these three into the warren.” He said. “Now, show me the Master-Medallion, I want to look at it.”
“I was just about to show you.” Said Comet. He reached for it from his satchel, looked at it’s shiny glittery surface, it was made in star-like shape, with sharp points.
He slashed it across Master Coney who howled in pain, as blood poured from his face.
Everyone was very confused, even the guards.
“Run, run.” Shouted Comet, racing past the guards.
“Where to?” Asked Arrow, emerging from the burrow.
“To the boat.” He said, glancing back to make sure Blue and Rusty were still following them.
Diamond Colony rabbits and more Magia rabbits were coming out now. They had to hurry.
Reaching the boat, they leapt into it. Arrow gnawed the tethering rope with Blue’s help. The rabbits of the colony were scrambling down the bank to stop them.
Finally, the rope snapped, and the boat jolted forwards into the rushing current below the waterfall. They were squeezed together on the boat, desperately trying not to fall off as the water swirled around and buffeted them.
Once they got beyond the borders of Diamond Colony, and the waters calmed down, they finally had the opportunity to take in what happened.
“I can’t believe you did that.” Said Rusty, with a mix of shock and respect.
“I didn’t want to… but if I’m not a hare, then there’s nothing I can do to stop them.” He said.
”But what about your plan…?” Asked Blue.
”Orion lied to me, he can’t be trusted with the Master-Medallion. No one can.” He said.
”But, without it, no one will be able to stop the valley going to war and protect the valley from the rebels.” Said Blue.
“I say we let the rebels invade and destroy the colonies.” Said Rusty.
”You only think that because you’re a rebel yourself.” Said Arrow.
”Why would I volunteer for this mission if that was the case?”
“To sabotage it, you’ve been unhelpful and troublesome since we started this mission. Admit it.” Demanded Arrow.
“So what if I did? We’re all enemies of the Magia now, so if you hate rebels so much, throw me into the river, I don’t care.” He said.
“We’re not throwing you into the river.” Said Comet. “You didn’t even do anything to sabotage the mission, the Magia leaders did most of the work.”
Rusty just turned his back to him and sat down, staring at the water.