Diary Chapter 4
Saturday, July 16
For the next five days, I thought mostly of Cade. Everywhere I went I'd hoped to see him again. One day, this past week, I went to the town pool with Kristin, Derek, and Claire in hopes that Cade would show up after football practice.
It was nice to get out of the house, and away from Noah anyway. I had to babysit on the days mom worked now because dad was either at football practice or helping Uncle Rick fix - up a house for an elderly lady who also attends our Church.
Noah was really beginning to get on my nerves. I figured it was because we had to spend so much time together. Even though there is such a big age difference between us, we usually get along great. Maybe he's having a hard time adjusting to our new home.
Cade never showed up, but I still had a good time with my friends.
I couldn't even believe someone like Xander asked me out. He's sexy with an edge, a bad boy of sorts. Even though Xander is very attractive and charming, there's something about him that doesn't connect for me. I called Kristin and asked her to elaborate on what she meant about saying "Xander isn't the friendly type," on the first night I'd met him. She told me that word around school was that Xander was notorious for using girls for sex, and then he wouldn't have anything else to do with them.
After speaking with Kristin, I decided to dress casual, boring. I put on my white cargo capris and my favorite blue pin-tuck - split neck top, and I put my hair in a side ponytail. I didn't want to make a great, first date impression with Xander. Although, part of me hopes that the rumors aren't true.
7:00pm. Xander promptly rang my doorbell at seven, and I immediately felt very uneasy. My dad opened the door first, just as he did with the other two guys I had went on a date with back in Orlando. Yep, this is only my third date without parent supervision. My dad introduced himself to Xander, and Xander did the same while handing me a small bouquet of flowers. I wondered if he's really a gentleman or just pretending to be charming. I went to the kitchen to get a vase for the flowers, and I could hear my dad asking Xander questions about his future plans, who his parents are, and where was he taking me tonight. Xander told my dad that he is undecided about his career, but is stuck between criminal justice and a firefighter, anything that requires saving lives. He also told my dad that his parent's names are Lucas and Sara Sharpe, and he was taking me out to eat, and then we'll go to the game room where they have billiards. My dad told Xander that he was pretty good at playing pool and said that they should play a game sometime. Oh brother!
When Xander and I finally got outside, I saw a nice red Range Rover sitting in my driveway.
"You like it?" he asked gesturing toward the Range Rover.986Please respect copyright.PENANABF8c6YKMj4
Not sure why he wanted my opinion. "Yes, it's sharp and I love this color of red."
"Thanks, I just got it about a month ago for my birthday." He opened the door for me and introduced me to Harper and Kyle.
Wow. Maybe he is a gentleman after all.
After a few minutes of riding in the car to the restaurant, I relaxed a little. Harper and Kyle were very friendly, and seemed to get along well with Xander. Harper asked me questions like why my family moved to Wolverine Lake, and what it was like to live in Orlando. I couldn't tell if they were really curious or just trying to make small talk. Either way, I guess it was better than awkward silence.
The restaurant was famous for their steak, so it was on a fifteen - minute wait. It was Saturday after all! While we were sitting in the light of the lobby, I noticed that Harper and Kyle made a beautiful couple. Harper is brunette with deep brown eyes. Kyle has short blonde hair and hazel eyes. Kyle is about the same height as Xander, but more muscular in his shoulders. I wondered if they ever compete on who could bench press the most weight, they seem like the competitive type.
During dinner we talked about music, movies, and they told me stories about some of the teachers at Wolverine High. I was beginning to feel more and more comfortable with Xander.
9:00pm. A little while later we were at the game room. The game room was a happening place. Besides pool tables, you could also find air hockey, pinball, double hoop basketball, and the classic Ms. Pac-man. I assumed it was busy because there isn't much else for teens to do around Wolverine Lake besides going to the movies or hanging out. Another choice would be to travel to one of the nearby cities that have even more options. But they also have a higher rate of crime.
Unfortunately, all of the pool tables were occupied, and it looked like we would have to patiently wait our turn. Kyle looked over at Harper and I, "wait here," he demanded.
Kyle and Xander walked to a table located at the back corner, said something to two of the four guys using the table, and for some reason, the four strange guys looked a little concerned, maybe even scared. Then without hesitation, all four of them grabbed their things and raced away. Kyle motioned for us to come over. Harper turned to me and smiled, "our turn," she said before she walked off toward the pool table. I relunctantly followed her.
A few minutes into the game, Xander became more flirtatious and was constantly putting his arms around me. Once, while we were waiting for Kyle to take his shot, Xander put his arm around me and asked, "What is the one thing that you can't go without Jami?"
Wow. What a random question. "I would have to say sleep."
He laughed, but looked a little disappointed. "Good answer! Not at all what I expected you to say though."
"Really. What did you expect me to say?" I asked with a touch of sarcasm.
He raised an eyebrow, "chocolate or s-something."
"Ha, well, chocolate is good too." I grinned slyly.
"It's your turn Jami." Kyle reminded me.
I went to the side of the table, and steadied my cue to shoot the solid red 3 ball at the side pocket when Xander decided to give me a lesson by putting his arms around me with his hands over mine. "Here, let me help you."
I glanced up in front of us, and immediately saw Cade standing at a table closest to the entrance. He was glaring right at us and I gasped, a little too loud.
"What's wrong?" Xander whispered. I felt his breath in my ear and I shivered.
I took the shot and missed. I looked back over to Cade's table but he had turned his back to us.
I asked Harper where the restrooms were, and she pointed me to the back of the building. The restrooms were all the way in the back in a conjoined area so that the ladies room and men's room doors faced each other. I took care of business and when I came out, and walked around the corner I collided into someone. It was like I ran into a brick wall. I looked up into mesmerizing blue eyes. Wow! He was even more magnificent looking up close. Wavy, toffee brown hair framed a breathtaking face. His high cheekbones, perfect skin, full lips, and cobalt blue eyes would melt the hearts of teenage girls nationwide.
"Excuse me. I apologize," he said in a smooth yet sexy voice.
"I-I'm sorry." A rush of adrenaline pumped through my veins.
"Not your fault. I need to pay more attention." He smiled playfully.
Oh, what a beautiful smile!
"I'm Cade by the way." He put his hand out and I shook it nervously. I hoped he didn't notice the sweat beading up on my palm. Actually, I'm sure that I was beginning to sweat from every crevice of my body.
His soft touch sent a shock wave through my body that made the tiny hairs stand up on the back of my neck.
"I'm Jami."
"I haven't seen you in Wolverine Lake before the other day. Are you visiting family here?"
"Oh no, my family and I just moved here."
"Is there a problem here?" Someone rudely interrupted.
We both turned to see Xander glaring at us with his jaw clenched. I noticed that his arms and hands were shaking a bit. Suddenly Cade stepped in front of me so that he was between Xander and I.
"There's no problem Xander." Cade answered sternly.
"Let's go Jami, we're leaving now." Xander demanded while holding his hand out for me to take, but without taking his eyes off Cade.
"It was very nice meeting you Cade." I said before I walked around both guys to make my way toward the entrance of the game room.
"Take care Jami." I heard Cade reply from behind me.
Xander followed me out. He followed me so closely that I thought he would run me down if I were to stop moving.
I'm not sure what Xander's problem was, but he hardly spoke to me on the ride back to my house. Harper and Kyle didn't talk either. I wondered what had changed from earlier in the evening.
Xander walked me to my front door and finally said, "I had a good time tonight. I hope we can go out again soon, just the two of us."
"I'll think about it."
"Okay, I'll contact you soon to make plans. Goodnight Jami." I thought he was going to try to kiss me, but he must have changed his mind. I'm glad he did!
"Goodnight Xander." I said before I walked inside my house.
Sunday, July 17
As Noah and I were walking to mom's car in the church parking lot, Cade smiled and waved at me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I glanced back over my shoulder to make sure he was waving at me before I waved back. I'm guessing that he was just being friendly. He seems like a very friendly person, and he speaks to everyone in his path at church. I'm probably just another one of his acquaintances and nothing more. Although, a wave is better than being ignored, that means he at least notices me. That gives me a glimmer of hope.
Wednesday, July 20
2:00pm. Kristin needed to run some errands for Aunt Liv so she asked me if I wanted to ride along with her and Uncle Rick. I told her I would go on one condition, if she would stop by the library and she agreed. Kristin was whining before we even walked through the front doors of the library.
"I can't see how you can sit and read. I think it's boring." She said.
"It's more interesting than watching television or movies. Books even have more detail."
"Not to me."
"For me there is wonder in reading. Some stories take my mind down exciting, winding paths it has never been before."
I wandered around a few isles before Kristin asked if I would meet her at the coffee shop right down the street. She told me that she really liked their sweet tea, and plus she wanted to get out of the boring library.
I finally decided on a couple of books of fiction, a suspense thriller and a paranormal romance. After checking out, I began walking in the direction of the coffee shop. I was distracted by watching a young couple across the street argue, and not watching where I was going, I literally ran into someone coming out of the coffee shop. I saw a splash of coffee land on his hand, but he didn't even flinch.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" I looked up to see that I had collided with Cade. Again.
"It's okay. Really," he said with a chuckle. "We're beginning to make a habit out of running into each other, aren't we?"
My cheeks were burning; I bet that they were a radish red color. I stared at my feet, hoping he wouldn't notice how mortified I was. I gestured toward his hand. "I hope it didn't burn your hand too bad."
"No, it didn't. I guess it wasn't that hot after all."
"I'd buy you a new drink, but I don't think I have any money on me." I opened my wallet as if I was searching for some money, knowing full well there isn't so much as fifty cents to be found.
"It's not a big deal. I promise." He gestured toward the coffee shop. "I would be happy to buy you a drink if you would like."
"Oh no thanks, Kristin should have a drink waiting on me, but you let me know if you change your mind about me buying."
"Don't worry, I will." He smiled.
I couldn't help but smile back. "Okay, well, bye."
I walked into the coffee shop. I spotted Kristin sitting at a table with a big smile on her face. She must have been enjoying the show.
"What are you smiling about?" I asked as I sat down at the table.
"Oh nothing. I just get the impression that Cade is very interested in you."
"Umm, I don't think so."
"Couldn't you see how he looked at you?"
"Yeah, just like anyone else would, I guess."
"Okay then. Are you ready to go to the department store."
When we were back in the car I thought about what Kristin said. I can't help but disagree; there is no way that Cade is interested in me.
Copyright © 2014, R.J. Snow