Previously on UnDead:
We saw The group finding theirselves in a world of zombies they call "The Turned". Zak and Thomas equipped new weapons for defense. Soon after they speculate what could've started the whole disease to spread. When they think they got it they think Thomas was right as the find theirselves in what could be ground Zero.
- Now they are taking their chances to uncover the truth of the origins how the virus started to spread.
Episode2: Mystery Solved
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They drove off the road. "Okay. Time to investigate." Thomas said. "Thomas after seeing 2 herds of those things your still going to do this." Madison said. "Yes. I'm sure. We have weapons to guard ourselves and each other. for now that's what matters most. I'm just trying to figure out what exactly were up against here." Thomas said. "Isn't it clear. These are zombies not the worms. Let's just go back home." Madison said. "The town's dead Madison Nevada seems like it's already belonging to The Turned." Tom said to her. "I meant Texas." Madison replied back. "Fine but where going when we're done here." Thomas said back agreeing to go. Thomas walked into the cave. "Come on Kayla. I'm sure he's gonna need our help." Maddie said getting out of the car. Kayla stepped out and the girls followed the boys into the cave.
Just a couple feet in and the cave stopped. "Okay first thing is that this too small to be a cave. It's more of a hole. Either someone or something dug and made it." Thomas said. Somewhere in the hole a living thing has moved. Like a crocodile it's 3 frills stuck up on its back and crawls on it's belly. The green eyes and a hiss of itself appeared staring at the group when they didn't see it. "Look at this." Kayla said finding an egg appearanced shape on the ground. "Looks like an egg" said Zak. "That's because it is." Madison said. "Yeah and whatever came out was a big giant chicken." Zak said with a stupid commentary humorous sentence. They heard a quiet hissing sound. "What was that?" Kayla said holding up her pistol. A loud his then came along as Thomas picked up another hatched egg. "I think we should get out of here." Said Zak." I agree we should leave. I'm taking this egg with me too." Thomas said. They heard another his and saw the eyes. "Run. Get out of the cave. NOW!" Said Thomas. He lit a flare. Redness surrounded the cave. "Where are you?" said Thomas. The beast came out from behind him. He heard it growl from behind and turned. When he saw it he shot it. One shot to the head then another finally a third. With little energy left the beast jumped and opened its jaws trying to get a grip on Thomas. He brought out a knife and just as it landed on Thomas it got stabbed in the chest dead for sure. He carried it outside as he heard screams from there. He ran with the body of the beast. Out he came and threw it. The Turned ate the creatures body as it bought enough time for Thomas to get in and drive. "That was too close Thomas. We have to turn back." Madison said. We still have the town up ahead to go to." I'm sure that's where most of those creatures are." Said Thomas. "Well then let's get out of here. It's clear there's more then The Turned going on here." Maddie said. "We have to be sure they are all dead before the disease on the the creatures or the creatures theirselves get off Nevada and to other states. Or who knows maybe the the whole World." Said Thomas. "So it's like- Don't say a word. I don't want to hear another pop culture movie reference out of you." Zak said with Thomas interrupting. "Everyone chillax please. The Turned is already hard enough to see I don't more things on top of it." Kayla said. They finally shut up agreeing in their heads that's already to much.
"Fine we'll not go to the town. I'll just take us to the nearest airport and we can fly ourselves to Texas." Thomas said. "Why there?" asked Zak. "Because it's the most safest place I can think of right now. There won't be any Virasaurs or Turned there" He said. "Virasaurs?" Said them all. "It's a name I came up with for that thing we saw in the cave." Thomas responded to their question. "Sounds like a dinosaur." Kayla mentioned.
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It's been miles and the car finally ran out of gas. The group had to go on foot. "Thomas. I need you to carry some of the weapons with us." Zak Said. Thomas came and carried the guns and ammo in a backpack of Kayla's that was in the back. It was starting to get dark. "The sun's going down. We should probably find a place to stay for the night." Said Madison. "I agree.- Me too" said Thomas and Kayla. "I know a place. Follow me." said Zak. Everyone followed. Zak took them to a torn down mall. "Here we go. One mall for a whole family and guest." He said. It was dark you couldn't really see. The group quickly chose what to take as base. They chose a restaurant for finally real food and not junk food. "Finally. A place to rest." Kayla said. "Not for me and this egg." Thomas said. "Still." Madison said. "Yes still. I need to figure out these creatures. It's good thing I got a few samples of the creature with me." He said. "You what?!" Madison said with her raised up voice shouting. "Shhh. There could be some of The Turned in here. We don't want to attract any of them over here." Zak said. "Listen, I got some teeth and a piece of it's skin." Thomas said to Madison. "Thomas I know what you're trying to do but you need to take it easy. You literally drove through a desert full of The Turned and almost got us killed in that cave. Kayla's also scared. She may have went through the Dirt Devil's alone in that town for years but that doesn't mean she can go through this like it's just the same thing." She said to Thomas. "Okay I'll take it easy just let me at least figure them out with the stuff I have okay. I'll stop once I'm proven right or wrong." He said back. "It better be worth it risking your own life and ours." She said. "Oh and Goodnight." She said. "Goodnight." Thomas said. Everyone got comfortable for the night and slept. Well everyone except Thomas. Throughout the night he studied and examined the findings. Then after 12:00 o'clock he found it. "Eureka." He said. He found proof. It was the Virasaurs that started it all. "But How did it start?" He asked. "Did someone eat it. Did someone get bit?" He wondered speaking to himself. He had a flashback.
FlashBack: With the fuse of the flare lit. The room filled with red lighting. He saw the mouth of the beast getting closer after the Virasaur leaped to chew him to bits. He noticed something. Ther saliva glands, something didn't look right. It was like something unexplainable. The top of the mouth had like a bump in it. It was moving. It wasn't a saliva gland it was a Venom gland like a snake. Flashback over. "It's not a virus. It's Venom. Venom that acts like a virus" Thomas mentioned. "Oh no, This is bad. If those things get out of Nevada...well...It's then. It's the end unless I can get an antidote." He said. "How will I get it though in order to do that I need to find another Virasaur and I don't know, milk it perhaps." He spoke to himself.
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"It's trapping time." He said making a joke of Zak's reference from earlier. "Capture another, milk it, and the Antidote is made." I will be a savior." Everyone is still asleep and Thomas heard a a chun chun sound. "Of course you'll be" said another person from behind him. Holding Shotgun at Thomas's back. "Turn around." He said. Thomas did so. "Please. Don't do this." Thomas said to the Man in a black t-shirt and blue jean pants with two holsters on his waist holding two pistols with a scarred face.