Thomas dreamt himself back with Madison in Texas, then he saw the Dirt Devils, Kayla next, The Turned as well and the leaping Virasaur coming to his face. He woke up with a huge gasp.
In a dark place lit by a candle he stood sitting up looking at one of the Night-Howlers. "Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here? How am I here?" He asked so many questions to the person. "Take it easy. No need to be scared. I'm Carl." Carl said. "Carl." Thomas said.
Thomas is alive.
Episode5: The Path Back
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Thomas is in a candle lit room. Waking in wounds he saw boxes in the room. A man stood in front of him serving up a glass of beer. The man looked back after hearing movements of Thomas. When he did he saw him move at a fast pace. "Woah hey take it easy." A man (Carl) said. "We saw you. Protecting your family buying them time. Never saw anyone do that. You must have lots a guts to do that kid." Carl said. "Thanks for saving me out there." Tom said. "You're welcome." Carl said back. "So you with that other guy." Thomas asked. " I'm nothing like him. I care for my family." Carl said having his son enter giving Thomas soup. "You must be hungry." The son spoke. "You should eat. That's if you're going back out to find them." Carl said to Thomas as Thomas took the soup. "Thank you." Thomas spoke to the kid. The kid walked away. "So those questions you said earlier. You're in our home. You weren't bit but you did get scars, bruises, scratches. If it weren't for me just being there you would've been bit and died coming back as those things...those walkers." Carl said. "Turned their called The Turned. I'm a researcher, a scientist I recommend you call them Turned. They are different from Walkers from the walking dead." Thomas said. "Okay tell me how. "First off The Walking Dead is fictional and walkers evolve to where they can talk. They bite to spread the disease from a virus. The Turned are different these are real. The Turned were infected by a phase of underground carnivorous worms. They hunt differently too." He said. "How they hunt differently?" Carl asks. "Walkers hunt by sound and vision. The Turned are like flies or roaches with no antenna they can sense when something's around. They are blind but they can also hear just like walkers. The sense and origination is how they are different." Thomas mentions. "Well you really do think on your feet." Carl said. "I did it before. I didn't like it. Well I did and I didn't at the same time." Thomas said.
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"Here have a bottle." Carl said. "No thanks. I don't drink." Thomas spoke back. "You at least want some water?" Carl asked. "Yes Please." Thomas said being given a water bottle. "Oh man that's refreshing." Thomas said after chugging the whole bottle of water. "Hey you should come with me. We can be a clan. Take out these things. You and your family will be safe too where I'm heading." Thomas said giving Carl an offer. "Where to?" Carl said. "Texas. The place where I grew up." He said. "Sounds nice. Anywhere than this place." Carl said. "Okay then. Thing is we need to find a car and gas if not a plane and plane fuel." Thomas said. "Lucky us then. I have a car right here with us in the back. Gas for it is in the trunk." Carl spoke to Thomas. "Get your family ready were heading out. - On it." They spoke. " William, Sofia, Harry, Emily come on we're leaving." He said to his family. "We're heading out to a safer place. -Where?- Texas." Carl and his wife Sofia said.
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Something flew above the new family group and Thomas. "Daddy look. A bird." Emily said to Harry. "I see." Thomas heard and looked up as Harry spoke to his daughter. Thomas saw something as the bird or more like a unknown flying object came closer for a landing. The thing flew and crashed down. In a closer building it broke through the ceiling. "Let's get back to getting ready." Carl said as Thomas took a stare at a garage door to the building the flying thing fell inside of. Thomas broke his stare shaking his head and getting back to putting the guns and bats in the trunk. Carl put candles, and Harry put Water with the booze in the right side of the trunk. "Do we really need the booze?" Carl said to Harry. "Fine we can get rid of it." They said. The garage door made a thud sound. The groans and moans came from behind the door. Everyone became aware as soon as they heard the sound. "Go. Everyone in the car." Carl said to everyone. The door can't hold all the pressure of the weight it being given from The Turned. As Everyone got in the car and Thomas got behind the wheel the door opened. "What the hell is that?" "Just Go" said Thomas and Harry. Thomas stepped on it and sped of out of there. "What the heck. That snake thing. I think that's what was in the air." Thomas said. "Listen Thomas you've been out here for a long time I'm sure you're just going crazy. Your brain can't handle being out here for a long time." Carl said. "I know what I saw. Ever since those worms came in there's been nothing but devastation." Thomas said. "Worms?" Harry, Sofia, and Carl asked. Thomas sighed. "Yes. I've been in Nevada researching things from underground. Fossils and animals. Then I found the Dirt Devils. That's what I called the worms. They are huge and scary, they eat anything that makes sound. That's how they hunt. After those I defeated those things with a survivor - my foster child later on- in a abandoned town things came The Turned came in. Finally comes Virasaurs and these new things. I've been just trtying to keep me and my family safe from it all." Thomas said. "You must've been through a lot then." Carl Harry said. Carl saw his wife Sofia hitting on Thomas. "You must be like a hero to them then." Sofia said. "Yes I was and I still will be once I get the antidote for all this from the Virasaurs." "Antidote. You mean we can end this all." Carl said. "Yes. Well sorta. I haven't gotten for sure if we can heal everyone. For sure only fresh bitten people." Thomas said. Everyone finally didn't have anything to say to continue the conversation. They stayed quiet until they got there to Texas. When it became in night they stopped and fell asleep.
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It became day they got the road again. About only 4 hours on the road they got into almost an accident. "Watch out!" Carl said. "WOAH!" Said Thomas avoiding a dead body of the new beast. "There's no Turned around. Maybe no Dirt Devils either." Thomas said. He got out to check out the body. "What's he doing?" The kids Emily, and William said. "He's a researcher so he must be checking out the body of the creature. "Can I go?" William said asking to go out. "Yes. In fact we been in here for hours we should stretch our legs." Carl said. Everyone got down. "We may have a problem." Said Thomas from afar. "What's the problem?" Said Harry. This must be what the Virasaurs turned into. Thomas picked up something egg shaped. "See this. This here, is an egg. Seems to me a Dirt Dragon maybe hatched and is somewhere here." He said touching the body. "Don't touch it." Harry said as the Thomas felt something strange and found a wing. Everyone came to Thomas. "Look at this. It's a wing. Wow what a fascinating creature this is. The this thing has no eyes." Thomas said. "Must be like what you said about The Turned earlier. How they sense danger like a roach or fly without the antennae." Carl said. "Reminds me of the movie Alien." Harry said. "And you remind me of someone I know." Thomas said. "Well seems like thats it for now. It's not these things I need. I'm searching for a Virasaur not this thing." Thomas said. "Everyone back to the Pilot." Sofia said. "Yeah we don't want to loose light sooner than it has to be." Carl said. They left unaware that the Dirt Devil that hatched is nearby and a lost group of Turned campers.
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They only got 16 hours down and just needed 7 hours left to go.
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To be continued...
In Episode 6: "Arrival" A new introduction to the life cycle of the Worms of Subterranean is revealed Thomas gets recruits and goes to Texas to meet up with his Family. Little does he know that Texas maybe be a new hotspot for The Turned after what happened in the last Episode. What Do you think may happen next? Will Texas actually be safe or be a new hotspot? What About Aaron? Will Thomas get the vaccine? That's on you to figure out after a quick break for now. 10 minutes at max for break. Or however long it must take for what you must do right now. I'm sure you have other things to do. Do that and then you can keep up.