I get up doing my routine, eating some bread with butter and honey, changing my White clothes to a dark hoodie and then going outside, everyone is out and I see Vasil out with his phone in his hands.
I go to him and say "morning" "morning" he gets up "did you sleep well?" "Really good I can say, why are you asking?" "I have some activities on my mind" "like?" He picks up a bottle and a rowel from behind him
"Let's go for a workout" "I'm not really into calisthenics but alright" "neither I am but I know it will be fun doing it with someone else"
I take a bottle of water and a towel on my hands and go to the park, not a single soul in our sight and Vasil starts to swing his arms and warming up, I did the same and then we start doing pull-ups, Vasil says "kets make a bet if I do more reps than you you have to do one thing I will say" I look him with the edge of my eyes "alright" we both jump and grab the two ends of the bar and we start, both or us starting with ease and after six we both start breathing heavy and soon grunting, staring at each other and soon losing our count and counting the other.
We both stop and Vasil shouts "eleven, you did eleven and I did thirteen" placing my arms on my wrist I sigh "so what do I have to do?" "Just kiss Joanna" my eyes lower and stare at him as he take his bottle "I'm kidding, I know you haven't done anything with Joanna" I change into an ironic tone "and how are you so sure?" "Because I know you are loyal" "and how have you come to this co nclusion?"
"At the way you speak for her, hearing you with excitement and passion every time you mention her,because you smile at random times, which I guess some of it is caused by her and when you text her you grow a smile" raising my hands with a lower voice I say "you are really good at guessing people's character " "you just remind me of an old friend" he pause "anyway let's continue and finish as soon as we can, I can't stand the sun here hitting our heads" "at least the wind is perfect neither cold nor hot"
We continue our workout with haste and We go back and Vasil opens the door and shouts "wait here" after I take my gaze at my house I see Vasil opening the door and throwing me a mandarin, I lean my body down and I extend my arms grabbing it before it falls, looking at it for a moment before I turn my gaze at Vasil "thanks" He grow a faint smile and goes inside "see you at the afternoon" and slowly close the door.
The afternoon comes and I and Vasil wait outside the gate, from the road with small cracks everywhere we see the others coming with their backpacks, we greet them each with a handshake and as i look at Joanna she lay her body on me and rest her head at my chest.
After some heartbeats she takes her head and we start walking, following the road and going in the woods with tall grasses almost at our knees, continuing with the trees now covering the sun Gelsida shouts "that's the last time I'm coming with you here" Ellie says sarcastically "maybe it would be better for you if you wear long pants" Gelsida says nothing, Alan look at Jenny and says "can we sit down for a while?" Jenny responds "we are not even an hour here" "I know but I'm tired" Ellie sighs "alright but let's find a better place first" we move through the tall grass and we see the road leading up along with benches inside the forest.
We sit there and gelsida leaves a massive sigh, Dane gets up and takes two bottles, Gelsida's eyes wide open and Dane open the bottles and throws the water at us.
Joanna and Vasil stay still for a second, Alan says "really Dane"
Gelsida gets up and gives him a soft slap
Ellie says "motherfucker " Dane laughs "it's swelting here" Ellie grabs the bottle and throws it at him and Dane continues to laugh, I got to pick up the bottle and Joanna grabs it first smirking at me, Dane continues to laugh and Jenny stares at him.
After a while we continue again and soon the air chills and mist was everywhere, I look at them and see Gelsida gritting her teeth "Ellie, Jenny you know how much I hate you" Jenny says with her loud voice "at least we haven't come with short pants" we continue to the edge of the mountain and Gelsida sit down on one of the tree, the rest of us do the same, looking at the green layers and the tall mountain at the distance with its snowy peak that pierce the sky.
We start drawing our food from the backpacks and Ellie drawing a set of cards.
I look at her and say "do you want to teach me another game?" "Yes, I will teach you" she places them down but the wind took one away before Alan could extend his arm, Ellie says with a swift voice "fuck" She pulls them back and Joanna lean her head on my shoulder, the warmth slowly buildings up again.
We stand there watching the scenery and I see Dane
Leaning his head on Ellie and whispering to her, they both laugh and I ask with a sneer "what's so funny?" They try to hide their laugh with miserable results and they say "nothing, continue to watch the trees" I take my eyes away from them and then look at Joanna having her eyes half closed, Ellie and dane Laugh again and I sneer, Vasil look at me with a smirk and he show me his phone and says "I forgot to show you this" I look and see his house, two of his friends shouting "bro she said ew"
and him running towards the window and then cutting the video and the back of his house out at the road and seeing a man jumping down, We both burst out of laugh and he says "that's a video we made three years ago" i take a deep breath and before i talk he says "of course you understand we put a mannequin there" i nod my head and i say "i did something similar with ny friends,we waited for a friend on my house and one of them had an idea to scare him, so we put ballons inside a ragged hood and some tomatoes and as he was passing under the balcony we threw the mannequin and he screamed, so much that the neighbors look outside to see what happened " he laugh and Joana slowly raise her eyes and look at both of us, Vasil says "lets play truth or dare" we nod our heads or say yes an he starts first looking at me "turth or fare?" I say with no heistatio "dare" Dane turn at Vasil and whisper at his ear, hearing the murmuring for a moment before Vasil reply to him and takes his jead a centimeter forward and saying "can you do three pull ups at the tree?" He points with his finger and a broad tree with broad branches, I place my arms on the tree and as I do the first I feel the branch scratching my hands, doing another one and then stop letting out an almost audible grunt.
I go back and Joanna leaned her head again, Dane says "won't you make him do something" Vasil shake his head negatively and the turn pass on her and dane asks asks "Joanna truth or dare?" He says with a bit weak voice "truth"
"Will you do something with Lawrence?"
"Are you sure?" A smile widens on his face and Joanna says with the same serious tone "no" the turn pass on to Ellie and Joanna says "truth or dare?" "Dare" Joanna says "do you have the dare to tell the truth to Vasil?" "Vasil eyes jump from Joanna to Ellie, Ellie grow an awkward simper "ok, I will" she makes a pause looking at the ground and then at Vasil "do you remember the firsts days you said I was a little bit close to you?" "Yes" "well I think you noticed it but I will say it, I liked you and I wanted to do something with you and when you said you have a girlfriend I was a bit down" Vasil look intensely at Ellie and her face curve a sneer " don't look at me like that lik I have committed a crime" "I was just toying with you" "so,we will continue like nothing happened right?" "Yes, do not worry it doesn't change anything between us" Ellie look forward and Thw turn pass on Ellie and look at Dane and Alan "Alan truth or dare?" "Truth" Ellie turn her eyes at the distant mountains and back to Alan "what scares you the most?" Alan's eyes stay still for a moment, he chuckles and says "probably dogs" "liar" "but I'm saying the truth" Ellie look him intensely and Alan does the same "I don't ask you what scares your body, I ask what scares your soul" Vasil says "this sounded extremely poetic" "that may be because I write poems" Vasil look with his eyebrows tight "how did you come up writing poems?" Ellie lower her voice "it helps me let out the things that bother me" "can I read them?" Ellie says swiftly
"No, no and no" "why not?" Ellie look at him in the eyes "I'm a bit shy to show it" Vasil says with a disappointed tone "Okay then"
alan let a sigh as he turn his look to the ground and back to us says with his voice low "I'm scared of the future" Ellie says in a slow and calm voice "you are not the only one" she look Alan with a touch of sadness and his eyes wide open
"Do you think of it too?" "If I think what you think, then yes, " silent surround the group
and Gelsida says "it's not the right time for this" Alan murmurs "I could have done better" his breath becomes heavy and Dane abruptly gets up and point with his hand at the forest and says out loud "we better continue, we have more things to see" Ellie sigh and murmurs as she gets up looking at Alan before she grabs him and whispers at her ear, seeing his face becoming a bit brighter.
We continue on the road, turning right and continue in a narrow pass with trees above us and their veins coming out from the ground, having our legs beside each other and the back touching the rocks behind and down rock, we go slowly with Alan leaving a small scream as some rocks fall and Gelsia says with a loud voice "you scared the hell out of us" "sorry" we continue and as we turn right we see a cave if someone can call it, with a roof to cover someone from beneath and deep enough to not be seen in the night, Ellie goed forward "this is the kagoula cave, he was named after a man in the twentieth century who helped the people with food and money, but in order to find food and money he would often kill people from the rich class" I ask "kinda like robin hood?" She twists her wrist left and right and says slowly "Kinda like that, anyway let's go back there is nothing else to see here" we go back to the narrow pass and I wait along with Vasil until the others move, we talk to each other and suddenly we hear Ellie high pitched and jenny throaty screams, we lean our heads and see both of them laying down with their pants torn on their knees and bleeding.
Me, Vasil and Dane swiftly grab a tree vein below us and we descend, placing our palms on rocks to not fall, Vasil grab Ellie and I grab Jenny and we walk until the vines, first helping Ellie to grab the vines and Dane asking "you can place your feet right?"
Ellie let a short scream and says with her eyes closed "I can, it just hurts a bit" Dane push her and the rest grab her hand and help her get up with ease and hearing another scream from Ellie that is cut short, we then help Jenny the same way and we climb.
Jenny and Ellie lay down having their facial muscles tense and their eyes almost close as blood comes from the wound, we sit beside them and Alan look at the wounds with disgust on his face and then turn his gaze at us, Joanna takes a bottle from her backpack "Ellie, tilt your leg to the right" Ellie tilt it and Joanna throws the water on her wound, turning red and making a small line on the ground,
She then does the same on Jenny and gently place her hand on the wound, taking a small twig From her wound with Jenny letting a small grunt, Joanna sits in a squat position and we look from above.
Dane asks "how is the wound?" Ellie says with a sarcastic tone "it's really good, don't you see?" Dane raised his hands "sorry wrong question" we all stay silent, looking at each other before Ellie and Jenny say "let's continue" they get up, pressing their legs on the ground as little as possible, Vasil goes in front of them and I go behind Ellie and Jenny, we walk at the edge of the pass
holding them from their shoulder with them doing the same and making faint grunts as they press their right leg on the ground.
We pass on the other side and Ellie and Jenny leave a massive sigh, Alan look at them "do you need some time to relax?" Jenny responds "we are fine, let's continue"
After almost an hour we see the buildings of the village and we walk a bit more until we see some benches with a fountain resembling a man with broad clothes.,
we sit at the benches and I say "who wants to play lighter?" Ellie asks "is this the game where we ask about someone and we give them the lighter?" "Yes" Dane says "what exactly is that?" Ellie explains the rules and Dane and the others agree She look at me "And what will we have for lighter?" Suddenly I see at my legs keys connected to a band, Joanna says with an almost audible voice "we can use these" I nod my head and explain to them the rules, give them first to Ellie and ask with excitement "Ellie who is the most annoying person here?" She pass them to Dane and his eyes wide open "why me?" "Because you never shut the fuck up, especially drunk " the others laugh and Dane says as he points his finger at her "that's a good point" "Ellie then pass it to him "Dane, who do you think is the least likely to get a good job" Dane look at all of us and then pass it to Gelsida, she place her hands towards her and says "because i got fired on one job?" "I mean you broke three plates on the second day" "it was just not my thing" "who do you think is the least attractive here?" She quickly pass it to me and says "sorry but i think you know it too" i let a smirk "I know"
Then Gelsida ask me and i pass it to jenny,laughing , sayinf as i stammer "who do you think is most likely to fuck an allien?" Everyone lausgh and everyone look simultaneously at Ellie and Jenny throws the keys to her and Vasil says "why her?" "Do not look at her like this she is a beast in the bed" Ellie hit Jennie's leg and Jenny laighs and i say "its alright, we do not discriminate anyone for their choices" Ellie then look back at Jenny with an annoyed stare.
The time pass with the keys passing to everyone, Joanna suddenly gets up and says with a weak voice "im going home" Gelsida says "its too early to go" Joanna gets up "we were out for hours" no one disagree with her and i get up, looking at me with mutual agreement, she gave her hand to everyone and
We wave at them and start walking, seeing her looking plaintive at the road "is something bothering you?"
"Im just feeling a bit low" i smile at her and she smile back and as we reach outside the house she hugs me, giving me a strong hug and i hug her the same way and close my eyes for a second before she pull herself away saying a raw "goodnight" i respond with a weak voicw "goodnight" and walk back at the others, seeing only Vasil waiting for me, "where are the others?" "Something happened and they had to leave" i look around seeing no person around, hearing only the wind striking the tree branches
"Not much, lets go home"
We reach the gate and I opennit and Vasil says "i forgot to tell you, as you were away the guys told me that we will go the day after tommorow night on a bar in the other village" "i may come, though i try to avoid alcohol" "then come only for the fun" We lay our hands to the iron bars and we lean our heads looking at the sky and he says "you know, these two last days were nice" i say with a somewhat broken voice "we must continue doing this when we keave from here" "we will, we can go out and bring our girlfriends" i let a small laugh and we continue to talk and in the end we stay silent still looking at the sky, not letting the stars leave pur gaze, i sigh and he sights after me, we look each other and he says "lets go to the roof another time before we leave" i stand staring at him, mostly with sadness and after some seconds i nod my head, he yawns again and he gives ne his hand "see you tomorrow" i give my hand and he pulls me closer hitting my back woth his palm,i repeat the same words and i go towards the door, opening it and with the first seconds of laying in the bed my eyes close, thinking "does it matter to try and connect?".
The morning comes and the rest of the day pass fast and the moon shades on the village, i get up and wear buggy clothes and look at Vasil having buggy clothes too, we go to the village square and see the others playing with the cards, we go close and jenny says "we will wait for ellie, and Joanna until then sit down and lets play lighter"
The game continues and the lighter pass on me and Alan ask "Lawrence, if you have to save two memories what would it be?" I look at the sky and as i look back i see
Joanna at the distance walking towards us.
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