So, the children of the prophecy have made it to the shores of Hilgaria. They’ve traveled a long way from their homes. Now that they have figured out where they need to go next, they just have to get there. But there’s just one problem; a body of water stands in their way. The Waters of Abdomes. If they make it across these waters they still have to get to Duelgestein and claim the prize that must not be named.
But with their friend, Skylar, presumably dead, they don’t know what to do. They also have a friend who could be part of the prophecy as well. But Luke isn’t so quick to accept the replacement of someone he loves. And he holds out hope she’s out there somewhere.
With Boromir dead, they can finally relax. Fewer attacks are being brought on them since the Dueglesteiner’s leadership is gone.
But can they make it? Will they find the prize?
Or will they fail and die trying?