Chapter 1
|The Crush|
TW: Body shame??? (I don't know if that's a TW)-Panic attack
Lucifer POV
I sat in bed hearing my alarm beep in my ear for the thousandth time. I finally pressed stop and got up. I was so tired today. I got up and started digging through my closet hoping I would have some hoodies left. Luckily I did. I pulled out an army green hoodie with a small rose on it. This hoodie was actually really cute. It was very oversized which I liked. I grabbed a white shirt and some black jeans and got dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was so fat. I was disgusted. I turned away and grabbed my shoes and bag and went down stairs. Before I could even say a word my mother spoke up. “No food today, you're already too fat already, leave now.” My eyes watered. “Ok..” I mumbled. I tried not to cry as I walked out. I was a really emotional kid. There he was. My best friend. Braxston. I smiled at him. He pushed his blonde fluffy hair out of his face.
“Hey Luci!”
That was his nickname for me. I smiled and waved. He paused for a moment.
“Are you ok?”
Was it really that obvious? I looked at him. His eyes were just like my crushes…blue…no…crystal blue…ARGH! I needed to stop thinking about him! IT. WILL. NEVER. WORK. I just nodded but of course me being me I started to cry.
“Omg what happened?”
He hugged me. He was about 5’7 while I was 5'4. The height difference was kind of funny. We always joked about it. His chin was on top of my head.
I cried a little louder from the embrace. Hugs always comforted me.
“She called me fat again…”
He sighed
“Oh Luci…She's lying, you need to realize that. You're so pretty just the way you are!”
I smiled. Braxton was always the sweetest person ever. We have been friends since we were 5. He was always like an older brother to me. Even though he was just a year older than me.
“Thanks Braxton..”
I looked up and smiled at him.
“No problem, let's get going, I don't want to be late.”
We walked down the sidewalk and we just talked all the way till we got to school. I was 16 Braxton was 17 and we were both seniors. We luckily had lockers near each other so we walked the same way. His locker was on the way to mine so we stopped at his first. We both had math first.
“OOooooo Braxton loooookkk its your boyfriend~”
He looked over and there was HIS crush, a guy named Julian. He had curly brown hair and brown eyes. He turned away blushing and glaring at me. I laughed so hard.He turned to look at something and then smirked at me.
“Ooo look there is Xavier~”
I turned and saw him with a girl. RILEY. I mentally screamed. I was blushing so hard. His dirty blonde fluffy hair and his crystal blue eyes..Omg Im crushing way too hard I need to stop. I covered my face. Braxton was laughing so hard. I punched him in the arm.
“Lets just go”
We walked away and went to my locker. I pulled out my math book and started grabbing my stuff when I heard someone calling my name. I turned to see the girl Riley look directly at me. Not today. Please. I rolled my eyes and looked at Braxton. He gave me a nod.
“What do you want Riley?”
She scoffed.
“I want you to stop looking so hideous and fat that's what.”
My breath hitched. Oh gosh..
“And maybe stop crushing on MY boyfriend! He will never like you! Your annoying! Your so hideous your dumb and maybe you should stop dressing like a FUCKING-”
She was cut of by Braxton.
“That's ENOUGH! Get the F^ck out of here!”
She rolled her eyes and stormed away.
My hands were shaking. I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I saw a figure walking toward me. It wasn't Braxton. The world was blurry. I could hear Braxton talking to me.
“Luci, you need to calm down! It's ok! None of it was true, she is just a bitch! Calm down.”
I wanted to calm down. I NEEDED to calm down. I didn't want to panic Braxton. He had panic attacks like me. I didn't want to freak him out. I heard another voice. It wasn't Braxtons.. I couldn't tell who it was.
“Is she ok!?”
“She is having a panic attack and she won't calm down. I'm trying, she just won't listen!”
I heard Braxton say with his voice full of concern. I saw someone sit down in front of me.
“If you can hear me just listen to my breathing try to copy my breathing
‘ I didn't know who they were but I did what they said. My breathing slowly slowed down and my vision unblurred. I looked at my feet when I calmed down. I looked up.
“Thank you so m-”
It was him. It was Xaziver. My face went completely red. I could see Braxton trying not to laugh. He smiled at me.
“It's no problem..Lucifer right?”
HE KNEW MY NAME!!! OMG HE KNEW MY NAME???? *cough cough* Calm down.
“Yeah..Xavier right?”
He nodded.
“I'm sorry about Riley, she is…interesting..”
I paused.
“Wait..aren't you her girlfriend..?”
He was silent and looked at the floor. He looked uncomfortable.
“Yeah…It's not the best but it's working out.”
He smiled at me. I blushed. AGAIN.
“Anyways, are yall going to do math?”
We both nodded.
“Do yall wanna walk together?”
Omg. Omg. This can't be happening. Braxton nodded his head and smirked at me.We started walking down the hall and in that was like we were best friends. We all had a lot in common and just talked and laughed the whole way until we got to math. He sighed when he saw Riley glaring at him. He waved and went and sat next to her. We sat next to each other and Braxtons crush was right in front of him and he was blushing. I giggled. Our teacher walked in and started talking.
“Alright class we are going to do a group project with groups of 4.You will have to build an amusement park but you must use measurements and build a big amusement park in only 20 anchors of land and you have to have the normal rides and some games. You can build this in apps you can build such as minecraft for example.”
I gasped. I loved Minecraft.
“Alright I have decided on the groups. The first group is Lucifer, Braxton, Julian and Xavier.”
He kept on telling and naming the group but I ignored it. I was partnered with XAVIER?? I blushed yet again. Both Julian and Xaiver got up and moved to the desk in front of ours. Xavier was in front of me and Braxton was in the desk next to me while Julian was in front of him. We started talking about our project when Riley raised her hand.
“Um Sir..? Can I switch groups I wanna be with Xa-”
“My group is fine Riley I don't wanna change.”
Xavier said, looking at Riley. She looked shocked. She scoffed and turned away. He turned back to me and we continued talking about the project. The rest of the day went by like a blur. When I walked out of school I waited for Braxton to come out. When he walked out he smirked.
“Someones happy~”
I rolled my eyes.
“He talked to me Braxton like finally!”
He laughed. You have such a big crush.
He was right. I did have a big crush.290Please respect copyright.PENANAOiZ8ejBKz5