AN: ANOTHER ENTRY FROM A STORY I'M WRITING!!!! It's on my profile and yes, make fun of me if you want, but it's a fanfic with one of my OC's and you can bully me but welcome to my life :D
171Please respect copyright.PENANAcWA3keoanD
171Please respect copyright.PENANAt5AmSw0gOT
Two years. Two whole years training to be a hero and now I’m this villain that people fear daily. I’m a monster. I fear myself. What is wrong with me? That’s what I ask myself all the time but can never find the answer. The answer was villainy. I will get revenge. I will make him pay for the pain he put me through. So, I will get him back for this. He will get what was coming for him. He will die.
Chapter 1
The white walls around me covered in the reflecting glass drove me more insane than the surrounding people did. My hand gingerly touched the scar on my face. I could feel all of them looking at me through the windows. I knew they were there. Waiting for me to crack, scream, kill.The camera watched me almost as close as their eyes did. A loudspeaker squeaked, causing my head to twitch. I hugged my knees in the small corner that I stayed in 24/7.
“Are you ready to talk yet, villain?” Endeavor’s voice stabbed me. No matter how many times they asked me this question, I never answered. His sigh was loud when he released it. A weak laugh left me. They quickly switched the mirror, so I could see them. I stood and walked over to the glass.
“I’m not a villain. I’m a girl just trying to get through her life. But no, you think that just because I have different thoughts than you, that I am a villain. You deserved that blade to go through you. You deserved every single second of pain that you felt. Because that’s what I went though, Enji. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten what you did to me. Right? How could you? I’m not to blame for Toya’s ‘death’ when he isn’t dead. You are. You drove him off the edge. He told me everything and then you messed it up. He couldn’t have died. Toya was strong. He was tough. He was more of a hero then you will ever be. So, I’m not the villain here, you are.” His eyes glared into mine, but I knew I had won this. Just as he was about to speak, the wall behind me caved in. Nomu’s all stood there, staring with their empty eyes.
Two strong claw-like arms grabbed my shoulders and pulled me. I screamed, but they didn’t stop. Before I knew it, my vision was dark. That moment came back to me.
All pro heroes at U.A. high school sat around the oval table with me at one end and Principle Nezu at the other. My hair hung in front of my eyes, hiding my tears.
“We think we should take you out of U.A. We think you are in danger here. However, we are only being taken out of the hero course. Another course that would be glad to take you in the general studies course, with Hitoshi Shinso. I trust you know him. There have been a few requests to be taken out of the school, however, us teachers agree courses should switch, not schools.” Even though he was trying his best to be comforting, Principle Nezu was crushing my dreams. Endeavor stood and slammed his fists onto the table.
“We should take her out of Japan! She’s put not only herself but others in danger! Do you realize what she has done? She killed my son and also brought my other children to hate me. I am trying to atone with them but it’s hard when I have her, encouraging them to do what they want and not follow my orders!” All Might looked at him and shook his head. He then told him to stop and leave me alone. Then he did it again. He said that I was the reason that Toya was dead.He continued to call me a danger and a monster. I broke. I pushed the chair back and threw a long blade through his chest. Where did that come from?
“I didn’t kill him! You brought him to die. I told your kids to be who they want. Not who you want them to be. Shoto actually likes who he is now because he isn’t under your control and under what you want. Toya would say all the time how he hated how he wanted to be like you. Then you stopped paying attention to him. He hated himself. He tried so hard not to cry when I was around because he didn’t want to seem weak to me. I loved him how he was. But you didn’t like him that way. No, you had to change him.” My lungs felt like they were burning as my eyes ran with tears. The teachers all looked at me with fear in their eyes. After that, I said goodbye to everyone else and then they sent me to a prison where they would wait until I was ready to talk. I never did.
Endeavor returned every single day, even if he was in pain, to see that I too was suffering. All Might never once came to see me. The thought of me dying there scared him. He never liked to see me in pain. One night I had a dream about Toya. My best friend. My only friend. The night that we sat under the stars and counted every single one that we could before we grew tired of it. I told him I loved him that night. He said it back. Suddenly, the memory became more like a nightmare. He was walking away and I couldn’t do anything. My motionless body lies there while he disappears.
A storm rolled through, shaking the walls. Every hair on my body stood up. I’ve always hated storms. Really all loud sounds scared me, but storms were the worst since the bright lightning hurt my eyes.The heavy silver doors bolted open, spooking me. A dark figure strolls through and stands in front of me. I didn’t look. I hate to admit it, but I was terrified. Gently, weight added to my head with a pet-like motion. It was All Might. He sat beside me.
“I’m sorry that all of this is happening. I should have told him to stop when I had the chance. You shouldn’t be here. You have wanted to be a hero since you were that little girl that we found, so alone. Now, you are here and scared in the darkness alone.” That was the only thing that he was good at. Words. Whenever he spoke it gave me this spark of hope. That I could make it through whatever I was in. Just as quickly as he arrived, he was gone. Just like Toya.
Day after day, they continued to watch me. I remember that one day when they used electric currents to drive out the menacing side of my mind. Mouse. That was the name.That’s what she told me anyway. I didn’t like it very much since she was a little scary but it’s not like I can stop her from taking control of me. I’ve always hated how I looked at myself. A demon that stares back at me. Why do I have to do this? Why do I have to feel like this? The second I felt the shock go through my body, she screamed. It was loud and long. It was almost like I could feel it in my chest. Hands held down my arms and legs while the lights busted, throwing glass over the floor. That day, Endeavor was happier than ever. He had finally gotten a small answer.
Maybe the biggest thing that made me want to die so badly was how I lied to all of my friends. Ashido cried. Iida stayed silent. Bakugo stood with his arms crossed and glared at the heroes that stood behind me. Todoroki nodded. Kirishima stayed wide eyed the entire time, same with Kaminari. Ojiro hugged me tightly. Dark Shadow sobbed while Tokoyami handed me his favorite poetry book. Each of them had their own way of saying farewell to me. Bakugo was quiet. He didn’t say a word to me. The teachers did nothing like that. Not even All Might. They nodded and sent me off.
Toya would have told them a prison wasn’t the correct choice. He would’ve yelled right in his fathers face with tears waiting to escape his eyes. Nezu told me he’d keep a close eye on the two silver swords that were gifted to me on my 12th birthday. They were part of my hero costume and they didn’t let me keep them. All Might said he would do all he could to get them back. They meant a lot to me. Toya remembered my birthday and used his father’s money just to give them to me. I loved Toya so much. He had a kind heart and was always up for a karaoke night. There were times we would sneak into town and go into a bar that would let us use their basement for karaoke.
One year for my birthday, he gave me a necklace with his name engraved into a blue heart. Endeavor noticed it on my neck when I was with All Might. He ripped it, breaking the chain and melted it in front of my eyes.Once the metal cooled, I knew I could never tell Toya. I never did. How could I? We told each other everything but here I was, not telling him the reason I had a scar and why a necklace was gone. That reminds me. The last night that Toya was with me, I told him that his father burned me. He didn’t look angry. But I knew what he was thinking. He had said ‘He’s a bastard. I can’t believe he’s my father.’ Then he laughed it off and hugged me tightly, apologizing for what Endeavor had done to me. I’ll always miss those days when he would hug me and make me feel like I was fine.
AN: Hope you enjoyed, I really really am proud of like. . .how much I write-???? I don't even know. All I hope is that you like it. Let me know what you think and go ahead and bully me.