Master Coney nodded, pleased with their decision.99Please respect copyright.PENANAAj74qzDQKv
“Focus your energy on the medallion, it will do the rest.” Said Orion. Comet wasn’t quite sure what he meant by that but did as he was told. He could sense the pull of the medallion and as soon he directed his energy towards it, he suddenly felt like he was planted to the ground. He couldn’t move his paw away from the medallion. It was like it stuck to it.99Please respect copyright.PENANA40YkM0g5Ce
His power was being drained from him, and he couldn’t stop it. It was terrifying. This wasn’t supposed to happen. He could feel himself getting weaker.99Please respect copyright.PENANAQBX34qdcXH
The medallion was shining with thousands of different colours. It made it difficult to see anything, but he could tell Orion wasn’t doing too well. As he peered through the light, he could see Janu struggling to pull his paw away from the Silver Emblem but was unable to move.99Please respect copyright.PENANA3ekQv3e7Wv
It only increased Comet’s fear to see the usually so orderly Janu crying out in pain. Master Coney wasn’t giving him any assistance.99Please respect copyright.PENANA3Ku5n7uVSr
Suddenly, Janu convulsed and slumped to the ground. The Silver Emblem stopped glowing a moment later. 99Please respect copyright.PENANA9KJh9WGeB2
Orion collapsed a short time later. Comet called out to him desperately and to his relief, he found he could move freely again but his head felt groggy, he couldn’t hop straight. He could feel his connection to the resources that were around him was still there, but weakened.99Please respect copyright.PENANAUlcAKldKtv
He went over to Orion, he could see he was breathing but he couldn’t shake him awake.99Please respect copyright.PENANAkku9SElf9M
Master Coney ignored the two of them, grabbing the Master-Medallion. 99Please respect copyright.PENANA6iWVQU3kpP
He was about to put it around his neck when Comet connected to the resources around him, and turned the tunnel into a dazzling array of colours and patterns. 99Please respect copyright.PENANA0tNuuvZNit
It was impossible to tell what was real and what wasn’t. He could hear Master-Coney growling with anger, searching frantically for the Master-Medallion. It gave Comet a chance to shove Orion up and drag him towards the exit of the tunnel that led back up to the fortress. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAEb4BYBJOjt
“Wake up, Orion!” He cried. He couldn’t keep up the illusion anymore. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAsdOH6F3svV
“You’re too late.” Said the Master Coney, with the Master-Medallion around his neck.
“I can’t believe you’d sacrifice the Magia leaders of the Colony’s. Now there is no one to stop the rebels and their fighters from taking over the whole valley.” Said Comet.
“The rebels will help to reduce the population of the valley, it will make controlling them easier. I will then use the Medallion to destroy the Annulites and take control of this valley once and for all. There are more of us than you realise, from beyond this valley, who have been waiting a long time for us to make this place suitable for them.” Said Master Coney.99Please respect copyright.PENANABO6hg4DRnz
He was approaching Comet, they both knew that Comet had no more energy to try using the resources. But if he couldn’t use magic, maybe he could use something else. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAsLihhdecry
On the ground, he saw a sharp piece of iron. It wasn't much, but at least it was something. He looked back, Orion was slowly regaining consciousness. 99Please respect copyright.PENANARvnlzOzbR9
He raced towards Master Coney, with the piece of iron in his mouth but as he seemed to just be about to reach him, the was stopped from going any further. It was like he had hit an invisible wall. The iron suddenly glowed red and started melting, he quickly dropped it before it could burn him. 99Please respect copyright.PENANA3DaGJkVXSz
As it clattered to the ground below, it melted the ground, through the log, finally exposing a small hole to the water which made it sizzle and sear, causing it to harden. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAY8WRcXUXXk
Master Coney just snorted with amusement and started directing bolts of light towards him. Comet narrowly dodged them, they blackened the objects around him and shattered the glass. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAaEH4fhFGlJ
He could see pin prick holes in the tunnel, water was starting to trickle in. It gave him an idea. 99Please respect copyright.PENANADjOiYFhIkX
He grabbed a shard of glass in his mouth, and shoved it as hard as he could into the damaged exposed wood. The water started rushing out. Just a little bit more, and the tunnel would be completely flooded.99Please respect copyright.PENANAF1wkAfWu4f
”What are you doing?! You’re going to drown us both.” Growled Master Coney, charging towards him.99Please respect copyright.PENANAgMdPK3UO4l
The movement of the big rabbit caused the already weak structure to begin to crack and twist. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAeo1zpCzAKj
“Hurry. Comet!” Called Orion. He anxiously stood by the exit tunnel. Water was rapidly filling up the tunnel, it was only a matter of time until it was completely destroyed.99Please respect copyright.PENANA6UkGWeJvxS
Comet was about to follow Orion, when he saw Master Coney was furiously swimming towards the exit that led to the mainland. 99Please respect copyright.PENANA17VK6bc3uw
Even though he could tell Master Coney was not a good swimmer, the medallion was giving him additional energy and endurance.
If he got to the exit, the whole of the valley wouldn’t be able to stop him, he had to be killed here.99Please respect copyright.PENANAjsbPlHFgSf
Struggling against the current, Comet swam towards him. He ripped something off the wall, hoping it would be useful. It was a broken spoon. It had been broken in half, leaving a jagged handle. It would have to be good enough.99Please respect copyright.PENANAfqumzrv7G7
Holding his head as high above the water as he could, he swam towards Master Coney. He tried swimming away but Comet was faster and caught him, pulling him from the flooded exit and tackled him down into the water as he slashed at his neck with the jagged silver. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAvZoPy3Ehfk
Master Coney tried resurfacing but then, the log violently imploded, the weight of the water crushing it all at once. The water forced them apart and sucked them down into the depths of the lake.99Please respect copyright.PENANApMzSCgatpV
Comet felt the breath was knocked from his lungs as he tried to swim up against the strong current. He was tossed and turned in the violent water and was sure he would be dragged to the bottom and drown but he kept swimming with everything he had.99Please respect copyright.PENANAFLUeDDcli7
The water finally returned to its usually calm state, he could see objects floating around him as he struggled upwards.99Please respect copyright.PENANAbZviejug4C
He was almost at the surface but he was exhausted and out of breath, he began choking on the water around him and his strokes became fainter and fainter until he couldn’t go anymore and the light became dark again and he felt himself slipping away.99Please respect copyright.PENANA4tdgoYSh7f
On the fortress island, the rabbits were all terrified by the sudden collapse of the log. Arrow and Blue had gathered the rabbits that couldn’t fight and helped get them to the island. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAjGcy6BepK3
Then they saw a body rise up, floating just below the surface of the water lifelessly.
“That’s Comet, someone help him!” Called Orion, who could just make out his black and tan fur.99Please respect copyright.PENANAgWRexzUiaC
Brook, who’d been helping keep the younger rabbits safe and calm, jumped into the water. The other confident swimmers jumped in with her. 99Please respect copyright.PENANA2fNglRZtkN
They pulled Comet up to a floating plank of wood and dragged him to the surface where Brook began trying to get the water out of him. Ruby was ushered to join her.
Then he awoke, spluttering water everywhere, his sides heaving as he tried supporting his weight. He sagged to the ground, his eyes were half open and unfocused, he could see blurry shapes and lights coming in and out of view. There was a painful ringing in his ears and the dull thud of rabbits pushing on him. He hated most of all the feeling of water pouring from his nose and down his throat, making him feel like he could barely breathe.99Please respect copyright.PENANAN7xaASmNJ8
“Give him some space and let him rest.” Said Ruby.
”Will he live?” Asked Orion.
”He should.” Said Ruby. “What was he doing in there?”
”He was fighting Master Coney… where is he?” Asked Orion, starting to feel exhausted again, too overwhelmed with fear.
”I guess he must have died.” Said Ruby.99Please respect copyright.PENANAfXYOI2AAwL
The rabbits cheered and many instantly became more confident.
”Don’t get too excited, the rebels and the wild rabbits are still swarming the valley. If they aren’t defeated soon, they’ll overrun every colony.” Said Ruby.99Please respect copyright.PENANAyiYXl0PcMF
Brook wasn’t listening, she noticed something glowing in the water. It was sinking, but very slowly. 99Please respect copyright.PENANAW8Y5HaypTk
She jumped back into the water, surprising everyone.99Please respect copyright.PENANAjGXwxi0TX0
She emerged, with the Master-Medallion in her mouth.99Please respect copyright.PENANANafgn3IL5q
”I noticed this… it felt important.” She said, unable to explain what drew her to it.
“That’s the Master-Medallion.” Gasped Orion. “I suppose it’s powerful magic kept it from sinking as quickly as everything else.”
Brook gave it to him. “Then you can save the valley.”
Orion’s eyes lit up then he shook his head, his face downcast. “I was a coward, I am part of the reason the valley even got into this mess in the first place. I will never be able to forgive myself for helping the Magia. It is Comet who can save the valley.”
”Well if he doesn’t wake up soon, there won’t be much valley left to save.” Said Ruby.