What's weird is that I often know what I would want as an exterior of my dream house and where it's location would be, but idk what it would fully look like inside. If I were to pick a dream house from a movie I would definitely go with Iron man's house in the first three marvel movies. Anyway, here goes:
My outside house has a front porch that has a roof over it. The house itself is probably a yellow color with a dark colored roof. It's two floors and has a costal-vibe. It's probably near a body of water(not on a cliff or anything). Inside it's nice and quant. There is one room thats like a 'cozy corner', so there are a bunch of stuffed animals and pillows and its a nice place to just go in and hide. Another thing about my house is that I would like it to have a maze/dreamlike setting. I know this sounds weird but I've always found the maze aspect(where you can never find the correct way to go and each tiny spot feels slightly different)make the house feel really big. Obviously if I wanted to live there then it becomes more complicated if I have that, but I just really like exploring and when everything feels so new it feels like you've never seen certain spots and it just feels endless.
I would also like to have a basement where the style is more modern. I would want the basement to be big so I can have a lot of my house in it while the top of my house still looks aestetically rustic/costal. I would like a mini theater and a giant library, along with a fair amount of other things. I wouldn't want my house to be too big since I would want to be able to get around to certain rooms quickly.
I also want it to have a nice backyard but also areas to walk around in so like an acre of wilderness land where I can just explore it and be in nature.