My father is a monster and I’m his most loyal servant. I hear the screams of the villagers as he unleashes his dark magic on the town. He feeds off their fear, with every scream of terror adding to his immense power. I ignore the villagers' pleas as they beg for mercy, standing steadfast by my father. My loyalty to him never wavers because I am a good son, a loyal son, a son who knows his place.
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We returned to the manor after another successful reaping, and I quickly got to work preparing his favorite tea. Father was usually tired and agitated after casting such a difficult spell and he seemed especially perturbed this evening. I didn’t dare ask why. I knew better than to speak unless spoken to.
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I felt my father’s soulless eyes bear into me as I boiled the water. I felt a familiar pounding in my chest as he clenched the armrests of his favorite chair. I waited in bated silence for him to speak.
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“How do you think the reaping went today?” He asked, leaning forward in his seat.
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I didn’t meet his gaze as I responded, focusing solely on the kettle. “I think it went well.”
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“Ha!” His deep, raspy laugh echoed throughout the entire manor, yet it held no humor. “You think so?”
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I nodded timidly.
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“In that case, you are either a great fool or a terrible liar. That was the worst reaping I’ve seen in decades. My subjects aren’t nearly as afraid as they used to be and that concerns me.”
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“They sounded pretty scared to me.” I kept all emotion out of my voice, hiding any lingering feelings of doubt.
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“Don’t pretend to be daft. Your magic is the same as mine. I know you sense it too. Their fear is dwindling and it’s making us weak. Do you have any idea what this means?”
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I remained silent. Of course, I sensed it. The dark energy that coursed through my veins only felt like a faint whisper of its former might, but I simply assumed we were having an off day. It seems my father had different ideas.
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“The people are planning a revolt against us. They’ll be coming for our heads any day now.”
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I can’t say that I blame them for their discontentment. My father, known to the people as Baron Zaizel, has been using his nightmare magic to terrorize his subjects with life-like visions of their greatest fears, feeding off of their torment to make himself stronger. He began this ritual as a means to aid Reveriea in our war against Ashenfell and to maintain his iron grip over our kingdom. When questioned about his dubious methods, he’d always reply. “We must all make sacrifices in times of war. It's crucial that everyone remembers our place in the natural order.” I’d always accepted his reasoning, defending our kingdom was difficult and necessary work. Although I’d never voice such treacherous thoughts aloud, sometimes he scared me. There was something chilling about the way he revels in suffering, but I buried those thoughts deep inside me because I wasn’t supposed to feel fear. I was his offspring, the bone of his bone, and the flesh of his flesh. His dark magic lives within me. If my father is a monster what did that make me?
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I worded my response carefully, trying to avoid invoking his wrath. “Perhaps, we should ease up on the reaping for a while. I think the peasants have just grown weary from the constant torment. You can’t draw water from an empty well, after all. Maybe, they'll come back even more terrified if we give them a break, providing a false sense of security. We have more than enough magic stored up to hold back Ashenfell’s forces.
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My father rose to his feet and soundlessly crossed the room until his tall, threatening presence loomed over me like a dark shadow. “Are you suggesting that we show weakness? That we cower in the face of a mere revolt? That we relinquish our power?" His voice dripped with disdain.
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I took a timid step backward, cornering myself between the stove and the kitchen counter. I softened my voice as I frantically tried to diffuse the bubbling tension. “That’s not what I was saying at all," I stammered, desperately searching for the right words to placate him. “I only meant that maybe we should try a new approach. We’ve reserved enough magic to pacify our enemies for a month. During that time, we can focus on rebuilding our forces.”
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His piercing eyes bore into mine. “It appears you’ve lost sight of our objective. Our goal is not to merely pacify our enemies. Our goal is to win the war and bring Ashenfell to its knees.”
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Of course. That had always been the plan. Destroy Ashenfell and make them rue the day they ever challenged Reveriea, but the more I considered it there was one question I couldn’t shake, “Then what?”
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“What do you mean, then what?” Father said through clenched teeth, his hands curling into tight fists.
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I hadn’t meant to voice the thought aloud, but now it hung in the air like a cloud of smoke, that was slowly suffocating us both. “What happens after we conquer Ashenfell? What will become of us then?”
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For the first time in his life, my father looked caught off guard, like he was unsure how to respond. He quickly snapped out of whatever doubts had taken hold of him and said, “It’s not your place to ask questions! It’s a son’s duty to do as he’s told without a second thought. Obedience is a virtue and you’d do well to start practicing it.” He raised his hand and I feared he was going to slap me, but he restrained himself.
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I lowered my head in a submissive manner and refused to look him in the eye. “Yes sir.”
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His demeanor softened at my show of compliance. “Good, now I’m going to give you the chance to prove your undying loyalty to me. I have a quest for you that could be the key to winning this war once and for all.” He retreated to his study and returned with an illustrated children’s book. He opened it to a page in the middle and pointed to an illustration of a rabbit in the center of a dark forest.
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I failed to keep the incredulity out of my voice as I eyed the drawing. “A bunny is going to help us win the war?”
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“It’s not a bunny, it’s a hare and it holds immense power. The story says whoever manages to capture and kill it will be granted a single wish. I’m sending you on an expedition to Shadowmire Woods to catch the hare and bring it back to me.”
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“You cannot be serious. You want me to risk my life in Shadowmire Woods chasing a children’s tale?” I never spoke this boldly to him, but this was madness. He couldn’t seriously expect me to believe this rubbish, much less go along with his ridiculous scheme.
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“I do not joke.” He spat the word joke like it left a bitter taste on his tongue. “You know nothing about such things, you’re just a boy. I know It's real, I saw it once/. I nearly caught it too, but it slipped away. I’ve been fantasizing about snapping its neck ever since.” His eyes gleamed with a strange mixture of determination and madness. I shuddered, realizing that he truly believed in the existence of this mythical hare. He was going to send me to die for a fairytale.
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I couldn’t accept this! Summoning every ounce of courage I had left, I looked up at him defiantly, my voice shaking with every word. “No, I won't do it. It's too dangerous. There has to be another I can serve the kingdom."
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His father's face turned an alarming shade of crimson, his rage threatening to consume him again. He leaned in so close that I could feel his hot breath on my face.
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"Do you dare defy me?" he hissed through gritted teeth. The teakettle let out a piercing whistle startling me.
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I swallowed hard, the weight of his anger pressing down on me. Although every inch of my body trembled in fear I didn't back down. "I won't go."
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My father squeezed my wrist as his eyes blazed with fury. "You will go where I tell you to! You have no free will! I am the one who gave you life, making you eternally indentured to me. I served my father loyally until his dying breath because it is the natural order of things. I think it's about time I put you in your place." With a cold sense of calm, he removed the kettle from the stove and wrenched my hand into the flames.
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I bit back a scream as the searing pain shot through my hand. Tears welled up in my eyes, threatening to spill over, but I refused to let them. I knew better than to show weakness. I endured the agony, my hand blistering and blistering, until he finally released his grip. The room was filled with the acrid scent of burnt flesh, and I couldn't help but let out a whimper of pain. But even at that moment, I refused to let him see me broken.
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My father watched me, his eyes filled with a sick satisfaction. "You will go to Shadowmire Woods, and you will bring me that hare," he said, his voice low and menacing. "And you won't come back here until the deed is done."
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With my hand throbbing, I nodded in obedience, resigning myself to my fate.
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One week later, I found myself deep in the heart of Shadowmire Woods, the dense canopy casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance around me as I trudged through the undergrowth. Twisted roots snaked across the forest floor, creating treacherous obstacles at every turn. The air was thick with a foreboding stillness, broken only by the occasional rustle of unseen creatures that sent shivers down my spine. My hair was dampened by a thick layer of sweat and I was begging to reek like a rotting corpse. I refused to let my guard down long enough to bathe. If I left myself vulnerable for even a moment the beasts of the forest would have their way with me. I clutched my dagger tightly, my knuckles turning white from the force of my grip. It was my only defense against whatever horrors lurked in the shadows. My bandaged hand still throbbed from where my father had burned me. I was still in shock from the ordeal. My father has always valued discipline and he never spared the rod when I failed to meet his expectations. However, he’d never done something like this. The memory never failed to send a chill down my spine. I was haunted by the cold calmness he possessed as he forced my hand into the flames. Every time I recalled that night, it felt like a knife through the heart. I had been nothing but faithful to him my entire life and in exchange, he’d burned me and sent me to die on a fool’s errand. This shouldn’t surprise me. I’d always known he was a monster, but despite my better knowledge, a foolish part of my heart still longed for him to love me.
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I collapsed against a gnarled tree, the rough bark digging into my back. Exhaustion weighed heavily on my limbs, each step through the oppressive forest feeling like wading through quicksand. My body yearned for rest, but I’d been awake so long I’d forgotten what sleep felt like. I began to question why I was still fighting. I was never going to find this mythical hare. I should just quit and let the beasts devour me. I sank to my knees and dropped my dagger. I closed my eyes and let the darkness of the forest envelop me.
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Just as I was about to surrender to my fate I felt something small and fuzzy rub against my hand. I gazed down to see a large white hare accompanied by two babies. All three of them were bathed in a luminescent glow and I was overwhelmed by the raw magical energy radiating off of them. With trembling hands, I reached out to touch the white hare, its fur soft beneath my fingertips. It looked at me with bright, intelligent eyes, as if assessing me. The two leverets hopped around curiously, their tiny noses twitching.
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I could hardly believe my luck. The mythical white hare was real and it was standing right before me! Was this a sign? A chance for redemption, perhaps? My eyes drifted toward the dagger on the ground. I didn’t allow myself to hesitate for even a moment. I knew my mission. I grabbed my dagger in one hand and reached for one of the leverets with the other. The white hare seemed to sense my malintent because it let out a piercing shriek and all three hares scattered into the woods. I cursed under my breath as I scrambled to my feet, darting after the fleeing hares. The forest seemed to come alive around me, branches reaching out to snag at my clothes and roots tripping me at every step, but I refused to let them escape. I needed this wish more than I’d ever needed anything in my life and I wouldn’t let it slip through my fingers.
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I chased after the hares with single-minded determination, my heart pounding in my chest. The undergrowth clawed at my skin, leaving angry welts in their wake. But I paid no heed to the pain. the white hare and its leverets seemed to taunt me, always just out of reach. Their movements were so graceful, so swift, that it was like they were gliding over the forest floor while I stumbled clumsily behind.
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I finally saw my opportunity when the white hare made a sudden, sharp turn, the leveret on the left lagging behind. With a surge of adrenaline, I lunged forward and managed to grab hold of the leveret's hind leg. It let out a panicked squeal, its tiny heart racing in fear. I held on for dear life as the smallest leveret fought to wriggle out of my grasp. “Hold still while I gut you, vile creature!” I hissed in a harsh and menacing tone. A tone that sounded just like my father’s. I seized the leveret by the scruff and pressed my dagger to its throat.
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The levert cried out for its mother as it squirmed in my grip. The mother hare let out a mournful sound as she watched on helplessly. My hand trembled with fear and uncertainty, though I didn’t know why. I’d helped my father butcher plenty of animals in the past. This one was no different. All I had to do was slit its throat and I could go home a hero to my country and to my father.
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But as I held the trembling leveret in my grip, I found myself looking into its wide, pleading eyes, my heart filled with a sudden weakness. The baby was so small, so innocent, so afraid. In its eyes, I saw a reflection of the child I had once been before my father beat the softness out of me. I hesitated, the blade hovering ever so slightly above the leveret's neck, my arm shaking with indecision. Why should such an innocent creature suffer in the name of a war it had nothing to with? The mother hare, sensing my uncertainty, let out a desperate cry, as if pleading with me to spare her child's life. As I stood there, the world frozen around me. I took a deep breath, trying to find the courage to do what I knew I needed to do.
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I dropped my weapon and gently lowered the leveret to the ground. It quickly scampered to the side of its mother and sibling and all three of them disappeared into the forest.
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I collapsed to my knees, crushed by the weight of the decision I had just made. Father would certainly kill me if he ever found out about this betrayal. He’d given me one chance to make things right and I squandered it. And for what? Some stupid baby leveret that would most likely end up becoming prey for a much larger beast anyway? How could I have been so stupid? Father taught me better than to pity the weak.
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As I sat there alone in the mud, surrounded by the whispers of the forest and the faint calls of the animals, I realized that I could no longer pretend to be the heartless warrior my father wanted me to be. I now knew my place was among the weak, my father so greatly despised. Perhaps, that’s why I spared the leveret’s life. I saw a reflection of myself in its fragility.
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Suddenly, I heard the faint sound of footsteps approaching, snapping twigs underfoot. Panic surged through me as I fumbled for my knife. “Stay back!” I shouted, hoping to frighten whatever it was away.
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I looked up to see that the three hares had returned, but this time they were accompanied by a woman in a white kimono. Her onyx black hair was tied back into two large loops, resembling the hares’ ears. The woman was breathtakingly beautiful, her eyes filled with ancient wisdom and kindness. Her body glowed with otherworldly energy that poured off of her in waves. The dark magic inside me cowered before her overwhelming light. I’d never been in the presence of magic so strong before, I was overwhelmed by her sheer power. I knew I was unworthy to be in the presence of such a being, so I bowed my head in reverence, hoping she would not judge me too harshly for traumatizing her hares.
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She glided gracefully across the forest floor, almost as if she were floating, until she reached me. I trembled before her, my heart pounding in my chest. Her eyes bore into mine, seeing through all the layers of protection I had built up over the years. I felt exposed, and vulnerable in a way I had never experienced before.
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A warm smile spread across her lips as she stared down at my pathetic quaking form. “You can relax. I’m not going to hurt you.”
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“You’re not?” My voice cracked.
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“No, child. I’m here because I owe you a wish,” she replied softly.
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“What? A wish? Why would I get a wish? I couldn’t kill the hare. I was too weak.”
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She let out a soft hum, her voice like wind chimes in a gentle breeze. “I can see into your heart and I know your intentions. I only grant the wishes of those who are worthy of receiving them. I watched you show compassion when you had every reason not to. That is not weakness, that is the greatest form of strength, and it makes you deserving of a wish.”
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All I could do was stare at her in disbelief as I processed her words. I still got a wish! Maybe, I could still make things right with Father!
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“Tell me, what do you wish for?”
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“Um, actually, the wish is meant for my father, I'm just here to fetch it for him. Is there some way to give him my wish?”
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The woman shook her head. “You’re the one who chose to set the hare free therefore, the wish is yours to make.”
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“I wish for him to have my wish.”
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“It doesn’t work like that. If your father wanted a wish, he should have come here himself.”
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I frowned and bit my lip, deep in thought, knowing that this wish had the power to change everything. “I don’t know what to wish for,” I confessed.
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The woman's eyes sparkled with understanding as she gazed at me. "Take your time, child. A wish is not something to be taken lightly. Close your eyes and listen to your heart. What do you want?”
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What did I want? For so long, my will had been my father’s will, my own desires were irrelevant. I didn’t know how to want things for myself. I thought of the people in the village and what our lives could be like without my father’s shadow looming over us. What would it be like to live a normal life? To be free of the endless cycle of destruction and pain? My mind drifted back to my childhood, before the darkness consumed my father. To a time when he taught me spells and told me stories. A time when we were almost happy. I knew I could never bring back the person he once was. The magic had corrupted his mind beyond repair, but I could free the village from his tyranny and save myself from becoming him. I took a deep breath and spoke my heart’s desire before I lost my nerve. “I wish for you to remove the magic from our bloodline. Erase the power me and my father hold, so we can never feed off another’s suffering again. Release me.”
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The woman cupped my face in her delicate hands and I felt the darkness within me unravel and seep out of every pore until none remained. “Be free, sweet child.” She offered me her hand, and she helped me to my feet.
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My legs shook like a newborn foal’s unaccustomed to the newfound lightness in my body. “What about my father?” I asked, afraid to hear the answer.
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“He will no longer be a threat to anyone.”
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I nodded, accepting the weight of my actions.
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The woman turned her back to me and began her retreat into the forest.
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“Wait!” I shouted, grabbing the edge of her kimono.
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She paused and looked back over her shoulder, awaiting my question.
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I suddenly felt shy with her gaze bearing on me, but I still needed her guidance. “Where do I go from here?”
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“That’s up to you. The woman said softly. "You are not your father, nor are you bound by his sins. You have chosen to step away from that path. Now you must forge your own." With that, she melted back into the forest, her hares trailing behind her. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.
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I clutched my knife close to my chest. I knew my father would hunt me down if he ever learned I was responsible for stealing his power and possibly costing Revaria the war, but I’d be ready for him. And so I walked. Beyond the outskirts of the village, away from the shadow of my father's fury, and into the unknown expanse of the world beyond.