I turned to see him stab my sister right in the chest. And my sister nearly decapitate him with a letter opener. “Skya! Nononononono! Please be ok please be ok.” I sprinted back into the room. Skya collapsed I fell down beside her. “Skya? Are you ok?” she looked at me but through me at the same time. I could see her beginning to pass out. “Skya please don’t leave me. Your all I have.” Tears poured down my face. I have no idea how long I crouched there. After a while Evi came up to me. “Excuse me. Umm I think I can… I can save her.” I looked up. “How! Please just do it!” She looked away. “Well the thing is she won’t be…. The same. I would need to change her.” I gasped. “You mean you would make her Genetic?” I looked at Skya. She was so pale and barley breathing. “Ok do it. Just save her…..”