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When the phone rang, fear made its presence known. Sandra, my mother, never called me. Riley’s gone. We all knew the danger he was in when he joined the military, but we were never ready for when he might fall in action. He had a dog. She wasn’t his official, but it seemed like they were always together. Lulu. I named her. We get along. After the accident, she became depressed and her ears became injured significantly. The vet also told me she had attachment issues. I don’t blame her, Riley was amazing.
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Chapter 1
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That morning was weird. I got up early and, per Captain Jones’ orders, showed up at the military compound. He walked over and shook my hand. He told me he was sorry that Riley had passed. I brushed it off. Thinking about it makes me want to cry. He cleared his throat and told me what the mission was. Sure, my brother was the one in the service, but I always bugged him about letting me do small missions now and then. When Riley came home for a week, he taught me how to keep myself safe through fighting. I learned quickly, so he was on his back after about an hour.
Jackson Briggs. He would not only have to bring Lulu to Riley’s service, but me as well. He’s Riley’s good friend and partner. I only knew him as Briggs and we didn’t hate each other, so that’s all I cared about. It didn’t bother me we didn’t know each other well because my brother was happy. Jackson arrived, and the Captain brought us to Lulu’s kennel. Her head was resting on the ground with the muzzle snugly on her mouth. As much as I hated seeing her like that, it was to keep others safe. Jones then explained that if Jackson could bring Lulu there and back, he could go back into the field. I looked at Jackson closely. He looked determined and a little excited. Men back away from Lulu’s cage, making Jackson laugh. I stood back with the Captain while Jackson made his way into the kennel.
“Is this really what you’re scared of?” He asked, laughing, taking the muzzle off of her and petting her gently. Captain Jones walked forward, but I held my arm out, stopping him.
“Let him learn the hard way.” My voice was soft, but he heard. The second Jackson’s hand touched Lulu’s ears, she attacked him, biting and growling. I walked in and called her over. She proudly pranced over and sat at my feet. My fingertips gently pet her ears, but she didn’t mind me when I did it. The vets said it was because she trusted me. Jackson rolled his eyes and stood. This is going to be a fun ride.
Jackson had set the kennel in the back of his truck where she barked and whined. Jackson began oto drive, we stayed in silence. My eyes made their way over to his hand, the bite from Lulu still red.
“Your hand looks pretty bad, are you okay?” I asked, rummaging through my small bag.
“I’m fine.” He stopped at a red light and I wrapped up the bite with the bandages I kept with me at all times. He kept driving while I patched him up. The second I finished, he pulled into the parking lot of a bar. My head shot into his direction. He then hopped out and walked to the back, opening the window. I jumped out of the tall truck and ran over to him.
“What the hell are you doing?” I asked him, pushing his arm. He rolled his eyes and spun around. “Excuse me! Jackson!” Even when I tried yelling at him, he kept walking. After groaning, I shut the window and returned to the front seat.
Eventually, Jackson came back, obviously tipsy. I rolled my eyes when he climbed into the truck, slamming the door. The truck roared to life, and we sped off. I tried to tell him he was drunk but, of course, he wouldn’t listen to me. Then we suddenly broke hard. Jacked turned to me and sighed.
“I’ve got girls waiting for me. So you’re going to sit here. Okay?” He then stumbled out, not even waiting for my response, and headed into a softly lit house. Lulu whined and barked at me. My hand reached back and gently petted her. I closed my eyes for a split second, and before I knew it, Lulu was gone and Jackson was yelling her name. His bare skin shining in the moonlight. I jumped out and ran over to him.
“What the hell is going on?” I yelled at him but he just glared at me, pulling on an extra shirt. My first thought was someone took her. Jackson got into the truck and actually waited for me. After driving for a few hours, we found her walking in the middle of the street. Jackson stuck his head out the window and yelled ‘dog!’. Without hesitation, I opened the door and ran after her. There was blood on the stones that I found, forcing me to freeze. Jackson stood beside me, horrified. A small shed caught my attention, where I ran in, searching. There was a small noise made when I turned my head. A sharp pain began in my neck. The room became dark then light and then dark again. And just like that, I was on the ground, asleep.
The second I woke up, Jackson’s voice shook me as he yelled at a big, bushy man with an ax in his hand. The man growled, realizing I was awake. Jackson tried speaking to me, but I couldn’t understand him. The man walked out, leaving us alone. Within seconds, Jackson was kneeling in front of me, his hands on my shoulders, asking if I was okay.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” My hand waved in his face, making him retreat. Then. . .it all came back to me. Lulu. I shot to my feet and grabbed the cold ax the man left behind. Jackson grabbed my arm, my white button up covered in dirt.
“What in the hell are you up to?” He actually sounds worried. My grip became tighter on the handle when I looked at him. He reached out for it, but I pulled away.
“I am going to kill him if he hurt her.” I mumbled. He told me to relax and think things over but I quickly answered with a no. We walked, the ax heavy in my arms. When we made it into the house, we snuck around, taking our shoes off to make less noise. I saw Lulu as she limped over to a woman who gently called for her. I slipped my shoes back on and gave Jackson the ax. The look he gave me said ‘what am I supposed to do with this’ but I glared at him.
“You’re scarier with an ax than me.” He nodded, grinning. He walked in first and waited for me. I followed him, balling up my fist while my foot dug into the man’s chest. He groaned while the woman screamed. I jumped slightly, looking over to Lulu. She looked terrified. The woman reached her hand out, with a calm voice, saying everything’s okay. Lulu ate from her hand and was calm. Jackson walked forward.
“How did you make her do that?” I took my boot off of the man's chest and held my arm in front of Jackson’s chest.
“She trusts me. I didn’t make her do anything.” My head became heavy once she said this. With worried eyes, the woman stood and kindly took me in her arms. She led me down the dark hallway to a room. I coughed, blood following shortly after. She pushed a cup to my lips while she sat me down on a very uncomfortable bed. Darlene, as she said her name was, told me to rest and that it would help. That very requisition made me pass out.
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I walked down the hallway and heard yelling. Darlene walked over to me and brushed my hair, gently. She’s a gentlewoman. The sound of something moving around turned my attention to the door. The two of us walked out, seeing the men. I made my way over to a tall tree and Lulu quickly trampled me. She licked my face while standing on my stomach.
“Feeling better, I see.” I laughed. Jackson stood, grabbed Lulu’s memory book, and shook the bearded man’s hand. Gus. He really looked like a Gus. Names fit sometimes. We made our way back to the truck and got inside. Lulu sat in the back, sitting and watching out the window. Jackson turned around to her and chuckled.
“Next time you smell weed, tell me.” He pet her and laughed. Edibles. I knew that was what I was smelling. The smell of cannabis is disgusting. Then Jackson spared me a glance. “You good? That lady said you were in terrible shape, so. . .” He looked forward, tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. I laughed and held my hand out to him.
“Delilah. Well, Dylan, but I go by Delilah. Yes. My parents hated me when giving me a name. No, I’m not good and never will be.” We shook hands after I said this and quickly drove off. Apparently, the three of them did a reading with Lulu and she said that she wanted to sleep in a comfortable bed. Jackson told me he had an idea. Of course, he wouldn’t tell me what it was. We sat in a 5-star hotel’s parking lot and waited. His eyes pierced my skin and I wasn’t even looking at him to know that. I walked down the street to a plaza that had a small library. Jackson called me a dork for wanting to read but he was also on board since he wanted me to relax after what had happened a few hours prior.
Jackson texted me, saying I could come back to the hotel when I was ready and to head up to the master's suite. The second I stepped in, I made a long whistle. It’s nice. I held a few books in my arms that I placed onto the table. Jackson walked out of the bathroom and posed. A uniform? Soldiers wore these uniforms. Not the actual army uniforms but the ones they wore to special events. Like when they got back from a call or if they were called in. The group would go out for drinks and see how many women they could get to give them their numbers.
“Why are you dressed like that?” I asked, walking over to him. I smacked his hand when he tried to push me away. My fingers slowly began to twirl and twist the tie around his neck.
“Gotta look the part, right?” He grinned, making me roll my eyes.
“How many years and you still messed up a simple tie? My laugh bounced off of his chest and back into my face. He left and said he was getting a drink. I took a shower, washing my clothes, and falling asleep. I had never slept so well in my entire life. A comfy bed and delightful music playing? Couldn’t get any better. Oh, but it could. Of course, my hair was still wet after my nap. So, I opened my door and went to the bathroom to dry my hair. I stepped out, and they were gone. Him and the dog. Shit.
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Chapter 2
My boots stomped on the floor as I made my way to where they had taken him. Officers tried stopping me, but I pushed through them to Jackson. Some other men stood near him but they moved aside when they saw me. My hand met his cheek with a loud slap. I then spun around to look in the eyes of a man.
“Let him and Lulu go. As bad as this situation is, she has somewhere to be. I’ll kill him for you, but let her do what she has to first.” The volume of my voice scared me, making me sound a lot more stern than I thought. I stood outside by the truck, waiting for them. We sat in the truck, quiet when they returned. He didn’t open his mouth, knowing it would piss me off, and I didn’t feel like yelling. We drove after waiting.
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AN: yes, this is all I have....I am trying!!! Sooooo. You know the new movie 'Dog' ? The one with Channing Tatum? YEAH! I watched it, cried, fell in love, and had a dream, here we are 0-0. Have fun :D Love y'all!!!! Thank you, my loves! <3150Please respect copyright.PENANAZSpe2RJYxh
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