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“So if there was one thing that was more important to you than anything else then would you save it over the seven billions of this people on the earth knowing that either one could be destroyed within the blink of an eye” A simple judgement as such can determine so much about a person separating every human being into two separate groups.
Most people would choose one this is the first group they are then later separated by A or B. There is the other group who would easily say that they’d include that important thing within the with the other seven billion and save generally everything. Everything is determined from a single coin flip but with the thought of Logic but I’d often like to say that ideals of such don’t DESERVE TO EXIST. Strange how we like to determine these things.
“ I-I don’t know can I leave yet” The patient 5456761 shook his head we had been sitting in the white room for hour him laying of a couch and myself rapidly jotting down notes from his statement on stationary and desk both colored a vivid blue
“I’m afraid that I can’t let you otherwise-” I was interrupted by a loud screech that belonged only to the patient of 9089 who had been here for some time now. We sat there staring at each other wishing for a moment of silence as the seconds ticked along each breath between the screams of the blind woman down the hall who we had just fixed.
“ Uhm is she okay she’s been like that for awhile” I yelled down the hall hoping that she would stop soon enough to continue the session. The halls were always so dark creaking with the swinging broken lights and polished yet grim granite complexion
My blood froze as I realized the dark figure that was lurking down the hallway arranging itself as its body merged and shifted around to different shapes like a horrifying shadow puppet show. Eyes locked onto hers even if she couldn’t see me I knew that she sensed my presence was near unsedated unbound she was a force to be reckoned with. A monster that was right before me hearing my sharp breaths of fear.
“ I-is everything okay” he shuddered before he her some static arise from the television. Loudly echoing bouncing off of six corner it filled our ears as once again our brains were emptied. Our eyes becoming slave to the television shifting out of our socket in onto the smiling faces of the same man and woman for fifty years still the same age
“ Good morning We today, have a slightly different message than usual but hope the brightness of our days stays all the same. Today we would like to inform you that things will now be changing along with the world it must be assured that we are safe. SO new rules must be enforced in order to make sure that everyone is both safe and happy forever.
Everyone must now contribute to the cleanliness of our homes so now chores will be assigned, they will be simple tasks but every speck of dust that we can clean counts.
You need to make sure that your cell is checked daily by the sweepers and he it locked for everyone but the sweepers before and after the visit.
When getting any meal or snack dispose fo all of the leftlovers and do not let it ot whether it is in your fingernails or on a plate.
Clinic Checkup are now mandatory and regardless of your demographics you must visit monthly in the least those who refuse will be taken away.
Always make sure ererejnejne,,,,,jnjefje.jefjefejlfne………..elfefeej... to and just case of an emergen…...ereagagag, Run while you still can” That voice I’d recognize it from anywhere one that had communicating in screeches now shared her plot through broadcast. Haunting with her unseeing eyes.
Without another word the figure that was looming around in the hall once again shadowed over my face. Grey skin that of a corpse and red hair with an almost sliver highlight encased with malice and blood. Her eyes seemed to stare directly at mine even if it passed the glass like she knew that I was here and was targeting me. The dark shadows inside of them froze my blood as she began to crack her teeth and her lips into the shape of a smile. Her sharp teeth of a monster were revealed along with her purple slimy almost lizard-like scaly tongue.
She stretched her arm covered down to her elbow with blue plastic sanitary gloves and those were splattered with dark red blood. Then she pointed at me and made a low groaning noise that almost sounded like she was laughing. Staring at the tip of her pointer finger I had known exactly what this all had meant.
“ Wait here 5456761 I’ll be back don’t open the door til I say that it’s okay” I turned off the TV off which was technically against the rules as we needed to be sure of always having our only from of communication with the government on but as if now it would be the safest thing to do. It was apparent that someone had hacked the broadcast and was now using it to show off there threat. Unsure of what she was really and what she could do.
“ As we all should know by now we have been experiencing quite a few interruptions within our broadcast. Thank you so much for sticking with us past these interruptions." Patient 5456761 watched carefully as he thought about the question, “If I were to save everyone from the death that they were entitled to I would. If I were to push aside my own selfish need I would. I always thought that made me a better person than those who are willing to kill but it really does. Does it mean that I just don’t know who to protect?
“ Moving on there is some breaking news we must dismiss a serial killer is on the loose. Already responsible for killing 5,12,13.17.18,26,43,56,76,89,99,100,364.365,480,486,and 500 thought to have also killed many of our children in the process along with 9089 the proctor of the logic room. Her death was different as she was impaled thirty eight times and then decapitated as her head was hung around a flag If you have any information on the terrorist then be sure to write a letter to your local government building stay safe.” Patient 5456761 thought it to be strange that even though the doctor had turned it off it was still playing. Perhaps the government had turned it back on. “Terrorists”.
The word was such a strange one it felt pleasant as it ran off the very tip of his tongue. He drew his fingers to his mouth desperate of hearing those word again or perhaps feeling somebody say it. Maybe it was the fear that the word sparked was it normal to feel this way after hearing such words. “Terrorists” he repeated feeling the corners of his mouth rise without having control of those muscles. What about a different one “Decapitated” He felt a small wheeze escape from his mouth as he sat up from the couch. “Serial Killer” He sprung up to his toes almost losing his balance as she shakily was made stable.
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Just then a familiar blood-curdling scream made home in his ears with a familiar ring with it that he had heard before and recognized. Later on there was knock at the door three gentle sounds of the lightly skin encased knuckle up against the metal. He refused to answer it knowing of the danger that lurked just down the hall the one that had caused that scream to take place. Then the knocking was heard again but much louder this time.
He looked around trying to find something that would help him in such a situation. He found vase on the near by table perhaps it woldn’t do much but anything to ward if such a presence was okay. Slowly he walked up to the side of the door still hesitant to answer as his whole body was trembling in a cold sweat rushing down his face.
The knocking stopped for a moment and he could hear the footsteps descending the sound could easily be compared to heels against something solid as marble or granite. He was still shaking yet he felt another cold rush over him not the one that froze his blood but a sudden rush of heat finally leaving. He let out a sigh and though his body felt a rush he for now wanted to rest as he dropped to the floor huddled ready to take a nap.
A train rushed by the scene that was now painted red a crimson smell dripping down from the sky. The person who had fell from the sky was known as none other than 103, another step closer to change. The terrorist who spent his life in hiding finally being well-known in this world was interesting, almost an undeniably intriguing story that is believed for everyone would want to hear this and make sense of the bloody events.
All of them were engraved on the back of 103 across his back reading to “clean the shipment at once or else”. It would forever be scarred on his corpse as it was preserved a warning that they could read for years. It was a question to be debated and the answer to it would be diverse. But for now things would stay as they would and he would continue until his journey to conquest was finally fulfilled and the top 1000 were gone forever only then could he rest.
Remembering that corrupted man’s last words before he wretched in pain as the knife ripped through his thin wrinkled skin. As blood poured from his chest and was rung up his neck leaving a large incision in the center of his body. So much that it began to break the glass of the monreal and drip down onto the citizens below. Those words foggy in the mans head as he was still blinded with rage by the sheer look on his face. That grin when he had told him he didn’t care about it. That grin was engraved into his memory like the writings on the back of 103.
He never found the screams of the children to be appealing after all he was the only one of them that actually loved the children like they had claimed.Indeed he wouldn't ever lay his hand on any of them and those who had plotted against them were evil and deserved the punishment that they would soon receive."Children please don't cry, I'm saving you from the torture and pain" He murmured. Down below he could see it clear as day everyone’s panic there dismay as they were greeted by the essence of life falling down for the sky.
But even still a bitter smirk knowing that they were experiencing the truth and change, a chance for a better nation. Where there was no longer status of existing or non-existing such that was truly peaceful. That gives everyone the right to think. That was the world laying deep inside of his hands in the possibility of his control.
As he stared down and took off his mask revealing the face of 24 and staring down at the overwhelming propaganda. “They’ll understand soon enough, now it’s time for that meeting” He stretched attempting to wipe some of the blood off of his face.
Just then the sound of something dropping or papers hissing violently through a stream of wind.A small metallic item soaring across the air cutting through the peaceful sight soon overrun with dread. He looked around to find who had been the thrower of the knife but he found that he was surrounded by nothing. Everything had gone dark with a single dry voice creaking like a door with rusted hinges. The light groaning sound. “Why do you kill your brethren 24.”,The voice had murmured into his ear, 24 was quite familiar with this sort of experience. 24 knew exactly who it had to be
"You act as if you're any better, killing your own people. The ones who trust you to protect them. Now go tell everyone I'll be running late to the meeting." I ordered him assertively and outraged by his words at the same time. I began to strip my blood stained clothes off from my body in order to change them into a new pair.
"You're not my master y'know. You can't order me around." This man I had known since the day he was born. It's probably for the best, I don't reminisce about all of those moments. Ever since his face was mutilated he constantly wore a mask, pleading that he was the most ugly being of existence and deserved to be killed with the rest of the underworld scum. He eventually got out of the phase but the mask stayed nonetheless. Now he was no more than a pawn to the top 10, killing whoever they so choose.
"They're trying to say I killed her. I feel like you have some explaining to do?" I would never kill 9089 sure she was a terrible person but not my priority. Nor did she stand in my way. So who time him to why wouldn't they do this. A possible ally or someone who is after me. I needed to know. If I died all the comrads I've killed would go in vain.
"Oh yes my master told me to do so. They said she was defective from the beginning. Luckily they're fixing her at the clinic. Why does it matter to you, one extra murder on your back doesn't mean anything." He gave a small snicker. It had been awhile since the last time I had heard him laugh even see him smile. In a way I was embarrassed to admit that I almost missed it. Even so that wasn't the reason he was here.
"Also that aside I also came here for you. I think my master's onto you. If he found out he'd kill you with the next batch of scum. It's clear that I don't want that. So I've come to make a deal." He continued after taking a seat at the gondola table. Exactly what was he getting at. There was so much racing through my head. What even were his master's motives behind killing 9089 in the first place. He had no reason to kill her, she was doing her disgusting job proficiently. Unless he had a plan of his own, one I was too blind to realize.
"Why would you care? What exactly are you trying to get at?" I took the cloth and thoroughly wiped my face clean of blood. There had to be something he wouldn't kill her. The thought alone sickened me. More importantly conspiring against his master could get my old friend in even more trouble then I would be. There had to be a reason he'd take such a risk. Unless he was conspiring against me. I didn't want to think that way. But my personal relationships didn't change the situation at hand.
"It's because…." He got up from his seat. His cloaked figure was always ominous. Whenever someone felt his presence lurking about they, in that moment felt the cold shadow of death. Now wasn't an exception, I knew he was no longer the man that I could once consider to be my friend. He now stood just inches away from my face. His breathing had fastened it's pace as the warmness exhalation pressed against my face.
He leaned in closer even though I had thought we were already beyond close enough to each other. My eyes began to stare in absolute terror just barely convulsing as my mouth was hung slightly, just enough to get a display of my teeth. This friend of mine whispered softly into my ear. The words that were expelled from his mouth both invoked both fear that shook me to the pit of my very being and relief. Despite that fact, I just barely managed to nod my head past how frozen my whole body was. Nonetheless I shakily curved my face into a smile
I then closed my eyes and braced myself for the sting of the knife that I could never be ready for. However that sting never came, instead I felt his hand wrap around my neck. So the knife was just for show? Clever. I would expect nothing less from the son of the highest in command beyond the number system.
His hands wrapping so tightly around my neck despite being in pain I lacked any sort of reaction there was nothing left to say or do. There was no longer any meaning behind our actions from this point onward. As I remained expressionless my life force was draining from my body. That feeling of getting weaker and weaker knowing that were inevitably doomed. Maybe that was the true reason why. Before I could even make the effort to process all my thoughts everything had faded into black.
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"5456761 do you have any idea why you're here?" Lights filled his eyes as he was made aware to a strange pain in his chest. All was numb except for that pulsing agony, it constrained him yet also reassured him.
"We're talking to you, answer us, we need to know." The voice came across his ears more aggressively. It scared him, it bought feeling back to the tips of his toes and fingers. Slowly he felt a strange contraction in his legs. Unable to control his movements. He could tell that this voice may have sounded the same as the other but in many ways they were indeed different. What was this?
5456761 could barely move his mouth nonetheless properly articulate words. However, past struggling and straining he barely managed to move his head from one shoulder to the other. Each moment fighting against the urge in his neck to stay still.
"Then I'll only explain it once so listen up!" He felt the force of something slam down one the surface next to him. 5456761 tried his hardest to struggle free, he didn't care much for the reason that he was here and like this. He cared much more for the solution to getting out of his current situation however. Nothing would come to him matter how hard he strained, no solutions, no memories, no fluent control over his body.
"You failed your monthly check up. However in light of recent events instead of sending you to the level below you are required to have a closer examination. You see 5456761 your refusal as an examinee has caused us to take extra precautionary measures to assure that no further mistakes would be made. After we are done testing and you pass you will have full control and coverage. However if you don't then we'll explain what happens then if it happens. For now all you need to know is you might want to try to relax." Something about her voice was different than the one that he had previously heard. Somehow it was bothe gentle and cold. It was almost mesmerizing, the contractions had stopped. The pain in his chest had stopped pulsing and slowly began to fade away permanently.
"You're already doing great." He heard the woman say once again. 5456761 at that point had assumed that this strange state his body was in was wearing off as he could recognize the voice being that of a woman. Why was she previously so aggressive. She had scared 5456761 practically to the point where he was trembling. Perhaps it had to do with part of the test to see how he would react in moments of fear.
For the next few moments 5456761 had laid there silently in darkness trying to remember just what was going on. He could finally recall what his name was, however that was partially aided by the woman addressing by that she had first spoken to him. There were so many other things he wished he could remember. What tests did he take and what did he do to fail them. His memories, his logic, all his reasoning was within the deepest part of his mind locked away to never be found.
"And we're done. Good job, you passed.", The women spoke almost seeming relieved. 5456761 was also relieved as he was free of the agonizing pain that haunted his every muscle. He was able to move freely but he still couldn't see so decided to at least sit up. After a couple strenuous attempts he managed to somewhat sluggishly hoist himself up using his elbows for support.
"You made a very good impression on me. Can you talk or is it too soon?", The angelicness of her voice was something that 5456761 couldn't help but to drown in. So much that he almost forgot completely about the question she had just asked. Everything else was above water. Something that was too distorted to comprehend.
"Wh-wha-what just happened.", He had trouble catching his breath past the straining. He had realized that a strange feeling had begun spreading throughout the heart that his chest bore. Like a strange throbbing darkness in the midst of now void. Everything that used to be in there was eaten by that darkness.
"There was a broadcast the terrorist hit again, this time he's killed both numbers 103 and 24 we needed to postpone a couple of things until after investigation. Sorry for the inconveniences.", Was she even the same person as before 5456761 couldn't help but to question. He no longer harbored great fear for her. The indulgences of her tone it continued to flood the ears off 5456761. But even then her words broke past the sound barrier of the water. He had remembered the broadcast from earlier and he felt a grin that couldn't be controlled emerging like a blooming flower from the corners of his mouth.
"Where was it?", A sudden fire of curiosity was suddenly sparked inside of his stomach. Almost as that of something that could serve as an emblem.
"We haven't been informed about it too much quite yet, but I'm quite sure that it wouldn't be anything that we need to know. After all, I'm sure that everything is under control. It's simply not our job to be worried. "The woman chuckled to herself. The lightness of her chuckles drifted upon a sea of perturbed melancholy. Though still not being able to see, he had begun to performed the world through the plane of sound. Though they lay so close very few people seemed to have become skilled in performing the world through both on equal levels. 5456761. Found to be identified on both planes of perception.
"What's that ticking noise, a clock but not quite." 5456761 was not looking for an answer that darted around. The noise of ticking insinuated a countdown, ticking down dire moments before something were tho happen. It was only natural that darting around would be infuriating. Playing such games while dire moments were fading.
" A lockdown alarm, it's telling us nurses to remain stationary. It tells everyone something different. Can you not understand anymore? If so, I should record the side effects of this treatment" 5456761's mind was turbulent, tempestuous, and he wasn't satisfied. It had appeared that he almost desired everything to be flung up in utter panic and distress. His heart longed to be close and almost touching some means of destruction perhaps he was even the one cold dead fingers placed upon the trigger. This all in the end was just a game to those looking down upon this operation table, yes, they were laughing at this and waiting for him to act out a show. So at this moment he decides he will.
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"This glorious banquet is prepared for those deserving of being human, for once you surpass our test you will be met with a banquet evident of your victory. Establishing all that you have done is what they had told me. Who was there to replace all of the deceased numbers that had become human? We would decide through the existence trial who will be sitting at the table of this opulent banquet and who will be on it. After all the horrors I have seen I thought I would be happy to indulge in this banquet but how could I? I knew my beloved fiance was on the table."
"True freedom can not be found unless someone is enslaved to your ways, thus comes the issue of equal distribution for those to be considered humanity. Or rather for the selfish society considered below humanity to decide who is worthy and capable of exercising their freedom and who is better off left dead,"
"It wasn't long ago I wished to change society, now I just want to survive"
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The conflicting thoughts as the corpse was placed under the ground echoes in the minds of those who were around to read his final will. An individual who hadn't known what to do with himself until now was met with a sudden spark and acknowledgement of his purpose