I woke up to find myself still asleep on Mr. M’s beanbag. I didn’t want to get up, I was still embarrassed from the number Parker did on me earlier. I slid my phone out my pocket and saw that it was only 1:50pm.
“How was your nap love?”
I glanced over to Mr.M’s desk where I saw him typing what looked like an essay. Deciding it was in my best interest not to brat up I responded -
“Good.. thank you”
”Would you like a snack?”
I nodded, I slid from under my Naruto blanket and walked over to his desk. He handed me a bag of goldfish and I smiled, they were my favorite!
I opened them and stayed standing by his desk, I wanted to know what he was typing.
He seems so focused.
“How The Mind Responds To Trauma” I read the title of his paper out loud. I heard him chuckle to himself as he scooted his office chair back so I could see more of the screen.
“You want to see what I’m working on?”
I nodded and slid in between him and the desk, “You can bring a chair love.”
I turned around and scrunched my nose up at his offer.
I didn’t want to sit in the chair. Bubba never makes me.
I watched as a knowing look spread across his face. He scooted his office chair back some more as he leaned back to grab a smaller beanbag, he moved me so I was standing in between his legs facing his computer screen.
God he smells amazing.
I plopped down on the beanbag still holding Paprika close to me, I could see his computer perfectly from here. I glanced over the paper and eventually got bored. I had finished the work he assigned me to do for the day, so I pulled out my phone seeing I had a text from Parker.
Bubba💙😍: Hey babyboy, we have a late practice and I don’t want you going home without me. Can you ask Mr. M how late he can stay? I don’t trust anyone else with you.
I slid my phone up to Mr.M’s keyboard and waited. I felt him take the phone from my hand as he typed back
I can keep him as long as you need. I have a late lecture class at NYU tonight, he can come with me. I’ll feed him and keep him busy so you guys can focus on practicing.
I heard my phone buzz meaning Parker had responded.
Bubba💙😍: Thank U so so much . I’ll come say bye before last bell
“Parker has a late practice, and he wants you to stay with me. I have a class at NYU, I’m going to take you with me and we can grab something to eat on the way ok?”
I nodded, thankful I didn’t have to go home to see our parents, I knew they’d be drunk or high, probably both and ready to hurt me in every way possible.
“He also said he’ll stop by before the last bell and say bye to you”
I smiled and nodded again reaching for my phone. Mr. M slid it to me and I leaned up against his leg getting on my games that Parker had downloaded for me.
About an hour went by and I found myself back asleep on the beanbag.
I felt Mr.M get up, heard him moving around the room and the world around me went black.
“I have his backpack” I heard Parker say.
“Ok everything is in it my car is this way.”
I felt Mr. M pick me up and I instinctively wrapped my arms around my neck. I felt him hold me to his chest as he walked outside.
“Was he okay when he woke up?”
“Yes, he came over to me, had a snack and wanted to see my essay so I made him the spot he was in when you got there”
I heard Parker laugh “He loves taking naps and he’s a cuddle bug, so if he sits in your lap or attaches himself to you just.. you know try and show him some love. He doesn’t get any outside of me and Zay so if he’s giving you some he trusts you.”
I felt Mr. M hold me closer to him as his car door unlocked.
“Peyton, love wake up.”
I opened my eyes and kept my head on his shoulder.
“Can you stand up for me?” I nodded my head and he placed me on the ground, I looked up and threw my arms around Parker.
“Aha hey baby.” He laughed out, he leaned in and wrapped his arms around me as he kissed my forehead.
“I have a late practice but you can text me and I’ll respond when I get breaks okay? And remember do not go home with out me. Got it?”
I nodded as he held me to him. “I love you so much kitten.”
I smiled at my nickname , “I love you too bubba”
He opened Mr.M’s car door and I slid into the front seat, he gave me a quick peck on the lips and closed the door.
I saw them talking outside my window, I gave up trying to read their lips and instead I watched them hug before Parker ran back towards the football field.
Mr. M opened his door, slid in, started his car and we were off.
For some odd reason… he gives me a feeling I’ve never felt around someone older than me except Zay and Parker.. he makes me.. comfortable. I like him.. a lot.