*epic intro music*
Two kids got suspended from my school today. They where texting each other during class and saying that they wished that our teachers had drowned at birth and stuff, sooo, yeah.
The vice principal walked into the library where we where all studying and said:
*fake names*
”John and Dan? Yeah, can you come with me please?”
I swear, I was about to shit myself when she said:
”oh, and you too Mae”
she started to walk out then she turned back around and said:
”Oh, and bring your Laptop, hon.”
so I did as she asked and she left me in a room in the office for a few minutes before she walked back in and asked me to open messages on my phone and show her the group chat that we have for our grade, I did so.
she scrolled through the messages for a few minutes until saying that I could go back to class and she lead me out of the office and I passed the room that John and Dan where in and I swear they looked like they where about to shit themselves.
anyway, bu-bye.
*epic outro music*