yesterday I was at the shops, and this beautiful Muslim lady comes up to me and asked where I’m from, I tell her the truth and say “ ma’m, I was born and have grown up in Australia.” And she proceeds to say “No, no, I mean what is your heritage.” (She had a beautiful accent.) I have olive skin, so I assume she was expecting something like Africa or south Western Asia. The look on her face when I told her that I am European. My mum is white and so is my dad, I just got the messed up genes. I also have much lighter hair than all my family (except for my brother) and when my mum came over (I was with a friend as well) this lady asked if I was adopted. I’m not. And this lady continued to ask if my dad was black. He’s not. Then she looked me up and down and looked at my mum and asked “Then what’s your explanation?” I was tempted to look her right in the eyes and say “I’m sorry, I just got the fucked up genes.”
I’ve always been a bit self conscious that I look so different from my family. I know she had no possible way of knowing that but she wasn’t very nice to be honest.
I just want to know, do you think she was wrong? Should I have acted nicer?
anyway, bye-bye.