Taz was accepted into the group after she met with Sakina. She was selected to start with the man who brought her in, Ariel.
He took her along while doing his tasks, which, surprisingly for Taz, didn't include any criminal activity or, at the very least, allowed her to peek into how the group operated.
All they did was meet people from different societal classes to discuss mundane matters and yatter.
Taz, however, didn't participate in those exchanges as she only stood by Ariel's side.
When they left after meeting a group of well-dressed men, she stopped Ariel and asked him what the point of these meetings was, as all they did was socialize with random people.
Ariel smirked and told her their meetings were as crucial as drinking water.
"How so?" Taz asked.
"We aren't mere brutes, rookie. We are indeed in the trade of crime, but to survive, we must maintain good relationships with everyone, including the slave traders we just met," Ariel explained.
"Slave traders? They certainly don't look the part," Taz said.
Ariel giggled and said, "What do you think criminals look like? Big and mean? Or evil-looking with scars on their faces? They're people, after all."
"This is all new to me. I just never expected to become a criminal in my lifetime," Taz said.
"Me neither, rookie, yet here we are, dragged into the life of crime to survive. Come on. We need to attend the day's final meeting," Ariel said.
They went on their way, and as they approached the meeting location, Ariel stopped Taz and told her.
"Before we go in, I needed to get something off my mind," Ariel said.
"I hope you're not trying to persuade me to leave the group," Taz said.
"I am giving you a choice, rookie. The life we live isn't forgiving and full of misery," Ariel said.
"Don't worry about me. I've known suffering from an early age," Taz said.
Ariel sighed and said, "Fine. Remember to mind your manner and speech inside. The man we're about to meet doesn't like to be kept waiting."
They went inside a house facing the riverbank, surrounded by a high wall with an iron gate.
They walked to the door, and Ariel knocked.
A man opened the peephole slider and said, "What do you want?"
"Bitten by the snake's fangs, I wander in the sea of sand, surrendering to death's embrace," Ariel said.
The door opened, and the man behind it told them to enter.
They went inside and crossed the hallway till they reached a spacious hall. It was decorated with symbols unknown to Taz that resembled falcons and shields.
They sat facing a bulky man who wore a white robe.
Ariel smiled and said, "Good evening, Khalifa. May I introduce my companion―"
Khalifa glared at Ariel and said, "I know who she is, Ariel. Did your mistress order you to show her off as a threat?"
Ariel chuckled and said, "Not at all, Khalifa. She's here to protect me."
Khalifa smirked and said, "Who knew the cruel mistress cared about her precious Hebrew."
Ariel and Khalifa discussed varying matters, yatter, rivals, and business. At the end of their meeting, Khalifa asked to talk to the demon of the red night alone, to which Ariel was reluctant to comply.
"Relax, Ariel. I won't snatch your precious demon from you," Khalifa said.
Ariel smiled approvingly to Khalifa, leaned closer to Taz's ear and said, "When you're done, return to the establishment." Then left.
Khalifa ordered his men to leave the room; All that was left were Taz and Him.
Taz looked at him and said, "What do you want?"
Khalifa looked at Taz and asked, "How's Ahmad these days?"
"Plenty of men with that name," Taz said casually.
"I was referring to your uncle," Khalifa said.
Taz leaned forward, glared at him, activated her reinforcement magic which caused the veins on her face and arms to expand and said calmly, "Your next answer determines whether you live or die, Khalifa."
Khalifa laughed and said, "Relax, Tanaz. I work with Ahmad."
"For what purpose?" Taz asked.
"To ensure the lion's den remains clear of hyenas," Khalifa said.
Taz relaxed, leaned back and said, "Are your men involved with your operations?"
"No, but there are more agents like me scattered all around the kingdom," Khalifa said.
"Go on," Taz said.
"I assume Qutaibah sent you here?" Khalifa said.
"No, I joined Sakina's gang by the prince's orders," Taz said.
"He finally listened. I warned him from the start about them, yet he didn't consider them a significant threat," Khalifa said.
"What do you know about them?" Taz asked.
"They're not some random thugs or bandits. I studied their activities carefully and concluded that they're agents of a foreign power," Khalifa said.
"Which one!?" Taz asked in distress.
"The empire of the black lands, Kemet," Khalifa said.
"That's a bold claim, Khalifa. What proof do you have?" Taz asked.
"Since you're not a spy, I'll make my explanation simple. Criminals are driven by money. On the other hand, Sakina appeared in the city and bought the most prominent building to make it her headquarters―" Khalifa said.
"Get to the point, Khalifa," Taz said.
Khalifa sighed and said, "She already has money. Why would she get herself into the underworld?"
"Maybe she likes cunts; who knows?" Taz said.
"If that were the case, she wouldn't need to bribe the guards and buy her way into monopolizing all critical trades that keep the city prosperous," Khalifa said.
"I get what you're trying to say, but she doesn't seem like the type of woman who would take those risks," Taz said.
"Because she's not the agent we're looking for. It's someone else who hid cleverly and left no traces to track," Khalifa said.
"Who do you think it is? I doubt Ariel is the agent," Taz said.
"That's where my investigation halted. Since you've successfully infiltrated them, you can learn more as long as you stay sharp," Khalifa said.
Taz stood up, sighed and said, "This has been helpful, Khalifa."
Khalifa stood up and said, "Good luck, Luna-wolf."
Taz stomped the floor as she placed her fist on her chest and said, "For the king!"
Khalifa stomped the floor as he placed his fist on his chest and said, "For Mesopotamia and its people!"
Taz left Khalifa's house and noticed the sun began to set. She walked down the road and headed back to Sakina's establishment. On her way, her ears began to ring, and she rubbed them and muttered, "Fuck."
"Go into the alleyway," Daghir's voice echoed.
Taz went into the dark alleyway and hid deeper inside.
Taz looked around and whispered, "Where are you?"
"Far away, but I can see you," Daghir echoed.
"What have you learned about them?" Taz asked.
"Nothing so far, but who's the man you talked to in the house?" Daghir echoed.
"One of the royal forces' spies, a man named Khalifa," Taz said.
"And you trusted him with your identity? He could've been a fraud," Daghir echoed.
"I tested him with the royal salute; he's one of us. But have you been eavesdropping on us?" Taz said.
"Yes, I've been listening since that Hebrew left. If what Khalifa said is true, then you need to find a way to convince Sakina to keep you inside the brothel," Daghir echoed.
"I'm not sure if that will work since I certainly don't look like a whore," Taz said casually.
"You don't have to become one, but for now, show her that your skills are valuable to protect her instead of letting her show you off like some exotic animal," Daghir echoed.
"Understood, Tiger," Taz said.
"Good luck, Luna-wolf," Daghir echoed.
Minutes later.
Daghir sat on a rooftop kilometers away from Taz. He observed her using a monoscope made of dark wood.
As Taz began to disappear among the crowds of the night, Daghir stood up and muttered to himself, "Time to move."
He packed his tools and strapped his bag tightly to his back.
He ran and jumped from roof to roof with vigor and sheer precision. He almost reached the perfect overview point to Sakina's headquarters but stopped as he faced a large gap.
He inspected it and calculated that it was five meters long. He breathed deeply and muttered, "I hope the edges aren't poorly built."
He stepped back, breathed deeply, activated his reinforcement magic and lowered himself.
He ran with all his strength and leaped with all his might.
Yet he couldn't land on the rooftop. He grabbed the edge of the building, pulled himself up as he groaned and lay down on the roof to catch his breath.
He stood up, walked to the vantage point, and let down his bag. He pulled his monoscope and looked around to find Taz in the streets below.
"She can't be easy to miss with that haircut of hers," He muttered to himself.
He searched amongst the crowds until he found her up the street.
He zoomed his scope on her and saw her standing near a food shack. He activated his mysterious magic and focused it on her to listen to the conversation.
"What would you like to have?" the stool worker asked.
"I would like to have twenty meat skewers," Taz asked.
To Daghir's confusion, he muttered, "That's weird―I didn't see her using reinforcement magic."
He kept his sights on her until she returned to the brothel.
Meanwhile, with Taz.
She went inside and was faced by Ariel.
He stood before her, crossed his arms and said, "How did your meeting with Khalifa go?"
Taz held onto the food pouch and said, "He tried to recruit me."
"How much did he offer?" Ariel asked.
Taz smiled and said, "Afraid I might've agreed?"
Ariel approached her, stood before her at arm's reach, looked into her eyes and said, "It's my task to handle the affairs of our people."
"If you wanted to keep me loyal, then you shouldn't have shown me off like an exotic pet to your wealthy rivals," Taz said.
Ariel crossed his arms behind his back, sighed and said, "It's true that you're valuable to us, but before we decide to raise your rank in our group. We need to make sure that you're reliable."
Taz stepped closer within half the distance of an arm, looked into his eyes and said, "I am a fighter, not a bookkeeper. Tell me which person you want dead, and consider it done. I'm not interested in knowing why."
Ariel smiled and chuckled, "I never took you for a brute." He stepped aside and said, "I'll talk with our leader and find a suitable task for a woman of your caliber."
Taz nodded and went on her way.
She went to the underground floor where all the whores reside and walked the hall until she reached the last door, then knocked on it gently.
She went inside, stood before the women in the room and said, "Good, you're still awake."
The women were from the same group who sheltered her after the battle with the southern Jinn tribe.
Sara, Rana and Yara.
Yara, the frail, pale maiden. Ran to Taz, embraced her tightly and said joyfully, "You're safe!"
Taz chuckled and said, "Same goes for you."
Sara, the brunette, with a beautiful smile. Stood up and said in confusion, "Since when could you talk?"
Yara still embraced Taz, looked at Sara and said, "I told you she could talk, but none of you believed me!"
Taz broke Yara's embrace, walked past her and said, "I couldn't believe I would meet you all again, although―" She sat around the table and said, "I see that two are absent."
Yara sat beside Taz like a child longing for her parents' attention, held Taz's hand and said, "Do you mean Mira and Layan?" "Mira left for her hometown after clearing her debts, and Layan retired when she married."
Taz pulled her hand away and said, "Married? I thought it was taboo to marry a woman of that profession."
"She lit the flames of love in my heart, then excused herself from her crime. Layan is a crafty woman, after all," Sara said.
Taz placed the food pouch on the table and said, "A verse by Abu Nawas."
Sara smiled and asked, "You're a fan of his works?"
Taz pouted and said, "No, he's a cunt."
Thus, her adoration for the poet of liquor faded.
Rana, the maiden blessed with flawless, well-rounded feet. She looked at Taz casually and said, "It's good to see you in great health, but I assume you didn't come here to converse with lowly whores."
"I did. And brought food to express my gratitude for your kindness," Taz replied.
"Sakina feeds us well, and we don't need the cheap meat skewers you brought," Rana said.
Taz glared at Rana and said, "Sharp nose for a lowly whore."
The longer the exchange went on, the tenser the ambiance became. Sara signaled Yara to act and diffuse the situation.
Yara grabbed Taz's arm and said, "We're grateful for the food you brought, but can you tell us what you came here for?"
Taz stood up, pulled Yara with her as she walked out and said, "It will be better if I talked alone with you."
Taz took Yara outside behind the brothel and looked around to check for the presence of unwanted people.
Yara looked at her, rubbed her hands and asked, "Why are we outside?"
"To talk privately," Taz replied.
Yara nodded and said, "Of course, tell me what's on your mind."
"We never had a chance to talk, but I wanted to ask you about the night we first met," Taz said.
"What do you mean? Don't you remember it?" Yara asked.
"My memory of that time was clouded, I don't even know how I came to your home, but when I saw your names in the list, your faces appeared in my mind," Taz said.
Yara rubbed her forearms and said, "Madam Layan brought you to our home. I bathed you, the girls dressed you and combed your hair, then later that day, we went to a fancy restaurant and dined. But then you felt sick, and I took you home, and That's when those men attacked us."
Taz grabbed her shoulder and asked, "When Layan brought me, did I carry anything?"
"Only a money pouch and a unique-looking dagger," Yara replied.
Taz spaced out as the memories rushed into her mind, yet she kept an empty stare in Yara's eyes.
Yara gazed into her olive-green eyes while the moon shone on her face. She was at a loss for how rich and captivating her eyes were. She reached the tip of her index finger to her face as she wanted to caress it. And experience what was hidden behind her fierce features.
As her finger touched Taz's face.
Taz snapped from her reverie, stepped back and said, "It all makes sense now."
Yara smiled, retracted her arm and said, "You were in a trance."
Taz crossed her arms, sighed and said, "Everything was vivid. It felt real."
Yara crossed her arms and said, "Are you feeling well?"
Taz relaxed her arms and said, "Yes, thank you, Yara. I wish to keep our conversation between us."
Yara smiled, almost giggled and said, "Of course, although you never told me your name."
"I apologize, Yara, but I need some time to collect my thoughts," Taz said.
Yara's smile faded slowly, crossed her arms, nodded and said softly, "You know where to find me if you want to talk." Then she went back inside.
Taz furrowed her eyebrows, pouted, glared and said, "Come out, you incompetent cunt."
Qareen appeared beside Taz and said, "I told you not to delve into the past."
Taz glared at it and growled, "Did you allow my body to be possessed?"
"I possessed it. Your body is not yours alone!" Qareen said.
"It is mine! When you took over, those fucking guards beat you and stole my uncle's gifted sword!" Taz said.
"My task is to shield you from the Jinn, not operate your body!" Qareen retorted.
"And you failed to do both!" Taz retorted.
Qareen groaned and said, "I should've left you when we were in Baghdad! So, you ungrateful cunt will know how much effort I put in to protect you."
Taz walked away and said, "Go fuck yourself!"
Qareen clenched its fist, groaned in frustration and vanished into black mist.
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The End