Diary Chapter One
Tuesday, June 28
I started my new, undesirable journey yesterday along with my parents and younger brother Noah. We are in the process of moving from sunny Orlando, Florida to Wolverine Lake, Michigan, which has only an average of 181 sunny days a year including an average of thirty inches of rain and thirty-two inches of snowfall. Wolverine Lake has a population around 4,000, which doesn't even compare to Orlando's population of 244,000. My family and I moved to Wolverine Lake because my maternal Grandfather was recently diagnosed with cancer, and my mother wanted to be closer to him so that she could help my Grandmother care for him, and to also spend more time with him before he leaves this earth.
Wolverine Lake is my mother's hometown, where she grew up and lived until she went off to the University of Florida College of Nursing. When I had asked her what her life ambition was, she said she wanted to take care of two of her wishes at once, which was getting out of Wolverine Lake while also getting her Nurse Practitioner degree. I applaud anyone for chasing his or her dreams. Unfortunately, I just don't know what my dream career is yet. My mom told me that I need to figure out what it is since I only have two years of high school left. My dad said not to worry, that I had plenty of time to figure it out. They simply baffle me at times.
While growing up we had visited Wolverine Lake for two weeks every summer, and then for a week every other Christmas or Thanksgiving. We alternated holidays between my mom's family in Wolverine Lake, and my dad's family back in Lakeland, Florida. I never did mind visiting, but I don't like the thought of living in Wolverine Lake. It's immensely boring compared to Orlando. I'm guessing I'll be getting a numerous amount of books read in the next two years.
5 pm. After spending practically two days in a car, we finally arrived at our new house today. My Aunt Olivia was waiting in the driveway along with my cousin Kristin. Kristin is only four months younger than I am so we will both be Junior's together at Wolverine High School. It will be nice to know at least one person on my first day of school. To my astonishment, she hasn't grown much since I last saw her. She is at least two inches shorter than my five feet seven inches. She looks like she's in great shape, and I'm sure she has cheerleading to thank for that. Kristin has let her chestnut brown hair grow below her shoulders, and her braces have been removed exposing perfectly straight teeth, which is a great improvement from a couple of years ago. She smiles so much now that I can't help thinking it must become uncomfortable at some point.
"I am so glad you are here to stay," Kristin said while giving me an extended hug. "We are going to have a blast this summer, and I'm going to enjoy having you at Wolverine high."
"Great, I can't wait," I said with a bit of sarcasm – I was still very upset about leaving my home and closest friends back in Orlando.
I gave her a half smile. I didn't want her to think that I was upset with her. I was upset about the situation. A little part of me was happy to be living close to Kristin and her parents. Although I have visited her every summer of my life, I still feel like I can get to know her even better by living in the same town. Plus I wanted to stay positive for my mom. I can't blame her, or anyone else, for my Grandpa's unexpected terminal illness.
I did a complete inspection of the house, and I decided it's not as bad as I imagined it to be. It's a pleasant split foyer with white siding, blue shingles, and brick around the front entrance. It has a lush green yard with beautiful landscaping. I'm excited about the white swing hanging from the front porch. I bet I'll be spending a great deal of time there in the evenings with a book and my IPod.
The inside is even better with mostly neutral colors, and an astounding cathedral ceiling in the living area. It has shiny maple hardwood floors throughout, and a spacious kitchen that my whole family can move around in. I picked the bedroom that is already painted purple, and I don't think Noah will mind. My favorite part is that it has a bathroom connected to it. Wow, my parents actually have pretty good taste when it comes to picking a home.
Diary Chapter Two
Monday, July 4
8pm. I had spent the last five days helping my parents unpack boxes, and decorate our new home so I didn't complain when Kristin dragged me to the Tiki night firework celebration in town. It's a celebration that goes on every Independence Day in Wolverine Lake. There is supposed to be an awesome firework display over the lake, and supposedly everyone around for miles visits the festival. It's called 'Tiki night' because there are tiki torches spread out across the entire waterfront.
Kristin wasn't kidding about the place being packed. There were groups of people everywhere you went. I accidentally bumped into people more than once. Luckily the residents here were nice, and no one seemed like they wanted to smack the crap out of me for my clumsiness. They would all say 'excuse me' whether they were at fault or not.
Kristin wanted to walk to her normal hangout spot. After what seemed like a half hour of walking, we finally got to the area of the lake where hordes of teens were hanging out. As I walked through a parking lot on the way to her spot, I saw a group of teens standing near some very nice cars. Thanks to the bright streetlights I noticed that one of the guys turned to look at me. And he stared. For a split second, I thought I saw an emerald glow in his eyes, but just shook it off since my vivid imagination can sometimes get the best of me. He was gorgeous, and tall, probably around six feet at least. He had sandy blonde hair that practically reached his shoulders, and his arms and chest are muscular in his tight black t-shirt, with faded blue jeans. I tried to command my eyes not to look at him as I continued to follow Kristin down the sandy walking path that looped through the grass connecting the parking lot to the lakeshore. After a moment I could hear someone approaching me so I turned to look just as a male voice startled me. "Your new here." It was more of a statement than a question.
I stopped suddenly, and stared at him in wonder for a moment. "Is it that obvious?"
He extended his hand. "Hello, I'm Xander Sharpe."
"Jami Reid." I extended my hand, and he took me by surprise when he lightly brushed the back of my hand with his warm, soft lips. He held my hand a few seconds too long before finally letting it go. I couldn't help but stare into his bewitching green eyes, and his smile was wide and mischievous. He was even more gorgeous up close.
"So who are you here with Jami?"
"I'm with my cousin Kristin." I realized I was still staring into his eyes, I blushed and quickly turned toward Kristin to keep myself from staring. Kristin was standing a few feet away with her mouth hanging open. I guess he surprised her as well.
"I know Kristin." He paused without taking his eyes off me, "Are you just visiting?"
"No, my family and I just moved here."
"I'm very glad to hear that," he said while smiling at me like I'm something to smile about.
"So, are you going to be attending Wolverine High with Kristin this fall?" He asked coolly.
"Yes I will. Do you go there?"
"I sure do. I'll be a senior. Will you be a senior also?"
"Umm no, I'll be a junior."
I thought I saw a hint of disappointment in his expression right before he glanced toward Kristin. "I take it you already have plans for tonight?"
"Yes, actually I do."
"Well, I've got to get back anyway." He motioned to the group he was standing with before. "It was nice meeting you Jami, I hope to see you around."
"Nice to meet you too." I turned and walked back toward Kristin, and after a few steps I glanced back over my shoulder, but he was already gone.
"What was that all about?" Kristin asked.
"I guess he was just being friendly."
Kristin snorted. "I don't think so."
"What do you mean?"
"Xander Sharpe isn't the 'friendly' type." She used her fingers to do air quotations on the word friendly.
I wanted to know what she meant by her comment but I decided to just let it go for now. I made a mental note to find out later.
When we reached a specific group of teens on the lakeshore, Kristin introduced me to her closest friends – Jenny, Logan, Claire, and her boyfriend Derek. I had met Claire before, a few summers back, and she was the first to speak to me. She's very sociable and very pretty with her auburn red hair, and sparkling green eyes.
"Hi Jami, good to see you again. Are you going to be trying out for the cheerleading squad in two weeks?"
"Claire!" Kristin snapped.
The question caught me by surprise. Wow, she doesn't waste any time. "Well, umm, I'm not sure about that. I don't have experience with cheerleading. I've only played volleyball."
Claire made a face like she had just eaten a sour grape. "Bummer."
"You don't have to have any experience, we can teach you everything you need to know." Jenny chimed in.
"Can we just drop it for now?" Kristin snapped. She knew I didn't have any desire to be a cheerleader.
Logan then quickly strutted to my side. "I agree...we should drop it," he smiled gleefully. "So, Jami, do you know what the bacon said to the tomato?"
I shook my head no.
"Lettuce get together!" He said with a quick flash of his eyebrows. I was speechless.
There were suddenly a chorus of moans and groans coming from everyone around us.
Kristin rolled her eyes, and gave Logan a slight push on his arm with her fist. "Don't pay any attention to Logan, he thinks he is a comedian and a ladies man," she told me.
I tried my best to stifle a laugh. I actually think Logan and I will become very good friends.
The colorful firework show was spectacular, and as we were leaving I noticed that the waterfront was radiant with all of the tiki torches spread out around it. I thought about how Kristin's friends were really nice, friendly, and welcoming. I thought about Xander Sharpe, and I'm glad that I decided to go tonight.
Maybe it won't be so bad here after all.
Wednesday, July 6
6pm. Kristin, Claire, and Jenny wanted to go out for pizza, and they invited me to go with them. I sat and contently listened for an hour as the three girls talked about going hiking and gossiping about other teens that attend Wolverine High. For example, a girl named Katie just found out she is pregnant, and will no longer be cheerleading. Luckily her parents aren't going to kick her out of the house, and Katie is going to keep the baby. I assumed that is whom Claire wanted me to replace. Also, a guy named Chris, who briefly dated Claire their freshman year, just came out of the so-called-confidential closet. He announced to everyone on Facebook that he is, and has always been bi-sexual.
I was about to mention that I was ready to leave when I caught a glimpse of Xander walking in with two other guys, and a girl. When he saw me, he whispered something to one of the guys, and then gracefully made his way over to our table.
"Hi Jami, nice to see you again," he smiled a wide roguish smile.
"Hi Xander."
"Have you finished eating?"
"Yes, I, um, was actually getting ready to leave."
"Can I talk to you outside for a minute?" He looked around at my friends as if asking for permission.
"Um sure. Give me just a second." I reached into my pocket, and pulled out the money I was going to use to help pay for the pizza and the tip, and handed it to Kristin. "This should cover my part," I told her.
"Okay, I'll call you later," Kristin said to me, and then glanced skeptically at Xander.
I got the feeling she doesn't trust him much nor does she like him talking to me. "Okay, I'll talk to you later. Bye," I told them all, and then I got up from the booth, and nervously followed Xander outside.
Xander carried himself well. There was a certain confidence, a sexy swagger in the way he moved. Then he stopped mid-stride in the parking lot, and turned to look at me. He stared down at me for a few seconds. The way he looked at me made me tingle. Then he suddenly asked bluntly, "would you go out with me next Saturday? I'm going out of town for about week, but I'll be back by next Friday."
His question threw me way off guard. "Xander, I'm not sure. I mean I don't know you very well."
"I promise I won't bite." He paused a heartbeat. "I would like to get to know you Jami. Plus, we can double date with Kyle and Harper if that will make you feel better."
"Okay umm...who are Kyle and Harper?"
"They're two of my closest friends. I believe you saw me walk in with them," he nodded back toward the restaurant.
I hesitated. "Okay, umm sure."
He gave me a wide, playful smile. "Great, we'll pick you up around seven then."
I smiled back. "Sounds like a plan."
He gently took my hand, and kissed it just as he did the first night we met. "I'll see you later Jami." Then he let go of my hand ever so gently, and strolled back toward the restaurant.
I stared at his curvy backside until something suddenly occurred to me. "Wait!" I yelled toward him. "You don't know where I live."
"Don't worry, I'll find you." Then he disappeared into the pizzeria.