Last night, after the whole photo thing, my mates decided to throw a party. So, after dinner, the Gryffindor common room was filled with noise, music, and just general loudness. I don’t do that good in those situations, so I was hiding in my dorm, reading with David Bowie. About two hours into the party, Sirius, James, and Peter come into my dorm. They were carrying way too many glasses filled with spiked butterbeer. How did I know it was spiked, you might ask? Because it’s Sirius, James, and Peter. They wouldn't drink anything at a party if it wasn’t spiked. Anyway, they all sat on the floor and gestured for me to go over. I put down my book and joined them, despite not partially wanting to drink that night. I’m writing this with a wicked headache. Merlin, hangovers suck. Just another reason I tend to avoid alcohol. So, we all got drunk beyond recognition, and I distinctly remember one event. Me shouting, “I wish I wasn’t a werewolf! It’s all the bloody moon’s fault! That stupid moon!” Sirius said, “We should… we should get rid of the, er, the moon.” James nodded vigorously. “Let’s blow it up!” Sirius clicked his fingers and pointed at James. “YES! We… we’ll blow up… blow up the moon!” Peter made a few explosion noises. I remember thinking that I never loved them all this much before. Anyway, I’m going to go back to sleep. Gotta’ feel better for classes tomorrow. Bye!!!