I don't know why, but I've always dreamed of living in a nice house in the middle of the woods, alone except for many pets and maybe a partner. I'd be completely self-sufficient, so I would never have to go out into society, instead I'd just be...alone, in a peaceful place.
But I wouldn't be lonely, it'd be calm. I could spend the day writing with a clear view into the woods, making it almost seem like a dream sequence. At night, I could go on the roof and stare at the stars, coming up with my own names for the constellations and dreaming of a wonderful world.
I wouldn't have to worry about politics, or violence, or the things that give me so much anxiety at the moment. I could just be...at peace.
But I don't think I could ever get something like that. The world would still be there, standing at my door.
I guess that's why they call it a dream.