The morning hit, sharp and quick. A general entered, yelling something inaudible. I wiped my eyes and yawned. A couple of tired groans were heard throughout the room. Surely these people were as annoyed as me to be waking up at five in the morning… I guess comfort is a thing of the past. I sighed through my nose. I didn’t get much sleep last night, due to the fact that I'm in the middle of a world war. What surprised me the most, is that people actually did sleep. It concerned me a little. Were they psychopaths? Do they feel no emotion? I yawned and stretched. I saw a hand descend from above and wave. I smiled to myself. I guess there is one good thing here. Him. He got out of his bed and stood on Simon’s so his face was leveled with my bed.
- Morning. He said.
- Morning. I said back, followed by a minuscule laugh.
- Did you sleep well? He asked, knowing that I didn’t sleep for longer than two hours.
- Like a baby. I said sarcastically.
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He nodded and hopped off the bed, I assumed because Simon was upset about Art’s feet on his sleeping mattress. Marty got out of bed and began yelling.
- Everybody up! General’s orders! He said.
I sighed. I guess I really gotta start my day like this… for the next 16 days. And possibly after, in Germany, where I’m sure to get myself killed. Something hit me; the only thing worse than dying, is having to watch Art die. What would happen if I was standing in the battlefield, and suddenly, he gets violently murdered. His head splatters everywhere, or his guts spill out, or I don’t know. I shuddered at the thought. He was nervous yesterday, and that already broke my heart. Imagine if I had to watch him die. I’d be heartbroken. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to go on, myself. I heard a story of two lovers killing themselves after finding out that the other is dead. A Shakespearean play; Romeo and Juliet. I forgot who died first, but I remember that the other killed themself because the other died. A pang of…something…filled my chest. What about Romeo and Romeo? Does it end the same way? If it doesn’t, does it end worse or better? Everybody wants to see Romeo and Juliet. Nobody wants to see Romeo and Romeo. Nobody wants to see me. My parents will disown me, my family will hate me, my division will exclude me, and a bunch of other terrible things will come my way if I ever even accidentally spill that I’d rather see Romeo and Romeo. Who even heard of such a ridiculous play? I’ve been to the theater once. I believe the play was called… A Month in the Country, or something like that. I don’t even remember the plot. I was bored out of my mind, and I never wanted to go back. The only reason I still remember such an ordinary experience is because of the main actor. None of the other ones were not that remarkable, but he was one of the best actors I had ever seen… and when we locked eyes, something happened to me. I never saw him again. I also never went with my parents. They didn’t exactly want me to go, the one time I did. They told me that they thought I’d say something stupid and screw everything up, but then I lied and told them I was going with a girl. My mother still wasn’t happy, but my father wanted me to get a girl so bad, he let me go. Apparently, as he’s told me many times, people were having suspicions about me. Suspicions because I wasn’t married or in a relationship. How would everyone react once they found out I was galavanting at a homosexual bar, where I met the only man I was certain I loved? Not well, I suppose. Especially not my parents. I thought back to that bar. The White Horse. I was so guilty to have been in there, so I had to lie to myself and say that I went in because it was the first one I saw, but deep down I knew… I wanted to find someone. I don’t know… I wanted to try a relationship before I went off to war. It was silly and impulsive of me to believe that I could be in a committed relationship, a week before we would have to leave each other forever, but I wasn’t thinking. I had lied to myself, burying my desire.
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O Romeo, Romeo…
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Who would want to see two people of the same gender, do the things that two people of the opposite gender would do? A play of homosexuals. Who ever heard of such a thing? It’s taboo, sure. The world isn’t ready for us, and I guess we just have to deal with that? I then smiled to myself. I was at terms with my sexuality, now. I refered to homosexauls as “we”. There was good and bad in that. The good thing was that I could finally stop lying to myself. The bad was that I was now one of the most oppressed groups of people on the planet, or at least in North America.
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There was another thing I was half-confused about; were Art and I together? I briefly wondered if he was at terms with himself, or if he was like me: confused. He did look pretty confident, back at White Horse, but then again, so was I. I had said things that I would never say on my own in a million years. I guess that's how love feels? I still wasn’t sure. I felt like ripping out all of my hair. It was just question after question about everything! My parents, my sexuality, Art, the war… I was dying, surrounded and tired. Suddenly, some blond boy with green eyes hopped out of bed and stood in front of the room.
- Guys! They have a radio in the breakfast room! He announced.
Everyone whispered excitedly. A radio meant that we could find something out about the war. We had no idea if we were still even needed in Germany. Then again, it had only been a couple of days, so we shouldn’t get our hopes up. We all rushed to the eating area and sat down at our places. Art greeted me as I sat down, and I did the same. The man came in with the tray of indescribable not-even-food, as he did once before…Here we go again. They called us, division by division, until a bowl of… something was in my hands. Apparently, it was supposed to be oatmeal. It didn’t look like anything even close to oatmeal, but if I had learned one thing in this war, it was not to question the food. A radio was set to everyone’s left. A man yelled for everyone to be quiet as the general switched it on.
- This morning, the United States government declared an official war on Japan. After the awful, bloody fight in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the country has decided not to remain neutral anymore, following its brother, Canada and fighting along with allies like France. More news will hopefully be brought to us, but until then, we’ll have to wait. There are rumors of men who are already around fighting in foreign countries, but it is unheard of and unconfirmed for the present moment. Forgive us for the poor amount of news, stay safe, America.
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The robotic newsman’s voice went away, to be replaced by some Billie Holiday song. I was a rumor? A rumor! I was something people thought might exist, but they weren’t sure. I was now a simple tale, used by news reporters to keep America’s hopes up. I was no longer existent. My parents didn’t know where I was. No one knows where any of us are. We’re some kind of mystery. A long, painful silence was heard throughout the room as “That’s Life I Guess” played on the radio that basically just announced our death. No one even poked at the “oatmeal”, they were so discouraged. It’s like that announcement really hit everyone where it hurt. They now know that this is real. “War” was not just a word whispered into rumor-based conversations, it was real. We were in the middle of a world war, and there was no way out and nothing we could do. Even Art seemed a little worried. Even Marty wasn’t eating his food. We were all busy staring down at our shoes. I suddenly felt something on my hand. I looked to my left and saw Art’s pinky delicately placed on top of my own. I glanced up at his face, partly trying to catch his eye, but he didn’t look at me. I moved my finger back and forth, caressing his pinky ever so gently. He didn’t smile. Neither did I. Marty cleared his throat loudly, most likely to be assertive.
- Why does everyone look so sad? He asked.
No one answered.
- Come on guys, what’s going on?
No one answered.
- Oh, come on, don’t be sad! We don’t need them, we have each other.
No one said a word. You could have heard a dwarf pin drop.
- What? You’re going to sit and pout all your life because of some guy on the radio who said that… that no one knows who or where we are?
- Shut-up, McAllen! No one wants to hear this right now! Our families don’t know what came of us and the world won’t thank us for our sacrifices! We’re nothing. We are useless. Said Simon, standing up.
Art somehow moved his eyes even lower than they already were. Marty was speechless. Everything that Simon had said was true, but he couldn’t let him win. He wanted everyone to stay happy and positive. I appreciate the thought but who can be happy like this? I do admit a certain indecisiveness in my demeanor; one day I’m happy, the next I’m utterly miserable. I guess no one can really control their emotions, right? Marty’s face saddened and placed his hand on the table.
- I will not allow you to think like that, Weisz. Say: everything will be alright. Announced Marty.
Simon scoffed and looked away from the man that was staring him down, trying to get him to say something positive.
- Say it, Simon. Said Marty.
- That is absolutely ridiculous, McAllan, I am not saying that. He said, crossing his arms.
- Say it.
- No.
- I’m not going to stop pestering you until you say it. In fact, I want all of you to say it! Said Marty, looking at the others in his division.
George rolled his eyes, Art avoided eye contact, Jo squinted while staring at his shoes, and I just stared at the scene, confused. Suddenly and abruptly, Art stood up.
- Everything will be alright. He said rather loudly.
I stood up as well. If Art did it, then it must be smart.
- Everything will be alright. I said.
Jo stood up, a little lost and confused, like a baby lamb who lost his mother.
- E…Everything will be alright… He said, although it sounded more like a question.
Marty smiled.
- Everything will be alright. Said George in an exasperated tone, getting up slowly.
We all looked at Simon. He was the only one who didn’t say anything. He glared at us and kept his arms crossed, knowing damn well that he’d never budge. We all raised our eyebrows at him. This would make him the black sheep. We all said it, except for him. He squinted even more, really not budging. We stood and stared even more and longer. He eventually crumbled and stood up.
- Everything will be alright. He mumbled.
A massive cheer was heard throughout division six’s table. Everyone around was staring. Simon and George tried to hide their faces, while Marty, Art and me just laughed. As our deep voices rang throughout the room, other laughs were provoked. Soon, the entire cafeteria was laughing and cheering… most of the people didn’t even know why. The general ran in.
- What’s going on?! He yelled.
Everyone immediately stopped making noise.
- Breakfast ends in ten minutes, so hurry your asses! He yelled even more angrily than before.
As soon as he left, Marty laughed a little.
- Hurry your asses! He said in a mocking deep voice, imitating the general.
He looked at us and his laugh and smile disappeared.
- Guys, everything will be alright, you know. He said.
We all just kind of nodded, none of us believing him for even half a second.
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Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast, Which thou wilt propagate to have it prest With more of thine.
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A lie… the lie that everything would be alright. I shifted my eyes to Art.
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O Romeo, Romeo…
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I tried to catch his eye, but he didn’t look at me…
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Wherefore art thou Romeo?
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