I followed the cloth scraps until they disappeared near a market. I could hear an auction going on so I crept inside. I could see the large iron cage that the Smugglers use to keep the people they kidnap in. I watched the auction for hours until as I was about to leave they brought Skya on stage. They begin the auction but I couldn’t bid. I saw who bought her and followed him home.
I waited until night and snuck inside his house. I heard scraping on a door. I tried to open it but it was locked, looking back I remembered seeing a key around the creep’s neck so I wondered until I found him asleep. The key was on a thin chain around his neck. I pulled a knife from my pocket and carefully broke the chain. I went and opened the door. As I opened it a dark shape came flying out and tackled me. I felt hands around my neck and quickly whispered. “Don’t kill me I am helping you.”
I heard them respond “Fynn? Is it you? You actually understood my clues.” Skya stood up “come on let’s get out of here quick. This man is crazy.”
We hurried back out the way I came in. Once we got out side we ran as fast as we – meaning Skya – could away. After a while the sun came up I looked at Skya. It was horrible she had long deep cuts down her arms and bruises showed where ever her skin showed. “Skya what happened to you?” She looked at me. “Fynn I love you and if I ever tell anyone what happened there it will be you.” She moved her arm and I saw her wrist was bent at a weird angle. I lightly grabbed her arm. “Skya we need to bandage this.” She looked at me as I ripped off a piece of my shirt to bandage it. Once I was done I looked it over. “Fynn…. thank you, you are a great brother, if, if you don’t want to come, I understand. I don’t want you to be in danger….” She trailed off as she noticed me looking at her. “Skya you have to be nuts to think I wouldn’t come with you. You are my sister and siblings need to stick together. Besides you are hurt and I can’t leave you when you’re hurt. Now you need sleep lay down and rest I will keep guard and we will be fine…………