A girl lived in the dark mall before the group came into it. She is like a ninja who moves in the dark. Then someone came in. That guy in black showed up and he wasn't alone. He had followers
of his own. In fact a dozen of followers he had. "Bring in the Casket." The guy in black said to one of his followers. The ninja girl in the darkness soon got caught in. Moving like a wild animal as she did she put up a struggle for the man in black. He this time won the Tom and Jerry game. The casket became closed with a top. You and your home is now mine." He said. "Bury her in the dirt. Behind the mall." He said. "But sir...she's just - Do it NOW!" He said. "Ye...Yes sir. Right away sir." The follower said walking out. "Please don't do this. Don't do this. You're making a huge mistake. Let me out!" She shouted.
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Episode3: The Man In Black
"Well well well. Seems like I may have the answer to my people's problem" the guy said. "Wait what?" "There are others?" Thomas asked. "Hey you don't ask the questions around here. I do. Now let me tell you something. In here is not your home unless you do as I say." The guy said. "I demand a antidote and fast. I heard you. you needed a Virasaur. Whatever it is that may have a cure get it done now. I have a car and a hunter." The man said. Thomas saw him holding a grenade. "Thanks but I'm good with me and my group. We been through way much more than you think. We can handle ourselves fine." Thomas said to the man. A person came through bursting a door down. "Aaron she's trying to escape." "Then keep her there until she gives in. Don't let her out." Zak woke up and knew what is happening just on how it looked. He sneakily walked away before Aaron turned back around looking at Thomas. When Aaron did he immediately became threatened by Thomas's incoming fist. He caught it with his hand. "You know I was expecting more than-" Smack! A shovel went hitting Aaron's temple. Thomas got up behind Aaron and took the grenade.
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Zak and Thomas woke everyone up and got out. They ran by the girl that was about to get buried. "Hey wait." Thomas said. "Hand me that shovel!" Thomas shouted at Zak. Zak gave it to him. Thomas put the end of the shovel in the casket. He broke most to were the girl inside can break through herself. He broke the casket open and got her out. "Come with me if you want to live." Thomas said. The girl did believe she is safe and followed.
They got away. They all ran to the airport only a block down.
Once they got there they found a problem. A problem of The Turned that is. "Great not these things again." Said Zak.
Back at the Mall:
"Bring me back that boy. I want that antidote. And Zak will get what he deserves." Aaron said. Everyone came running out and got in their own vehicles. Going after the group of Zak's and Thomas's.
Back at the airport
Thomas knew something he had to do.
He had leave himself behind. He didn't tell until The Turned caught up with them.
"Zak take them there Madison can tell you were we can go. Take the stuff and tell them that I did this for the great or good." Thomas said. "Wait Thomas don't do this. We need you. They need you." He said to him. "Tell them I loved them" Thomas said. Thomas pushed Zak into the plane. "What's going on? Where's Thomas?" Said Madison. "He's buying us time." Zak said as Madison noticed what has happened.
"No. Thomas! Thomas!" She said shouting out as she saw The Turned just outside walking towards Thomas.
Zak ran up starting the plane. The new girl held back Madison and Kayla. "Thomas!" The 2 held down girls Saadi shouting. The plane was rising and moving. The girl couldn't hold Maddie and Kayla down. They tried to see what's going on she moved to the last window and saw. "Thomas!" The Turned got him. "Noooooo!" Madison turned. "Nooo. Thomas." Madison went balling. Kayla is devastated by what just happened and acted the same way.
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The plane took off in the air. Everyone is safe. Or at least everyone except Thomas. "Ooh Thomas." Madison went calming herself down still crying. Everyone will never forget what just happened- a tragic loss.
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To be continued...
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Shocker ending. Thomas, Dead!!?? Maybe he survived. Who knows only I do. Try to theorize what may happen next in the next episode... "Airborn".
Don't forget to tell me what you think.
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Post scene:
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The new girl fell asleep. In minutes after what happened. Zak put the plane in auto-mode. Madison turned to Zak. She looked back. "Who is she?" Madison said. "She lived in the mall for as long as I known I raised her. We thought we were safe from the Turned. At least I thought only The Turned Aaron became a new threat." He said. "Man that scar she gave him. Looked like a permanent on him. You think your foster daughter is dangerous try getting to know this one. I still haven't even gotten her name." He said. "So what do you call her." Maddie said back. "By how she acts her name is Ghost. You don't see her until she jumps out at you."