I glanced around the room ignoring the fact Mr. M kept glancing at me. I could tell he knew something was up between me and my older brother. I never thought it was strange. Parker always took care of me, and showed me love in more than one way. When Zay started coming around and I got familiar with him, he showed me the same kind of love. Not having neither one of them near me or being in their arms was hell for me, but I was trying my hardest to make it through the day. I held paprika closer to me, as if that was possible and kept working on the algebra sheet I had in-front of me.
I saw Mr. M get up from his desk out the corner of my eye and leave the room. I pulled out my phone and quickly texted Parker. Within seconds I had a response.
Bubba💙😍 : lunch is in 15 mins baby, me and Zay are both coming okay?
I smiled at this as I hearted the message and slid my phone back in my pocket.
Just 15 minutes until lunch.
I couldn’t focus to save my life, I started doodling on the back of the paper instead. I only had one problem left anyway. A few minutes later the door opened and Mr. M walked in followed by Parker and Zay. I nearly jumped out of my seat and ran to both of them throwing myself into Zay’s arms.
“Zay!!” I sang out, I felt him pick me up and hold me to him.
“Haha hey baby how is your first day going?” I looked over and noticed Parker looking at my math sheet. “Good. He’s nice!” I answered truthfully. I felt Zay rub my back as he walked over to Parker.
“What’s the matter bae?” I turned around and saw Parker reading over the sheet “Nothing love. Just making sure he still remembered how to do what we taught him”
Parker noticed me looking at him and kissed me on my nose, I scrunched my face up and stuck my tongue out at him as him and Zay laughed. Zay put me down and helped me set up my lunch.
I love them both so much, when it comes to babying me, Zay is the main one. It’s almost like it’s natural to him. Parker is definitely the more serious one.
I started munching quietly remembering how Parker gets on to me about chewing too loud, I noticed him and Mr. M talking amongst themselves.
“Eat babyboy.” Zay half sang half whispered in my ear. I giggled at the feeling of his breath on my ear. Zay was gorgeous, I understood why my brother fell in love with him the way he did. Zay had the same curls I had, except his were short. He always had a line up and his gray eyes always popped against his olive toned skin. He looked like something out of a magazine.
I opened my chips and kept eating, Parker came and sat in front of me pulling out his and Zay’s lunch. I watched as he set up their food, the both of them laughing and joking with Mr. M. “You’re so far!” Zay exclaimed, my eyes followed his to see he was directing that statement to my teacher. I watched as Mr. M held Zay’s glance a little longer than normal and sighed as he stood up bringing his lunch over beside us. “There, happy?” I watched completely confused as my brother and Zay both nodded. “You guys have practice this afternoon?” Parker sighed before nodding, “Oh fuck! I forgot!” I jumped at Parker’s sudden shift in emotion as he turned to face me “Bubba and Zay have practice this afternoon, can you be a big boy and wait for us?”
This pissed me off. This was the last straw. I was fed up. Every time it came closer to me getting to go home with them, something came up. I clenched my fist and stood up turning towards the door.
I walked off from the table not caring about leaving my trash. I was angry. “Peyton Delona Capone. Where the fuck are you going.” Parker hissed. The sound of his voice made me stop dead in my tracks, he rarely used this tone with me. Hardly ever. I didn’t turn around, instead I stayed planted where I was. “You open that door and I swear to God I will bend you over this desk and take that ruler, paint stick, or ask Mr. M for his belt and tear your ass up. Get back in this fucking chair. NOW.”
He had my full attention now. I turned around and looked at him. There was no way he was going to spank me in front of my teacher. I glanced over to Mr. M’s face and saw he agreed with Parker’s decision. I didn’t have to glance at Zay. I knew Zay sided with Parker anytime it came to disciplining me. Not wanting another spanking from Parker, considering I had gotten one two days ago for smarting off, I sat back down. Parker clenched my jaw and jerked my face up so I was looking directly at him. “Don’t you ever. Get up while I’m talking to you. You understand me? EVER!” I nodded quickly wanting him to let my face go. After holding my gaze for a moment he dropped my face. I instantly curled into Zay to hide my embarrassment.
“Sorry about that.” Parker sighed. “It’s just. Yeah, I’m sorry.” He finished. “No need, I think it’s refreshing to see an older sibling care so much about their younger sibling. Peyton how about, you stay with me while they practice?” My head shot up at this recommendation.
Was he serious?!
“I normally stay and catch up on paperwork, we can sit out there together or something to make you more comfortable.” He finished despite my reaction.
Sure it didn’t sound so bad. But I wanted to go home with Parker and Zay. I didn’t want them to practice or anything else. Just home.
“No! I want to go home with bubba and Zay!” Before I realized it , I had yelled at my teacher. I covered my mouth knowing what was coming.
”Delona. Here. Now.” Parker growled. I knew I was in trouble by the way he used my middle name.
My feet moved on their own. I was standing in front of him in no time. “Over the desk.” Without hesitation I laid across the desk that was in-front of him. “What do you say after every one?” I felt Zay rub my arm, he knew how much I hated when Parker disciplined me. “The number and I’m sorry” I mumbled out. I didn’t hold my head up, I knew Mr. M was right there watching the whole thing. “I’m going to take your joggers down. You can keep your boxers on this time because of where we are but when we get home. You know what to do am I clear?” I hated when he used this tone with me, it made me feel like a fuck up. “Yes bubba.” I felt him place what felt like a paint stick on the back of my thighs right underneath my ass. Before I could look back to see what it was I felt it. My breath hitched as I gripped the desk underneath me “One- I’m- sorry” I choked out trying to hold my sobs back. By the time we reached ten I was a wreck. I felt Parker lift me up from the desk and stand me up, he pulled my joggers up and let me cry it out. I wasn’t sure if I was crying from my frustration, the pain or humiliation. All I knew was that I wanted to be in his arms. I felt him rub my back, I pushed my self deeper into his embrace. He knew that calmed me down. “Can he, use that beanbag?” , “Of course.” I heard Mr. M respond to Parker’s question. I let him lead me to the beanbag and lay me on it. I instantly curled up loving how soft it was, I watched as he laid my Naruto blanket over me and leaned down and kissed the side of my forehead. “I love you kitten. I’m gonna go talk to Mr. M, I’ll come see you before I head to practice okay?” Not wanting to get in trouble again I nodded in agreement. “Words love.” He reminded me softly, “Mkay bubba.” He smiled at me and walked back to Mr. M and Zay. I felt my eyes get heavy and eventually drifted off to sleep.