Diary Chapter Six
Sunday, July 24
11am. My family and I went to church again this morning. I didn’t see Cade when I first walked in, and I felt guilty for feeling excited about going to church so that I could see him. I love going to church and hearing the sermons! It keeps me connected to God. Although my faith will always be strong, developing long-term habits such as attending church, praying to God, and reading my Bible is important to maintaining my faith. My faith is something that no one could ever take from me.
I turned around just in time to see Cade walk in with Takota, and the same guy and two girls as last time. I felt a sting of jealousy, and I had to silently scold myself. Just like last time, I tried my best to keep my attention on the sermon, and forget that he was sitting in the back of the church.
After the sermon, something different happened. I walked out to the parking lot with Kristin, and I saw Cade standing with his friends. I couldn’t believe my eyes when he strolled over to Kristin and I.
He smiled. “Hi Kristin. Hi Jami, can I talk to you in private?” He asked me.
“Yes.” I turned to Kristin, and I’m sure I had a look of shock on my face. “I’ll call you later okay.”
“Okay. See you later,” Kristin said with a big smile before walking to her parents’ car.
“How are you?” He asked sincerely.
“I’m good. Thanks.”
“I was just wondering if you would do me a favor?”
“S-sure. What’s the favor?”
“Promise me you won’t go on anymore night-time walks into the woods.”
Not what I was expecting. I slowly nodded my head. “Okay, I promise.”
“Good! Take care Jami. I’ll see you around.”
“Okay, bye.”
He smiled and then walked back to his friends who were already climbing into the two cars.
I felt a stab of disappointment. That was it? Of course it was. I should just be lucky that he was even speaking to me at all. Well, It’s an upgrade from a wave.
Cade got into the driver seat of the charcoal gray Mustang GT along with Takota and one of the girls. I felt another pang of jealousy. I really wished I could be the one getting into the car with Cade, but I’m a realist. I’m sure that I’m not his type, probably not even close.
Friday, July 27
Xander had called me yesterday to ask me out for tonight, but I turned him down. I told him that I already had plans with Kristin, which wasn’t a lie. Kristin had asked me earlier in the week if I wanted to hang out with the usual gang at the lake. Xander then told me that he was invited to a party tomorrow night, and wanted me to be his date. I couldn’t come up with a good excuse to say no, so I told him I would go. I guess it would be nice to meet some new people anyway.
7pm. I rode along with Kristin and Derek to the lake. I can’t wait until I get my own car. Mom and dad said that I couldn’t have a car of my own until I was at least seventeen, and I’m hoping I get one as my seventeenth birthday gift. It doesn’t even have to be anything fancy, just as long as it’s dependable.
When we arrived at the lakeshore, Claire, Jenny, Logan, and another guy and girl were already there. I remembered I saw the two of them at Logan’s party, but I can’t remember their names. That was probably the cause of whatever Jon had slipped into my drink that night. Kristin introduced them to me as Aiden and Sophia. Aiden had an acoustic guitar, and he played it very well. I assumed that he must practice often or maybe even took lessons.
They had a campfire burning and Claire, Jenny, and Sophia were roasting marshmallows. Unfortunately Claire wasn’t having much luck because she would get her marshmallows charred, and then they would melt off the stick and fall into the fire. Jenny had to begin supervising her on when to pull them away from the fire.
Logan came to sit by me on my log shortly after I sat down. “Hi Jami.” He winked playfully.
“Hi Logan.”
He looked me over. “I hope you know CPR girl, because you’re taking my breath away.”
I stifled a giggle. I’ve never heard such corny pick-up lines before.
“Really Logan!” Kristin exclaimed.
Just then, Aiden began playing a slow song, and Derek asked Kristin to dance. I watched them for a moment. Derek may not be one of my favorite people, but he treats my cousin like a princess and I admire him for that. He makes her happy, and that makes me happy. For that, I will tolerate his bad attitude.
“Would you dance with me?” Logan asked, holding out his hand to me.
“Sure, why not.” I took his hand and he helped me up from the log.
About a minute into the song someone tapped Logan on the shoulder. “Would you mind if I cut in?” We looked up to see Cade standing next to us, he was holding out his hand to me just like Logan had.
Logan looked at me for approval. I nodded my head, and Logan slowly backed up and let go of me.
“Thank you.” Cade told Logan.
Cade took my right hand in his left, and put his right arm around my waist. My heart thudded and then picked up in double time as we slowly swayed from one foot to the other. I took a deep breath to slow it down.
“You’re a pretty good dancer Ms. Reid,” he said with his playful, yet sexy smile on his beautiful face.
“Thanks. You’re not so bad yourself.”
“May I ask you a personal question?”
Oh my! “Sure.”
“Are you and Xander a couple?”
“No. At least I don’t consider us as being serious. We’ve only been on two dates.”
“Well, I believe that he likes you a lot.”
“He’s a nice guy, but really not my type.” I paused. “Wait, did he ask you to talk to me on his behalf?”
He laughed softly. “No, not at all. He doesn’t even know I’m here with you. So, what is your type exactly?”
“I don’t know yet. I’ll let you know once I find him.” I teased playfully.
The music stopped, but Cade didn’t let go of me right away. He just stood there holding onto my hand and waist. I couldn’t think of a time that I felt more secure, or more comfortable.
“Okay. Would you like to go for a walk?” He asked.
“Umm sure, just let me tell Kristin first.”
I told Kristin that I was going for a walk, and then Cade and I strolled off down the lakeshore.
“So why did your family move to Wolverine Lake?” He asked.
“My Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer so my mom wanted to be close to him, to both of her parents actually.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said sympathetically. “What does your mom do for a living?”
“She’s a nurse practitioner.”
“Do you have any siblings?”
“Yes, I have a younger brother, Noah. He’s ten.”
“Your dad is Coach Reid, right?”
I smiled at his question. “Yeah.”
“I think your dad is a nice guy and a good coach. Probably one of the best we have.”
“Thanks, I think so too, but I may be biased.” Then something suddenly occurred to me. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
“Sure. Anything.”
“Why are you here?” I asked bluntly.
He only looked at me curiously.
“I mean, why are you here with me instead of with your girlfriend?”
His brow rose. “Girlfriend?”
“Yes, the one from church.”
He chuckled. “You must either mean Caylee or Alana. Caylee is my fraternal twin sister, and Alana is a good friend, and she’s also Preston’s girlfriend.”
“Really? I’m sorry. I feel so stupid now.”
He gently grabbed my wrist. “Hey! Don’t feel stupid, it could happen to anyone. Assumption can be a bad thing though. And to answer your question…I want to be here with you.”
My heart pounded violently in my chest, I was suddenly even more nervous than before. Why would he want to be here with me?
For the rest of our walk, Cade asked questions mostly about me. He wanted to know my likes, dislikes, and opinions on certain subjects. Aside from my family, I would say that he now knows more about me than anyone else in Wolverine Lake.
About thirty minutes later Cade walked me back to the campfire.
“You’re an interesting person Jami Reid. I think we’re going to be very good friends,” he told me.
“Well, if that’s true, then I need to learn some things about you.”
“I’m sure you’ll get the chance. Soon.”
I nodded. “Okay.” I didn’t know what else to say. His comment completely knocked me off guard.
He told me goodnight, and then headed for the parking lot. I missed him the second he began walking away from me.
8:30 pm. As I sat back down on the log at the campfire, I had a strange feeling. That feeling you get like someone was watching me. I looked over my right shoulder at a row of trees that stood between the lakeshore and parking lot, and I thought I saw a shadowy figure standing between two of the trees. Must be my vivid imagination, I thought. Then suddenly the figure took a step forward into the dim moonlight. My breath immediately hitched in my throat. It was Jon. I quickly looked back to the others that were sitting around the fire. Maybe he won’t come near me if I stay with a group of people. I felt sick to my stomach. What if he tried to attack me again?
Seconds later I glanced back to the trees where he was standing, but he was gone.
9:45pm. When I arrived home I thought about Logan, Xander, and Cade, and the obvious difference in how the boys acknowledged me here in Wolverine Lake. I studied myself in the long mirror that hang on my bedroom wall. I’m still five foot seven inches tall with butterscotch blonde hair, and ocean blue eyes. I’m still average looking, and I’m sure I look exactly the same way as I had in Orlando.
So what’s different?
Saturday, July 30
8:30am. I awoke this morning with a feeling of pure bliss and excitement. For several minutes, I lay in my bed, and replayed the events from last night. I’ve had past crush’s on a couple of guys down in Orlando, but the way I feel about Cade is different; it’s overpowering. It’s like my world just got so much brighter.
I eventually went downstairs for breakfast, and my dad was sitting at the kitchen island eating a bowl of cereal and reading the newspaper.
I realized I hadn’t heard or saw my mom since I got up. “Where’s mom?” I asked him.
“She got called in to work because one of the doctor’s couldn’t make it in.”
He stood up from his bar stool. “I’m going to go mow the yard. Can you keep an eye on Noah for a couple of hours?”
“Sure, I don’t have any plans at the moment.”
“Thanks sweetie.” He quickly kissed me on my head, put his bowl in the dishwasher, and went outside.
The newspaper was still on the island, and the first page headline caught my attention: Local Farmer Loses Cattle to Mysterious Wild Animal. The farmer had lost five cattle to a wild animal just two days ago. The article gave details that stated the cattle were so ravaged – all that was left of them were their heads, and mostly skeletons. Gross! The article went on to say that the Wildlife authorities were still not sure if the animal is a mountain lion, a coyote, or a wolf.
Wouldn’t it have to be more than just one to do that much damage, I thought. Either way, I hate to hear that an animal may be destroyed only because it wandered out of its natural habitat to find food. It’s only trying to survive. Maybe if it doesn’t hurt a human, the Wildlife authorities will try to capture and move the animal back into the wild instead of killing it.
I decided to help mom out by doing the laundry. While I was gathering dirty clothes, I tried to think of an excuse that I could use to get out of going to the party with Xander, but nothing sounded legitimate. Also I don’t really like lying to anyone if I could help it. I like Xander, but there’s just no chemistry with us. He’s not the guy I see myself in a serious relationship with. Plus, I remembered Kristin said that there were rumors around school that he has a reputation for using girls, and then dumping them. I don’t plan on losing my virginity to someone I don’t deeply care about, and instead of leading him on I plan for this to be our last date. I then thought of ways that I could turn him down gently in case he asked me out again.
8pm. Xander picked me up, and we arrived at the party about twenty minutes later. Unfortunately, the party was not at a house, but in an open field, like on someone’s farmland. I thought of the promise that I had made to Cade. However, this was not considered woods, and I was definitely not alone. There was a huge bonfire in the field just a few yards from an old red barn, and it was surrounded by a mass of teenagers. Music was blaring, and there were also tiki torches and lanterns lined in a square surrounding the area for extra lighting. I suddenly felt awkward. I wasn’t sure if I would even know anyone else besides Xander.
Xander opened my car door, took my hand, and led me toward the bonfire. As we got closer, I saw Harper and Kyle standing in a group of people closest to the barn. I suddenly relaxed a little. I may not know them well, but at least I know them.
“Hi Jami,” Harper greeted me in a cool voice.
“Hello,” I smiled.
Xander introduced the rest of us. “Jami, this is my gang of closest friends. You already met Harper and Kyle, and this is Pike, Damon and Lexi.
Damon smiled an easy smile, exposing gleaming white teeth. He extended his hand. “Nice to meet you Jami.”
I gently shook his hand. “Nice to meet you too.”
Damon is easily the most attractive of Xander’s friends, his skin is light brown, and his hair is lustrous black. He’s medium build and hard-muscled. After he shook my hand he put his arm around Lexi and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She didn’t speak, only smiled. Like Damon she has a beautiful smile, brown skin, and the same lustrous black hair, except with a pixie style cut. She has the body of a supermodel, and is probably the envy of half the girls at school.
Xander put his arm around my waist. “Would you like something to drink?”
I winced when I suddenly remembered what happened the last time a guy made me a drink at a party. Even though I don’t believe Xander would do the same, I still turned it down. “Not right now, thanks.”
A slow song started playing on the stereo, and Xander whispered in my ear. “Can I dance with you?”
I thought about it for a moment, and I didn’t see what it would hurt, it was just a dance. “Yes.”
Xander wrapped both of his arms around my waist, and pulled me close to his body. His body was uncommonly warm, his muscles hard. I rested my hands on his shoulders. Halfway through the song, Xander began kissing me on the neck, and rubbing his hands up and down the small of my back. I couldn’t have felt more uncomfortable. There just isn’t any chemistry there, at least not for me. He’s easily the most attractive guy that has ever been remotely interested in me so far, and I couldn’t fathom the fact that I wasn’t enjoying his affection? I couldn’t wait to get his hands off of me, and it seemed like the song lasted a decade instead of four minutes.
After the song finally ended, we joined his group of friends again.
“I didn’t expect them to show up,” Pike said to Xander. He sounded frustrated.
I followed their gaze to another group of teens that were walking from where the cars were parked, and toward the bonfire. Once I was able to make out who it was, my heart skipped a beat.
Cade was walking toward the bonfire flanked by Connor and Takota. Walking behind them was the guy and one of the girls I had seen at church with Cade, but don’t yet know their names. Maybe Preston and Alana. They stopped to chat with the first girl and guy they came to. Cade noticed me and flashed me a smile, and I heard something that sounded like a deep, throaty growl come from Xander. Then out of the blue Xander grabbed me and started kissing me…hard. I didn’t want to kiss him back so I tried to push him off of me, but he was too strong for me to even budge an inch. After what seemed like a century he pulled back, and I tried to push him away from me as hard as I could. He barely moved, of course.
“What the hell?” I glanced toward Cade, who didn’t seem to notice. I looked back at Xander. “If this is some type of territorial game you’re playing then I don’t want to be a part of it. I’m not some shiny new object you can play with. I’ll find my own way home.” I turned to walk away, but Xander grabbed my arm.
“Let go of my arm,” I demanded sternly.
Xander kept his hold on my arm and glared at me. “I want to talk to you. Alone.”
Suddenly Cade was at my side. “She said to let go Xander,” Cade growled.
Xander let go of my arm, and took a step closer toward Cade. “Mind your own business Calahan.”
I wasn’t about to let them fight because of me. “Stop it!” I yelled. When I got their attention I continued.“Please…don’t fight.”
I was angry, afraid I would say something to embarrass myself so I stomped off into the barn to be alone. I pulled out my cell phone to call for a ride, but there was no cell service out here, of course. I sat down on a hay bale and let out a deep breath of frustration. Xander had followed me, and he sat cautiously down beside me.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He sounded sincere. “I think you’re very beautiful and amazing Jami. I just don’t want to lose you to someone else.”
“I’m sorry too. I didn’t mean to throw a childish fit out there.”
“Okay, truce then?”
I thought for a moment. I don’t want to have bad feelings between Xander and I. “Truce,” I smiled.
Just then, a loud scream came from outside the back of the barn. Xander and I hurried to the back door, and scanned the area. I couldn’t see anything, even with tiki torches and lanterns. It was still almost pitch dark to my eyes.
“What happened Jami?” I turned to see Cade looking at me with a worried expression. He was not alone. Standing behind him were Takota, Connor, the guy from church, Pike, Damon, and Kyle.
“It wasn’t me! It came from outside,” I told them.
Cade rushed over to my side, and he paused to look into my eyes for a second. I’m not exactly sure what he was looking for, but the connection I felt was breathtaking. Then he quickly broke our connection when he took off outside into the dark. Takota, Connor, and the guy from church followed him.
Xander put his arm around my shoulders. “It’s probably nothing. Let’s go Jami. I’ll take you home.”
I hesitated, not sure I wanted to leave without knowing Cade would be safe. Xander led me back through the barn, and past his friends, who had also decided to stay. I told them goodbye and then left with Xander.
When we arrived at my house, Xander walked me to my door as usual. “Well, I’m zero for three so far when it comes to a good date. I hope you’ll give me at least one more chance to show you that you really can have a good time with me.”
I thought for a moment, I didn’t want to say the wrong thing. I didn’t want to lead him on. “Thank you for inviting me to the party. I had…an interesting time.”
“You’re welcome.” He kissed me gently on the cheek. I guess he was treading carefully after what happened between us earlier.
“Goodnight Xander.”
I went inside and closed the door behind me.
Sunday, July 31
7:45am. I awoke in a cold sweat with my heart racing. I had another nightmare about Jon. It was about the night he tried to attack me. Right before Jon was pulled from the car I thought I saw a set of glowing blue eyes. There was just something about those eyes. I felt as though I had seen them somewhere before. Next I heard Jon scream, and then I heard someone demanding him to stay away from me or he would greatly regret it. The next thing I remember the dream took a major turn, and I was lost in the woods. It was pitch dark out and something dreadful was after me. I was like a leaf in the woods, shaking at the slightest noise, and I didn’t know which way to go. I never could get a good look at who or what was after me, I could only hear it running and panting loudly.
I woke up just before it caught up to me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It was just a dream!
Cade and his friends didn’t attend church this morning. I’m really worried about them, and I hoped neither of them got hurt in any way last night.
I spent most of the day thinking about them, and wished that I had some way of contacting Cade. I had hoped he would ask for my phone number during one of our previous conversations. Even if he wasn’t interested in me the way I would like, we could still possibly be friends, but he has never asked.
I feel drawn to him. I have feelings for him that I’ve never felt for anyone, and I couldn’t help but ask myself why I am so interested in him. Why am I so drawn to him? It can’t only be because he is so beautiful because even Xander is beautiful.
Whatever it is, it scares me to death.