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  • Contest Holder
    Call me Avian. I write for fun and I write for the hate that I'll get. I know that I'll get it, you can't just avoid hate. I am super open to comments and suggestions. I have loved to write ever since I was young. Getting through school, I add personal connections through my writing and I picture myself as the main character, putting myself in their shoes. Here we are. If you don't like what I write, I'm sorry. Just to tell you I'm weird as heck. I love to sing and write music too! I'll 100% be active and let y'all know what I'm doing and listening to. I'm weird like that. I'm a simp. It's what I do. I simp. And Simp. And Simp. I love to write because it's like a whole world that is being thrown at me! It might take me a while to update, considering I'm working on 26-29(?) unfinished stories. I AM TRYING! Check out my spotify! I make playlists for all of my writings! https://open.spotify.com/user/ojcam1ckzeqb6paa9ci815sdz?si=8e9d1a190aa046e5
    Thank you
    And Don't forget. . .
    Write On My Loves
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    Challengers ♡geni♡Challengers SomethingSomethingSomethiChallengers Rfrog27Challengers Gojo's Lower Half ?Challengers E.G.Challengers iStream36Challengers  Jada ♡Challengers RaichuTheRavenChallengers MarkTwain2.0Challengers EzekielChallengers Madilyn MeadowsChallengers QUICKEESTORIES
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Dear writers.

here you can write whatever your heart, brain, and hands want. At the end (4 weeks), I will judge who wins and the different places. However, I will leave comments on all entries and I will actually read them. Whether you are an experienced writer or new, I believe everyone has potential. 

Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to see what you come up with! You can write as many entries as you'd like :D


Swearing is allowed - not too much, you don't want that language to take over your writing

If something is 18+, please make a warning in the beginning of your entry - 18+ is NOT required (I get it, not everyone is comfy with reading these)

Triggers! - If there are any possible triggers in your entry, make sure to address them in the beginning so that your readers know what to be ready for

Author notes - These aren't required, however, I love reading what the author thinks about they wrote and what it means to them


Nothing too too long (But it can be a tad bit long or short)

Dear writers.

here you can write whatever your heart, brain, and hands want. At the end (4 weeks), I will judge who wins and the different places. However, I will leave comments on all entries and I will actually read them. Whether you are an experienced writer or new, I believe everyone has potential. 

Good luck to everyone and I can't wait to see what you come up with! You can write as many entries as you'd like :D


Swearing is allowed - not too much, you don't want that language to take over your writing

If something is 18+, please make a warning in the beginning of your entry - 18+ is NOT required (I get it, not everyone is comfy with reading these)

Triggers! - If there are any possible triggers in your entry, make sure to address them in the beginning so that your readers know what to be ready for

Author notes - These aren't required, however, I love reading what the author thinks about they wrote and what it means to them


Nothing too too long (But it can be a tad bit long or short)


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