Wind howled and groaned, and the sky above had been flushed with clouds of purple smog. The city I had once lived in was ablaze, the buildings crumbling and toppling over as smoke drifted up from the collapse. Any screams or cries were silent to me as I stood upon this hill. An odd sight, just a young boy with pastel yellow hair and frosty, blue eyes. I had such a cold and vacant gaze, watching as the city was torn apart by who knows what...
I made my way down the narrow cobblestone path that was overgrown with vines and weeds. My home was completely untouched, standing as tall and as proud as ever. A sanctuary from the torment of destruction that lay just beyond the hill. Helicopters were rushing overhead to the flares and streams of smoke, but I kept walking. My home was lifeless, just me and the furniture sat there. I looked around slowly before sitting down in the chair and staring off at the dismal sky.
Where does this journey begin? When does it end.