In the last two months Evi and I had trekked a long way. Every town we went to was hostile not even willing to spare water for two lonely strangers. After a long time we arrived in a large empty valley. After looking around and clearing out a few dangerous animal Genetics we settled in for the winter. We found a small stream and plenty of fruit trees. After all winter was way warmer than it had been before the Exev the lowest tempter is around 65 degrees just warm enough for food to grow all year. But in the south where we ended up it was around 75 all the time so lots of fruit. No one eats meat anymore because you can’t tell if it was a Genetics so this was prime land. We set up camp and gathered as much fruit as we could and dried a bunch so we would be able to carry it. We had been there for nearly three months when I first saw signs of Invaders, I still curse myself for not realizing it. I don’t think I wanted there to be invaders we had it all there mountains of fruit lots of water no Genetics, it was great!
Well as time passed I noticed food going missing, foot prints that didn’t belong to us. Fruit we didn’t eat on the ground just strange occurrences. Signs that people were here.
Then it happened, Evi and I were drying fruit when we heard footsteps. “Hand over the Human Genetic! Lord Riodan Commands it!” We turned and saw five men running toward us carrying guns and wearing armor. “I said hand over that Human Genetic! NOW!!” yelled the one in the front. Evsie looked at me. Her eyes shifted from soft blue to violent red, deep green, and a hundred other colors, her hair went form soft gold to jet black, mossy brown, to red, green, and every color imaginable. I recoiled in horror. “No Skya I’m not dangerous I promise! Don’t let them take me” she cried reaching toward me her hand shifting from young to old not even human. I screamed “get away from me you- you monster!” I scrambled backwards. “But Skya! You know me! I’m your friend you know I would never hurt someone!” The men grabbed her “Help! Please” She wailed. She continued to change form shifting from one appearance to another trying to break free. “Please Skya!” one of the men came up to me. “Get up! are you one of them!?” He shoved me backwards into a tree. “Are you human or one of the Genetics” He grabbed my hair and pulled “Well answer me!” I tried to get away “No! I am human please let me go I didn’t know.”……