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  • Writer
    Murdoch Warilard
    Murdoch Warilard
    I am from Puerto Rico. I moved to the US when I was 14 years old. On 2003 I graduated High School and enlisted into the U.S. Marine Corps from January 7, 2004 to January 6, 2008. I was a Humvee and 7-Ton Truck driver. In my unit I became the Company’s Clerk and Training NCO ( non-commissioned officer). I deployed to Fallujah, Iraq twice in 2005 and 2007 where I drove the Company Commander every day around the city checking out all the Entry Control Points (ECP’s). I finished my active duty as a Lance Corporal. I am a Full Stack Web Developer, though I am currently working as a Motor Coach Driver. A bus driver for charter contracts around Disney, Universal Studios and Orlando Hotels/Resorts.
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PG-13 Completed

Blaine has been a guardian angel for 10000 years. During his time as a Guardian Angel, he has had multiple human charges he is meant to watch over and guide to help them stay and find the light and minimize or prevent them from falling to the darkness. He has followed his teacher's teachings and examples and has implemented them as his own to be as good a guardian as he and pass on the knowledge to his own pupil so she can too be a great guardian angel. 

Now his time as a guardian angel is about to come to a more interesting time as he receives a new special charge that will be linked to him for eternity. It is a big responsibility and though he is excited about finally being entrusted for such a charge, he sometimes feels if he can handle it or even deserve it.

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