Near the capital at midnight, amid a raging thunderstorm.
The sky roared, the earth trembled, the clouds wept, and the ground glistened. The hour of destruction rang, and those who slept in blissful ignorance knew no sorrow.
Guardsmen patrolled in lonely alleyways and streets. Girls of the night stood before their brothels, attracting and seducing debauchers. Robbers and thieves alike snuck around the homes like rats awaiting prey.
A general beloved and admired by his people secluded himself in his study as he watched the pouring rain from his window.
The streets of the capital were lifeless and filled with sin. If the people needed anything more than victory, it would be faith.
For tonight was the night of tyranny and carnage where the lions of Mesopotamia bare their fangs and show no remorse.
A monumental divine messenger appeared in the sky and loomed over the capital. It manifested with grace and power, which shook the capital's core.
The people awoke from their slumber and hurried to the streets, gazing at a majestic flame that took the shape of a beautiful maiden who wore blue jewelry from her neck to her legs.
The maiden stared at the wretched souls and said, "O servants of the divine, how much you suffered. O servants of the divine, how weak and helpless you are."
The damned screamed, the damned pleaded for mercy, the damned begged for aid.
"O divine one, we will sacrifice our children for you."
"O divine one, we will sacrifice our mothers for you."
"O divine one, we will sacrifice our herds for you."
The maiden looked at the sky, spread her arms and roared, "O servants of the divine, take the blessings of your lord and strike down our foes!"
The sky roared and grew veins of lightning as far as the eye could see.
The damned cried from joy; the damned cheered and hugged as the weeping of the clouds immersed them.
The clouds lit up as if they were hiding the sun in them. Those who gazed had their sights taken away from them.
Then it happened.
Lightning rained upon the capital with absolute power and rapid frequency. Some were burned, some were zapped, some were split in half, and some were punctured. The rain of lightning rained chaos upon the people and killed all men, women, children and infants.
As if the torment wasn't enough. The divine messenger plunged into the capital, and her majestic flames spread like wildfire.
The temples, buildings, houses and farms were ablaze. Barrels of powder exploded, and barrels of alcohol carried the flames atop the wet floors.
Above the mountains, a bear and a siren stood.
Together, they let out a guttural hum composed by devils. Together, their vocals cracked and destroyed the walls of the capital. Together, their melody broke down any marks of civilization in the land.
And left only rubble and stone.
A while later, with Caleb and Athir at the garrison.
The pair approached the garrison in the cover of darkness.
Caleb looked at Athir and said, "You didn't have to come, Athir."
Athir looked at him and said, "The last time I took my eyes off a man I care about, he died."
Caleb sighed, then said, "You don't have to linger over my neck. I can do this alone."
"Then me being here shouldn't be a problem," Athir said.
They hid behind a rock, and Caleb pulled out a small pipe. He looked at Athir and said, "Make a lion's roar; That's how manticores sound."
Athir furrowed her eyebrows and asked, "How do you know that?"
"It doesn't matter, just do it," Caleb said.
Athir peeked over the rock, activated her magic, and mimicked a lion's roar in the garrison's direction.
Soon, the soldiers started pouring out of the garrison like a colony of ants, quickly forming defensive lines to intercept whatever beast came their way.
Caleb peeked at them and asked Athir, "Do you see everyone?"
Athir peeked and said, "Yes, even the garrison's commander is there."
"Good, now cover your ears," Caleb said before leaning out of the rock and blowing into the small pipe while having his magic activated.
Caleb played another devilish melody, one that boosts anger and violence.
Soon, the soldiers began grunting and twitching. The air became uneasy, and the faces reddened with fury.
It didn't take long for chaos to be unleashed, and the soldiers began attacking one another like madmen. They killed each other with every weapon available; those who had swords sliced one another, those who had spears impaled one another and those who had no weapons bit and tore each other's flesh and eyes.
It was a perfect carnage, bloody and gory.
But the couple forgot to account for the few who survived and teamed up amidst the fight.
Caleb and Athir peeked to see what happened, only to be sniffed out by the remaining madmen.
"I thought this pipe was supposed to turn men into animals!?" Athir said.
Caleb walked out of cover and said, "Even animals form packs."
The remaining madmen glared at Caleb and growled. Their stares were truly terrifying as they looked as if they wanted to eat Caleb alive.
The blooded madmen dashed to Caleb as they screamed angrily. Caleb activated his magic and whistled in hopes of hindering them.
They fell on their faces but rose shortly after. After all, wrath is a strong motivator.
Caleb frowned and said, "Shit!" He pulled out silver brass knuckles and activated his reinforcement magic.
Athir ran to Caleb's side. She drew her sword and activated her reinforcement magic. She stood beside Caleb and said, "Why isn't sound working on them!?"
"I don't know, just kill them all," Caleb snarled.
The first attacker rushed to Caleb and tried punching him. Caleb avoided the attack and struck a devastating blow that smashed the attacker's skull.
The second attacker lunged at Athir with a spear. She jumped out of the way and swiftly decapitated him.
Another came at Caleb with a sword and swung on his side. Caleb used a higher form of reinforcement magic and hardened his body. The blade landed, yet it became stuck in his skin. Caleb grabbed his head, activated his magic and shouted on his face, making it rupture.
Another rushed to Athir with his bare hands. The siren coated her foot with flames and kicked his head forcefully.
The grueling brawl continued for a while, yet the couple emerged victorious. Blooded, tired and panting, they looked at each other blankly.
"I wish I had brought Zero with me," Athir gasped.
"If you're not Tanaz, he wouldn't bother coming," Caleb gasped.
They giggled.
"Why does he adore her so much?" Athir asked.
"I didn't bother asking; it's probably fetish-driven," Caleb said.
Athir approached Caleb, smiled, and asked, "And why do you adore me so much?"
Caleb smiled at her and jested, "To please a fetish of mine."
Athir laughed, shoved Caleb playfully, then strolled to the garrison and said, "Let's go."
Caleb didn't follow her. He only stood in his place and said, "Athir, you should go back."
Athir stopped, looked at him in concern and asked, "Why?"
Caleb pointed out with an open hand, saying, "I have several acquaintances who are coming, but I never told them about me bringing another person."
Athir approached him, looked at him suspiciously and asked, "Who are they?"
Caleb smiled at her and said, "A small family of Manticores."
"You're full of shit, Caleb," Athir said.
Caleb held her shoulders and said, "Just go; I'll be back soon."
Athir looked around, activated her magic, strengthened her hearing and said, "Five, two heavy breaths and three faint. Two adults and three cups. Those manticores are watching us."
Caleb sighed, then said, "I made a deal with them so they can rid me of the corpses. Your presence here is only scaring them."
"I wonder what made Al Namer's enforcer grow a heart?" Athir asked in disdain.
Caleb frowned and said, "I'm a fair man who pays his debts!"
"What favor did the manticores give you?" Athir asked.
"A prophecy which helps the family's survival," Caleb said.
Athir frowned at him, then said, "Fine! Call them over, but I'm not leaving."
Caleb turned to the manticores and whistled, then he looked at Athir and said sternly, "Do not attack them."
The Manticore family rushed over, spearheaded by the male.
The male manticore approached Caleb and said, "I thought only you would be here; I trusted you."
Caleb sighed, pointed at Athir and said, "This is―." Athir looked at the beast and interjected with a lie, "His wife!"
Caleb looked at her in shock, then at the manticore, and said, "She means no harm."
Athir activated her reinforcement magic, picked up a corpse and asked, "How many corpses have you been promised?"
"All we can eat," The male manticore said.
Athir carried the corpse to him, but the male manticore shook his head and said, "Give it to my children first."
Athir and Caleb gave the attackers' corpses to the beasts till there was none left; most of the bodies were consumed by the cubs rather than the parents.
Caleb looked at the male manticore and asked, "How long has it been since your family ate?"
"A week, even the food I bring barely sates our needs,"
Caleb walked to the garrison and said, "Follow me; there's more at the gate."
They went there, and the cubs chirped at the sight they saw. A field full of fresh food, or corpses in this case. But this was a superior option in these lands; usually, the whole family would dine on a tiny animal.
Be it lions, wolves, tigers and sometimes prey animals. For beasts of their size, the best quantity for them would be the size of a whale.
The cubs ran towards the bodies, and their mother followed them to replenish her weak body.
The male manticore stood beside Caleb and said, "I'm forever grateful to you, human."
Caleb smiled at him and said, "The name is Caleb. I'm just returning the favor you gave."
"I merely gave you the words of a man with no limbs, but you filled my children's bellies and saved my mate from deadly hunger," The male manticore said.
Caleb giggled, then said, "You make it sound like I'm a good man. I only intended to clear the garrison for the armies."
"You're not a very good liar, Caleb," The male manticore said.
Caleb's smile faded.
"I've watched your outpost from far away. I've seen that you and your people are cursed ones. You could've ordered them to burn the bodies, yet you chose to risk it and ask me for help," The male manticore said.
Caleb stayed silent.
"I've been alive for so long. Do you know how many humans I met who were trustworthy?" The male manticore asked.
Caleb shook his head.
"Three," The male manticore answered.
Caleb crossed his hands and said, "I feel like you're going somewhere with that question."
"I served the late Jinn king's family before they lost the war, and I offer my servitude once again to your family," The male manticore said.
Caleb turned to him and said, "By human standards, you're considered a living legend for the beasts. Why lower yourself?"
"Being a legend doesn't mean you can't be humble and grateful," The male manticore said.
"I alone cannot approve of accepting your servitude. I'll need the approval of the representatives and the dean," Caleb said.
The male manticore nodded, then said, "Ask them."
Caleb looked at Athir and called her. She came to him and asked, "What?"
Caleb pointed to the beast and said, "Will you accept his servitude to our family?"
Athir looked suspiciously at Caleb, crossed her arms and said, "Even if I did, we need Daghir's and Akram's approval."
"That means yes from you," Caleb said.
"Like I said, we need more approvals, and besides. What can the beast offer us?" Athir asked.
"I've memorized all the prophecies from the limbless man and served the great Jinn king. And I offer myself and my kin to fight in your family's name," The male manticore said.
Athir looked at Caleb in awe and said, "Summon Daghir and Akram now!"
Caleb whistled for the Jinns to come. They manifested before him, and Caleb said, "Summon Daghir and Akram. Tell them to come immediately for crucial matters."
The Jinns nodded and vanished.
The male manticore joined his family in dining on the dead as they waited. Soon enough, Daghir appeared before Caleb in homey attire.
Daghir peeked behind Caleb and asked, "Cousin, this is by far the weirdest situation you've dragged me to. What are those mythical beasts doing here?"
Caleb crossed his arms and said, "They're friendly, and the male offered his servitude to our family."
Daghir approached Caleb and said, "Then, why summon me? You know I'm only going to approve an offer like that."
Caleb gestured to Athir.
Daghir shrugged and said, "Of course, the bureaucrat demanded that."
Athir crossed her arms and said, "All of us must sign our approvals."
"I'm sick and tired of papers ever since I took leadership. You'd be surprised at the demands of our arrows, along with idiotic rules nobles want to enforce," Daghir said.
"I'll assume the nobility wants restrictions after the ascendance," Caleb said.
"Mainly on you and Taz. They say you two pose a danger to the 'advanced and civil society' of Mesopotamia," Daghir said.
Caleb laughed, then said, "They can go fuck themselves."
"That's what I replied in a royal sigil-stamped letter," Daghir said. He looked around and asked, "Where's the rest of your squad?"
"Zero is treating wildfire and the wolf at the outpost; tonight's attack took a toll on them," Caleb replied.
"Attack?" Daghir wondered. He strolled to the side and noticed the capital had vanished. He looked at Caleb and asked, "Cousin, I remember there was a major city over there."
"It's gone, just like you asked," Caleb replied casually.
Daghir approached him and snarled, "I was speaking figuratively!! I didn't think you'd wipe an entire fucking city out of existence!"
Caleb turned to him and snarled, "Well, maybe you should've been more detailed when giving fucking orders!"
Akram appeared behind Daghir. He looked at the beasts and said, "Caleb, I hope you didn't bring me here to become food for them."
Athir approached him and said, "We need your final approval."
"For what?" Akram asked.
Athir looked at the beasts and said to him, "The beasts offer their servitude to our family."
Akram looked at her and said, "Then, why summon me? You know I'm only going to approve an offer like that."
Daghir pointed at her and said, "I already told her that."
Akram glanced at the beasts, then said, "But, they're a few. It would take years to make them useful." He looked at Caleb and said, "Can the beast bring more?"
Caleb shrugged and said, "I don't know."
"Well, ask it!" Akram said.
Caleb turned to the manticore and whistled. The manticore came and asked, "Have your family agreed?"
Akram hid behind Daghir.
Caleb crossed his arms and asked, "The dean asked if you had any brethren who would want to join you?"
The male manticore sat and said, "I know a few beasts who would follow me."
"What are they?" Caleb asked.
"Three siblings, all Qutrubs," The manticore replied.
Caleb looked at Akram and asked, "Good enough?"
Akram leaned out Daghir's back and said, "Can they be trusted? Qutrubs are vicious."
"They've sworn to follow me. They owe me greatly," The male manticore said.
"Call them," Daghir said.
The manticore roared, and soon, heavy footsteps were heard. Out of the shadows, the three Qutrubs appeared, and they were cautious of the Namers.
One stepped closer and asked, "Those are arrows, master. They're not friendly to our kind."
The male manticore approached them and said, "I've sworn to serve the house of Namer. I ask you to join me."
The Qutrubs looked at the Namers in fear.
Daghir stood beside the male manticore and said, "Before you answer. I want to see you all in your real, human forms."
The Qutrubs looked at one another, then nodded in agreement. One by one, they started to shrink into a human size, and their human forms appeared.
Daghir smiled at them and said, "You're all quite handsome under that fur. I take it you're all agreeing to serve with your master?"
One approached and said, "We owe him our lives. If he wants to serve your house, so will we."
Akram approached and said, "By my blessing, I welcome you all into the house of Namer. May this be the start of a beneficial future for us all."
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