Near Babilim, in the afternoon.
Taz came back after her tiring journey from the kingdom of Aad.
She saw a crowd waiting before the gate. It was a mix of royal guards and the judges of Utu. But in the middle of that crowd was her cousin, Hajras.
Taz approached, jumped off her horse and ran towards Hajras to embrace him, but she stopped as she neared him.
Hajras's expressions were uneasy. His face darkened with distress. It was apparent from his face that he never wanted to be here, to begin with.
Taz approached him, her eyes filled with concern and fear. She looked at him and asked, "Hajras... What happened?"
Hajras looked at her sadly and told her about the fate of Nash.
Taz froze in shock and then stepped back.
She sobbed, held her head and fell on her knees. It was too much. She couldn't fathom it.
No matter what she did, her loved ones always died.
"Why? Why!? Why!!?" Her thoughts screamed.
Hajras kneeled, hugged Taz and said, "I'm sorry, Tanaz."
Taz buried her face in Hajras's chest and cried loudly. Her tears poured heavily. She was in so much pain her head felt it was about to split open.
The man she loved, the man she gave her soul and body, the man she couldn't bear to live a day without, was gone.
Taz cried so much she ended up fainting in Hajras's arms.
Meanwhile, with Daghir.
Daghir headed straight home, but on his way, he noticed new creatures amongst the population. He saw a circle of people near a bar; three were human, and the rest were..... Jinns?
Daghir approached them and said, "Good day, gentlemen. I'm unsure if you noticed those creatures you're talking to are Jinns?"
One of the men looked at Daghir and said, "What a sharp eye you have. Of course, we know they're Jinns!"
A fruity Jinn approached Daghir and said, "Have you been dead these last days? The king allowed Humans and Jinns to live side-by-side."
Daghir shoved the fruity Jinn and snarled, "How about I make you taste death, you fucking abomination?"
"Hey! Hey! This is an age of tolerance, not discrimination!" A man said.
Daghir glared at him, slapped him hard and said, "We're never equal with those Jinns. Pull your head out of this delusion!"
A guard came up to Daghir and pushed him away. He looked at Daghir and said, "Break it up if you don't want to spend your night in a cell!"
Daghir looked at the guard and noticed he wasn't a human either. It was another Jinn working as a guard.
He glared at him and shouted, "Since when you cunts became the guards!?"
The Jinn guard growled, "Last warning!"
Daghir approached him, shoved him hard and threatened, "Or what, you puny creation?"
The Jinn guard glared at Daghir and whistled.
Suddenly, ten more Jinn guards appeared around Daghir.
Daghir looked at them.
The Jinn guard approached Daghir and said, "Still feeling courageous?"
Daghir glared at him and said, "I was never scared to begin with." He kicked the Jinn's head."
The remaining Jinn guards jumped at Daghir and tried to restrain him. Daghir clawed his way out by kicking and punching whoever came near him.
Soon, two judges rushed towards the fight and broke it up.
A judge stood in the crowd and announced, "Everyone, continue your daily business! We'll handle the rest from here!"
The judge approached Daghir and scolded, "What were you thinking!?"
Daghir looked at him and said, "Since when Jinns were allowed to live among us!?"
"Months ago! All arrows were notified about it," The judge said.
Daghir looked closely at the judge and said, "You're from the new force, the judges of Utu?"
The judge sighed and said, "You've just noticed? We've been around for a while. Have you been living under a rock for the past months?"
"I was beyond the borders, on a mission with the supreme general and the wolf," Daghir said.
The judge crossed his arms and said, "You came from the mythical kingdom of Aad? I don't blame you for being out of touch with what happened." He approached Daghir, grabbed his shoulder and said, "To make it short, tiger. Jinns are now allowed to live amongst humans as citizens; you cannot treat them as feral animals anymore."
Daghir sighed, stroked his mouth and said, "I understand."
The judge pointed behind Daghir and said, "Now be on your way."
As Daghir turned to go home, the judge called him. He turned to him, and the judge said, "You should know that Qutaibah has been retired, and the arrows are still looking for a new leader."
Daghir furrowed his eyebrows and asked confusedly, "How did that happen!?"
"The king is reforming the entire kingdom; every day, something new comes up or changes," The judge said.
Daghir turned away and left.
He reached his home after some time and entered his villa. He saw one of his sons sitting alone in the dining room where he and Taz ate breakfast in the past.
His son saw him, ran to him and said, "Father!" then hugged him.
Daghir chuckled, kneeled and hugged his son. He let go of him, held his shoulder and asked softly, "Where are your siblings and mothers, Sami?"
"Akram told me they're gone," Sami said.
Daghir became worried and asked, "Gone where?"
Sami pointed up and said, "To the heavens."
Daghir sat on the floor and asked, "Sami, what happened while I was away?"
Sami interlaced his hands and said, "Akram put us in separate rooms and gave us a plant to eat. I ate it, and it was horrible! I was in so much pain!" "After I woke up and left the room. Akram told me everyone is gone, and now it's me and you."
He sat on Daghir's lap and asked, "Are we alone, father? I thought my mothers and my siblings loved us."
Daghir held Sami to his chest, wiped away his tears and said, "They love us, Sami. But it was time for them to leave."
"Father, you smell bad," Sami said.
Daghir laughed—a laugh out of pain. And Sami laughed—a laugh out of blissful ignorance.
The next day, with Taz. in the morning.
Taz woke up in a hospital bed. She had her clothes and weapons taken from her, and the nurses reclothed her with a basic white dress.
She sat up, sighed and looked around. Yet, she wondered why she woke up to begin with.
Nash was gone. He's never coming back.
Simply remembering her husband, she began to cry again. It felt like a large chunk of her soul was bitten off. She was incomplete without him. She would never feel whole again.
Who would give her an incentive to wake up every morning? Who would encourage her to become the happiest woman she could ever be? Who would give her a reason to smile again?
There was no one. No one connected with her so profoundly as Nash did.
He always made her smile. He always strived to become the man she could rely on. He always was there for her, side by side, every day, and all day.
Now, he's gone. And She's all alone, sad and broken.
The room's door was knocked thrice, and Taz didn't bother to reply. What could she say?
I'm sorry my husband inflicted horrors on my best friend.
I'm sorry I was a failure as a wife and a friend.
I'm sorry for not being responsible enough to stop my husband from committing atrocious acts.
There was nothing to be said.
Deep in her mind, she knew all that had happened was her responsibility. She was as guilty as her husband. Her mind was burdened with shame, regret and guilt.
The door opened, and from it came Athir.
Taz never bothered to lift her eyes to see who came.
Athir tried to put up her poker face, but it was apparent from her eyes that she was as hurt as Taz.
She approached Taz slowly, silently.
"Are you here to kill me? I won't stop you," Taz said.
Athir hugged her, sobbed and said, "You're not the only one in pain."
In the afternoon, with Daghir inside the royal court.
Daghir entered the royal court. He wore fancy golden pink robes and a white turban.
King Nimrod changed the royal court, all to make it up to the standard of a great king.
He removed the carpet of Kurigalzu and replaced it with a great throne. The throne was golden and had the feathers of a peacock on top.
Daghir stood before him and said, "Good day, my king."
Nimrod wore red silk robes with golden stripes. He wore a tall golden crown that had diamonds in its center.
Nimrod crossed his legs and said, "Daghir, son of Shihab. I've read your records; I have to say you impress me."
"I always strive for excellence, my king," Daghir said.
"I know you've just returned from a tiring journey, but hopefully, you were informed about your ex-leader, Qutaibah," Nimrod wondered.
Daghir nodded and said, "A passing judge told me he was retired by your orders."
"Do you know why I've relieved him from his duties?" Nimrod said.
Daghir shook his head and said, "I don't know, my king."
Nimrod stood, walked around and said, "Qutaibah was never a good fit. He's emotional, empathetic and predictable."
He stood beside Daghir, leaned closer and said, "But you, Daghir, are a heartless instrument of death. Nineteen of your children, along with your wives, died! And yet here you are, unfazed."
He stood before him with his arms crossed behind his back and said, "I see a man with a heart of stone. One suitable to bring back the terror of the entity called the Arrows of Ishtar."
Daghir looked at him in awe and said, "Is this why you never appointed a new leader? You were waiting for my return?"
Nimrod held Daghir's shoulder and said, "Your king has chosen you! I offer you leadership of the arrows, and all I want in return is undying fidelity. Will you accept, Daghir!?"
Daghir gathered his determination and said, "Yes, I accept."
Weeks later, with Taz in the afternoon.
Taz entered the royal palace alone. The king specifically summoned her to offer him a pledge of allegiance.
She wore a fancy green dress and a thin veil. Modest and appropriate for today's meeting.
Unlike the meeting that happened with Daghir, Taz was called to the king's private quarters. She thought it was suspicious and out of order but had to attend her king's calling nonetheless.
She arrived at the king's quarters and was met by a maid. The maid welcomed her and escorted her inside.
The maid took her past the permissible area to the large garden where the late king liked to spend his time. Taz looked around the garden and was amazed by its lush greenery and colorful flowers, some she had never seen before.
She arrived at a spacious garden seating area where she saw a scene that would've never crossed her mind or dreams.
She saw A'saal sitting on the bench. And the king? He was laying his head on her lap as if he was a child of hers.
A'saal smiled at her and chirped, "Here's my girl!"
Nimrod smiled at Taz and said, "Tanaz! It's good to see you in good health."
Taz stood silent in shock. Many thoughts ran through her mind.
Are they lovers? Is the new king a secretive pervert!?
A'saal stroked Nimrod's hair and said, "Why are you surprised, Tanaz? He might be the king, but I'm his favorite Aunt."
Nimrod giggled, then said, "Aunt A'saal! You can't keep treating me like a little child anymore. I'm the king now."
"I assume he holds the same place as Roshan in your heart?" Taz asked.
Nimrod furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Roshan? That child? I'm flattered you're complimenting my youthful complexion."
Taz became confused and asked, "When you said Aunt, did you say it out of endearment?"
Nimrod sat up, laughed and looked at A'saal.
A'saal leaned forward, smiled at her and said, "Nimrod is my direct nephew. My sister's son."
Taz looked confusedly at Nimrod and said, "That would make your age over a century or two."
Nimrod pointed at Taz and chirped, "I'm one hundred and ninety years old."
"You must be jesting," Taz said.
"You've been to the kingdom of Aad recently. Do you know how old is King A'ser?" Nimrod said.
Taz shook her head.
"Over eight hundred years old," A'saal said.
Nimrod stood, and Taz was once again shocked by how tall he was. He approached her and said, "But none of that matters. I called you here so you can give me your pledge of allegiance." He looked at A'saal and said, "Auntie spoke highly of you."
He looked at Taz and said, "I expect nothing less from someone my auntie raised."
Taz crossed her arms and said, "If she raised me, I would be as intolerable as her."
Nimrod laughed, then looked at A'saal and said while he pointed Taz, "She's your miniature version."
A'saal crossed her arms, looked away haughtily and said, "I'm far more elegant than this green-eyed she-man."
Taz gasped, then snarled, "You grey-haired crone!"
Nimrod laughed loudly, returned to his seat and said, "I'd love to see you both argue all day, but I'm a busy man."
He leaned back, crossed his legs and said, "I've heard from your uncle that you asked a price for loyalty when Kurigalzu was alive. Now, tell me, has that price changed?"
Taz relaxed her arms and said, "I wanted to add more to it. At that time, I didn't own a business."
Nimrod smiled at her and asked, "Do you want Dinars, more workers or rare seeds?"
Taz crossed her hands and said, "I want to free someone. I have faith he would be useful."
Nimrod furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "Who?"
"Ariel, he's imprisoned in the arrows' headquarters," Taz replied.
"That Hebrew is your additional condition for loyalty? I expected better from you," Nimrod said.
He sighed, then said, "I've given your new leader all the authority over the arrows. Take this matter to him."
"New leader?" Taz wondered.
While later, at Daghir's office.
Taz knocked thrice, and she was called inside. She entered and became confused when she saw Daghir on Qutaibah's chair.
Taz approached him and asked, "You're the new leader?"
Daghir smiled at her and said, "Surprised?"
Taz pouted, then said, "Yes..."
Daghir stood, approached her and said, "Don't be."
"So... are we still partners? Or was I dumped because you're a selfish prick," Taz said.
Daghir sat on his desk and said, "With this promotion, I am no longer your partner." He smiled mischievously and jested, "Because you're beneath me now."
Taz playfully smacked his shoulder and laughed.
Daghir giggled, then said, "But don't worry, I'll still take care of you." He pulled out three papers, handed them to Taz and said, "I've chosen candidates to pair up with you."
Taz looked at him and said, "I don't want to pair up with people who don't want me."
Daghir smirked, then said, "You'd be surprised how many arrows asked me to be your partner. You became a legend within the order."
Taz blushed and giggled. She smirked at him and said, "It feels good to be finally recognized."
"Recognized? Taz, you're one of our top three combatants. If you went to the headquarters now, people would be racing to gain your approval," Daghir chirped.
Taz looked at the papers and asked joyfully, "Who're the people you've chosen for me, O' wise leader?"
Daghir crossed his arms and said, "One is a lightning user named Zero. He has a good record concerning assassination missions and is great with the sword."
Taz looked at him and said, "I never heard of him. Who's next?"
"A master class flame user named Zaria. She's a master tactician and infiltrator, but she's also known to be the best concerning unarmed combat," Daghir said.
"I think I saw her once. Isn't she the one with a lot of knives strapped to her?" Taz asked.
Daghir nodded and said, "That's her."
"Lastly, the third combatant is one you're familiar with. She's my cousin, Athir. I've heard you two became close friends these last days," Daghir said.
"It's a start, I guess," Taz said.
She folded the papers, placed them in her pocket and said, "Difficult choices. I'll need a couple of days to make up my mind."
Daghir returned to his seat and said, "Whenever you're ready, you know where to find me."
Taz stood still.
He stared at her and asked, "Is there something else you want?"
"The king told me to take your permission to free a prisoner," Taz said.
"Who?" Daghir asked.
"Ariel the Hebrew," Taz said.
"Have you gone mad? Those Hebrews aren't trustworthy!" Daghir said in displeasure.
"He's desperate and isolated. I need his skills to manage my farm," Taz said.
"You're already replacing Nash?" Daghir asked.
Taz frowned and snarled, "Nash was my husband! Not some farmhand!"
"Nash is a fucking degenerate! Whatever love you had for him should've gone away the moment you knew about his crime," Daghir retorted.
"Don't you speak ill of him!" Taz snarled.
Daghir leaned forward and said sternly, "He brought shame to us all!"
Taz punched the desk and snarled, "It's not his fault!"
Daghir leaned back, crossed his hands, sighed deeply and said, "You want to take Ariel? Fine. But as long as you're in denial of what happened, I never want to see you even thinking of taking a mission."
Taz walked to the door. As she grabbed the handle, Daghir called and said, "One thing I want to add. Tell Ariel the moment he steps out of Babilim's borders. He's marked."
Taz left the office.
She headed straight for the arrows' headquarters and reached the gate. She saw a pair of judges guarding the door.
One of the judges saw her and said, "This is the arrows headquarters. Keep moving, woman."
"I'm an arrow," Taz said.
The judges chuckled, and one said, "I have a hard time believing that with your outfit. What's your title, if you have any?"
"People call me the wolf," Taz said.
"The wolf is a man, not a woman," A judge said.
Taz crossed her arms and asked, "I suppose you saw the wolf with his cock out?"
"No! But no woman can do what he did," The judge said.
"I'll take it as a compliment for the sake of your ignorance," Taz said.
Athir came and greeted Taz by saying, "Wolf! It's good to see you again."
The judges looked at Taz in awe while she smirked at them.
The judge's opened the door and apologized to her.
Athir stood beside Taz and asked, "Is there something wrong?"
"No, I was chatting with the judges," Taz said.
They entered the headquarters together.
"I just saw our new leader," Taz said.
"Out of all the pricks the king can pick, he chose the worst one," Athir said.
"Have faith in him. It's his lifelong dream," Taz said.
"I was raised with him; I know him better than anyone else. Sooner or later, he's going to do something reckless," Athir informed.
"It's a better option than Qutaibah," Taz said.
"Qutaibah is experienced. He fought and commanded the arrows through brutal wars," Athir said.
"And he's also a prick, no different than our current leader," Taz said.
Athir noticed they were going in a different direction through the halls and asked, "Where are you going?"
"I got permission to free a prisoner from both the king and Daghir," Taz replied.
"How did you even convince the king of that idea?" Athir asked.
"I gave him my pledge of allegiance in exchange for his promise and the captive," Taz said.
"What promise would that be?" Athir asked.
"A promise to be fair and just with me, the same promise I asked of Kurigalzu," Taz said.
They soon reached the cell of Ariel and found him sleeping on his bed.
Taz looked at the jailer and said, "Open his cell."
The jailer opened the cell door and backed away.
Taz entered the cell, zapped his bottom and said, "Wake up!"
Ariel jolted and snarled, "I was in the middle of..." He squinted his eyes and said, "It's you... The demon."
Taz sat on a chair and said, "It's been long, Ariel. How are the arrows treating you?"
"Strangely enough, I grew to like it here," Ariel said.
Taz smirked at him and asked, "Would you like to be free again?"
Ariel stared at her in confusion and said, "I already told that bald arrow I'm not going back into his suicide missions."
Taz leaned forward and said, "I remember you hated being a criminal, so I'm giving you a second chance in life."
Ariel leaned forward and said, "Usually, offers like this include a terrible condition."
"The condition is you cannot leave the borders of Babilim. Doing so will get you marked by the arrows," Taz said.
Ariel sighed, then said, "It's better than nothing. What do you want me to do?"
"I saw how you managed Sakina's establishment, which impressed me. So, I decided to hire you into mine," Taz said.
Ariel furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "You own a brothel?"
Taz giggled, then said, "Gods no, I own a large farm. I plan to become a supplier to the local market and alcohol producers."
"So, you want a negotiator?" Ariel asked.
"Not just a negotiator. I need someone competent to keep my farm's affairs in order and handle problems when they arise. Due to my profession, I'm not always available to look after everything," Taz explained.
Ariel pondered as he rubbed his chin.
Taz leaned back, crossed her arms and asked, "Do you accept my offer?"
Ariel extended his hand and said, "I do. Can I know the name of my new employer?"
Taz shook his hand and said, "The name is Tanaz. I've wagered a lot on your freedom. I hope you live up to my expectations."
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