Blaine exits the portal that opened up suddenly while finishing up his last job with Jules. As the world shifts to the new location, he finds himself in a call center office filled with rows of cubicles. Each cubicle has a phone and a computer with two monitors on it and most are occupied with a customer service agent of different ages ranging from 18 to 60. You can hear phones ringing on and off throughout the entire call center floor. Voices talking throughout the office greeting their callers and discussing their customer issues. A supervisor walks by Blaine, unable to see him, checking on the agents of his team. Blaine looks down at the orb hanging from the silver chain around his neck, it is continuing to glow brighter as he moves through the office. Looking around to find who is carrying the vessel for this new soul, he notices a young agent two rows down from where he is standing that seems to be emanating a white energy around her. That must be her, he thinks as information begins to flow into his mind.
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Viviana Ortega, age 19, married to Joel Ortega, age 21. Viviana and Joel are the parents of this new soul child. Met in high school at Jefferson City High School two years ago and got married last year, 3 months after Viviana's graduation. Viviana is a customer service agent for V-Zone Wireless making
$14 an hour. Joel works for a computer electronics online retailer making
$18 an hour as a Junior Front-end Web Developer working with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL while going to school to become a Full Stack Web Developer learning more programming languages for front-end and back- end positions.
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Woah... that's cool, didn't expect to get a quick summary of the parents like this. Blaine approaches Viviana at her desk and as he stands behind her, the chain and holder disappear while the orb flies up from him, grows back to the size of a softball then flies right to Viviana's womb. Viviana, who had just happened to finish her last call and was finishing her notes for the call, suddenly felt a warm feeling rush through her entire body and suddenly she
began smiling more than she already was. She instinctively moves both her hands to her belly knowing as a mother that the child had changed and moved on to a greater stage in the development process. She could feel that the child was alive, not physically, but emotionally she just knew, and that made her smile even more.
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"Wow Viviana, you look very happy, and glowing, share some of that with me," says her coworker on the cubicle to the left leaning over to see her and talk to her.
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"I'm just happy, nothing serious," Viviana replies with a smile.
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Both Viviana and the coworker sit back up to their desks and continue to work. Blaine, looking at Viviana, can see the glow around her is now brighter, and he could hear the baby's heartbeat by focusing on her belly. This is great, nothing like joining a reincarnated soul with a unborn vessel, He thinks just seeing how different this whole process has been, how much more joy and love radiates from everyone involved, how much the energy even affects him for the better. He is very excited to finally be able to experience these feelings and moments. Viviana and Joel, new parents to a child created from their love. A love so true that results in a child made specifically for them with both of their beings. This is a special kind of love, a family made for each other. If only more unities were this special, human lives or history would be so much different, so much full of love, peace and happiness. I'm so grateful to be part of their life for the entire time of the child's life before death.
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Three boys: Victor, Thomas, and Julius, all age 9, are riding their bikes around the neighborhood. Riding down Fox Street, they come up to Gardenia Avenue on the right. Gardenia Avenue is a steep slope going down from Fox Street into Harlem Street. "Oooh guys, let's race down Gardenia!" Says Thomas pointing down Gardenia Avenue. Victor does not like going downhill, it makes him feel like he can't control the bike and will end up hurting himself from falling and rolling down the hill or road. Going uphill was also a pain for Victor, too tiring and takes too much energy.
"No, I can't, let's just keep going on Fox Street," Victor says.
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"C'mon Victor, it'll be fun... Tell you what, whoever makes it down last gets hit five times by the other two," Julius responds.
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"I don't want to do it guys, you go, I'll just watch," Victor begs.
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Thomas and Julius look at each other and grin. They both get off their bikes and walk towards Victor. "Wait, wait... guys, what are you doing? Don't do this!" Victor exclaims knowing exactly what they are about to do. They grab his bike and push it with him on it down Gardenia Avenue. Then they run to their bikes, climb on and quickly chase victor down to catch up and pass him. "Last one down gets beat up!" Yells Julius. Victor holds on tight to the handlebars and maintains control and begins to pedal faster to catch up and gain the lead again having no other choice but to do this. Victor passes both of them and looks back, "I'm not getting beat up!" he yells back at them laughing.
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At the bottom of Gardenia Avenue at Harlem Street, a car is approaching from the left side. Victor is starting to turn his head to look forward as he is approaching Harlem. The driver, now getting close to Gardenia Avenue, notices this child on a bike coming down at high speed. He immediately slams on the brakes trying to stop and avoid crashing into the child. The car with the wheels now locked with the brakes begin to screech sliding onto the intersection. Hearing the screeching of tires, Thomas and Julius press their brakes and stop to the side of the road just a few houses from Harlem. Victor who is now also entering the intersection, turns to look at the car on his left screeching tires heading straight to his left side just about 10 feet from him.
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Blaine disappears from the call center office with a bright light and is now flying up to the sky. He opens a portal back to headquarters. He flies right through portal seeing the Headquarters building get bigger as he gets closer to the portal. Upon entering the portal, the path ahead turns to black and suddenly he starts to feel getting pulled backwards back through the portal with great force and speed. "What the... What's going..." He starts to say when the world flashes in front of him back to view. He is now in the middle
of an intersection facing uphill to the road connecting with the one he is standing on. He quickly notices the car screeching on his right and as he looks back in front of him... "on? Woah! Oh no!" His eyes widened as he notices the boy on a bike that just entered the intersection coming down from the hill ahead and is now about to be hit by the screeching car. Blaine quickly opens up his wings and starts to flap them very fast creating a strong gust of wind towards the car. The screeching car now starts to slide to the right as it continues entering the intersection from the right and manages to go past behind the boy on the bike and crash onto a light post at the left corner of the intersection connecting Harlem Street and Gardenia Avenue.
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Victor, lost control of the bike as soon as he noticed the car about to hit him and fell off the bike rolling about five times until coming to a stop at the curb, his bike ending up just a few feet further on the middle of the road. People started coming out of the houses by the intersection and ran towards Victor and the car. Thomas and Julius left their bikes and ran towards Victor. Victor starts getting up from the ground dusting the dirt from his arms and torso feeling lucky that all he got was a few road rashes and bruises. Might need some bandages for the scrapes, but that's about it.
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"Holy shit, Victor, you alright?!" Julius asks as he reaches Victor. "Ugh.... Yea... I think I'm alright, just some scratches," Victor replies.
"Damn man, sorry, we shouldn't have forced you to do this," Thomas says.
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"Nah, you are good man, I should have been paying attention to the road," Victor responds.
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Victor walks over to the bike and stands it up, the front wheel now warped pretty bad. "Damn, my tire is ruined, my dad's going to kill me, " he says thinking about what his dad said after fixing the bike for the fifth time in a month, if you mess up this bike again, I'm going to throw it away and you will not be allowed out for a month.
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"Dude, don't worry about it, I'm sure he'll just be glad that you didn't get hit by the car," Julius says.
"Yea, but he is going to ask why I was crossing the intersection without seeing the car coming," Victor replies.
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"Just tell the truth, we were racing and got too into it to notice the car, I mean what's the worst that could happen, you get grounded? Oh wait... " Thomas says chuckling knowing that he would be grounded regardless for the bike.
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"Yea you're right... alright, let's go home," Victor says.
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People from the houses help the driver out of the car, he just has a few scratches and burns from the airbag but no other injuries thanks to the seatbelt. They call 911 to get the police over and report the accident. The kids just wanting to go home, walk away. Wow, that was really close! Blaine thinks as he takes a few deep breaths calming down from the whole
situation. Man, I hate when I get pulled for these random rescues, it's so nerve racking not knowing what is going on and having to figure out what to do on the spot with literally no time to waste, he thinks as he starts to go back to headquarters.
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