So yesterday I was standing on the balcony outside my classroom with a few other people, doing a project. Then a teacher walks by us and says hi (I’ll call her Mrs Smith) and began walking down the stairs (to assess the stairs you have to go on the balcony the to the outside steps.) and all of a sudden we heard a crash and a started “OH!” coming from down the stairs. A boy yelled “MRS SMITH!” And ran down the stairs to go see if she was okay, while two other girls ran down and tried to help her while someone was screaming and another was yelling: “GET A TEACHER!” and some dumb ass responded with: “THE TEACHER FELL DOWN THE STAIRS!” but they were so serious that I was trying not to laugh. I know that I should have laughed, but this kid was dead serious.
So anyway, the start is are five steps down, then it turns left for about thirteen steps, then left again for five steps. Mrs Smith had talked from about a third to three quarters down the thirteen steps bit. As soon as she had fallen a the story teacher ran over and said: “what happened?!” While I was standing there with a perfectly calm composure while everyone else was screaming. The girls that ran down where there about thirty seconds before the boy, and in that time they made it their mission to fix her skirt which had almost turned inside out. Honestly, looking back at the situation it must have been quite comical if everyone wasn’t screaming.
One of the classroom teachers ran outside and ran to help Mrs Smith and the PE teacher, while the other shepherded all the kids that where outside back in the classroom and let us do some painting (big mistake, paint everywhere).
After a little while the other classroom teacher came back in and told everyone that Mrs Smith had just rolled her ankle, all the other kids didn’t know what was going on so the classroom was more chaotic that usual and that really saying something.
I have to go and pack my sailing bag,