From the time we first met, I didn't know you were going to mean this much to me. I was a new student, my first day at a new school in a new state. I walked into second period class, and there you were. Sitting in the back of the class, in front of the teachers desk, with your head layed down on your arms. There weren't very many seats for me to sit at, so i took the one that was in front of yours. You looked up at me and smiled and imidiatly i knew that you were going to be important to me. Halfway through the class, you kicked the back of my seat causing my to turn around. You just wanted to rest your feet on the back of my chair. Making eye contact with me, you pulled my seat back closer to yours and placed your feet in the back of me seat. I had a game that night, and after winning, i checked my phone seeing you had found my insta, and a request and a message saying, great game, you really are the best on the team. I was so happy. Beyond happy.
its been 20 months since that day, and we have been everyhting that possible could have been, we were friends, lovers, best friends, haters, friends with benifits. I don't know anymore. I really love you, you know that. Every word i said to you about the future, I meant it and I really wanted it with you.
You have a girlfriend now, and she is quite pretty. I have a boyfriend now to, he's cute and tall, and strong, but nothing compared to you. Everything we do, your the first thing on my mind. When we text, sometimes they match the things you and I have said to each other and then all I can think about is where and when and everyhting that was said when you and i did it. And then I completey forget that I am texting my boyfriend. I do really like him, but I don't see him all that often. And seeing you everyday really hurts my heart, because I know your happy with your new girfriend, and I am reminded about all the times you said you didn't want to date someone from your own school . That was torture.
I remember the way your mom used to tell me about the way you talked about me. When I would stand on the sidelines with her at your football games, she would tell me everyhting, and you would always ask what it was that she would say, but I would always be like o nothing, just you and the game. and then you would proceed to tell me about how much you loved coming over to me after the football game, coming and kissing my on the hand, or my neck, or my cheek.
I don't really know how much of this counts as a love letter as much at me just wanting to tell you every single time that I see you, that I love you, and I will always love you, and no one can replace you, but I have to accept the fact that yes, you may have loved me at one time, but you do not anymore. And that I have to be okay with that and that I mostly am okay with it, because during those 13 months, I got to expierence what it was like to be loved my you.
Yours always,